Only just discovered this now - real genius at work
ОтветитьWould have been disappointed not obtaining the original Says..
ОтветитьI wrote most of my PhD-dissertation with the help of this concert. Nils Frahm is therefore also in the acknowledgements: "A special thanks goes to Nils Frahm. Your music has enabled me to write every word of this thesis. Thank you for existing, and thank you for creating these inspiring sounds."
ОтветитьTraumhaft, kann ich immer wieder hören. Vielen Dank
ОтветитьC'est pas tous les jours qu'on a la chance de découvrir un artiste pareil
ОтветитьPaolo Pietropaolo brought me here.
ОтветитьGenius Nils
ОтветитьThis performance moved me to build a time machine so I can return to my 3rd birthday and begin an alternative life's work that will endeavor to become half the artist you are, Nils. You're a monster! World, I bid you farewell as I depart for another dimension in space and time to pursue musical mastery as my body here proceeds along its plodding trajectory towards the void.
Ответитьlol why did you Poland your Roland hah (im Polish so I approve) I must do the same with my jx8p
Ответитьgenius!!! i feel at antartica with penguins’s and the storm will come…
ОтветитьComplimenti Nils!!
ОтветитьI think he is a soul savior. Grateful as i am, 100% respect.
Ответитьenserio!! 💜💚
ОтветитьAmen 🙏
ОтветитьHavent seen this old gem yet! This exactly feels like when i perfrom in my tiny room alone and not recording 😂😂😂
ОтветитьI am delighted. In my opinion the best performance of Nils. Wonderful, feels every sound, every vibration. I envy the audience for being there.
ОтветитьWhat can you say...his vision is just extraordinary, brilliant, mind blowing generation Jean Michel Jarre
ОтветитьStraight to the soul ❤️
ОтветитьWhat an inspiration and what an energy to disolve any discording energy on any field!! ❤🙌❤️
It's simple- is a genious!
ОтветитьJust saw him yesterday at the Barbican in London. Quite possibly the greatest two hours of music I have ever heard / witnessed. Unreal
ОтветитьNil... Your music heals... I find resolve ❤ thank you for being
ОтветитьHey young man Nils, just discovered you today while listening to a classical music station in Toronto. You’re my new, with freshly new addition to Vangelis, Tangerine Dream, Mike Oldfield, and others. Some people, new starter musicians will say “Everything was done; there’s nothing new you can do…”. No, no, no! You’re a proof that the creative mind is endless. Thank you for continuing to make people happy!
ОтветитьThe sound of the piano in “All Armed” still gives me chills all these years later.
ОтветитьDoesn’t Ólaf Arnalds join him at some point in this performance?
ОтветитьБог и творец!!!
ОтветитьElisha Loop
ОтветитьChe bello l'inizio!
The chaos at the end of More never fails to make me smile
ОтветитьA rare genius 💥
ОтветитьVinyl, please!
ОтветитьThe end is realy not normal,, so beautyfull, out of your mind ❤️❤️❤️
ОтветитьBeing a fan; Liste too the sounds; getting in to the world; Nils Frahm is one in a Million.
The pure Beauty of his music; Frahm is even when you are don’t know it on your bucket list.
Nils get this one connections .. Nils teleport you in seconds .. Nils …
thx my friebd
ОтветитьI appreciate ıt. That’s realy make me feel better ❤
ОтветитьJ'adore surtout l'orgue le début est à la fois paisible, reposant. Cette musique permet de méditer, de reposer le corps et l'esprit. Bravo monsieur Nils Frahm. Pardonnez de selement découvrir qui vous êtes. Vous êtes un génie. Merci à mon beau-frère Christian de me faire partager des moments d'émotion en écoutant cet artiste. Bonne Année à vous tous ! 😀😀
ОтветитьHis music is amazing!
ОтветитьI love you endlessly 😭🤍
ОтветитьИнтересно, что о нем бы сказал Моцарт
Ответитьg e n i u s