Snap swivels are great for dropshot fishing. If the weight gets stuck it can break off. Also easy to change weight
ОтветитьInteresting price for the snapper rig.$4.56
ОтветитьId like to know what moron runs regional pricing for my local walmarts. i shit you not, bass pro shops is cheaper than walmart on fishing gear in my area. i was shocked.
ОтветитьI just saved you 2 bucks man!!! Classic!!!
ОтветитьSnap swivels are just like line - they come in different ratings based on their strength. And some are higher quality than others. If you use the high-quality, properly rated snap swivels, you won't ever have the swivel fail before the line (or knot) fails.
ОтветитьAnd it all catches fish! I make my own stuff, and also buy stuff if I'm in a hurry. However, any quality angler saves the Walmart fishing aisle for tourists, and buys their gear from a local tackle shop! More choices, better quality, and cheaper prices and helps small businesses!
ОтветитьLMAO 😆🤣...
You crack me up!
But, you're 100% right!
Fun to watch my man! Subscribed!
ОтветитьThank you for the video👍🏻 wish my Walmart had a assortment of stuff like that for fishing..
ОтветитьNothing worng with snap swivels just gotta get a good brand. I use them in East coast of Australia for offshore trolling, bull shark fishing and squid fishing. Just know what your buying and you'll be fine
ОтветитьOnly use a snap swivels for small fresh water fish
ОтветитьSometimes I like to catch a buzz 🔥 and stroll around wally world and people watch. It's great entertainment 😂
ОтветитьA local fisherman was killing it using the Walmart rig with a heavy lead and shrimp.
ОтветитьDon’t ever buy the K-mart combo rod and reel
ОтветитьSnap swivels are only good for connecting sinkers not hooks lol connect hook leader and main line to swivel on top snap on clip for sinkers only..easy low bottom rig for surfcasting caught me so many fish in new zealand never lost 1 most snappers 40cm +
ОтветитьBruh which wallmart you go to my wallmart dont even have half of that like dammmm
ОтветитьI catch sart waddle fish wit a drilled dime / they like shiny
ОтветитьAgreed !... only thing I do buy is locking snaps ...but I only buy highest quality ( expensive) snaps and smallest possible for the leader lb test I’m using ( not for hooks !).. when I need a swivel in there and a quick detach....also not for anything over 20 lb test....never had a snap fail before a leader once I found the right brand !!!
ОтветитьThanks for sharing your video.
ОтветитьYup, never caught anything with that dried bait. I bought some of those dried out fish and never got a bite, put on some frozen finger mullet amd bam! I sat there catching various types of fish all evening.
ОтветитьSnap swivels are good for homade dropper rigs to put weights and change fast to another one I agree that tying directly into hooks and lures are a bad idea I personally think that beginners like them because you make 1 knot and you are done but manufacturers need to especially tell every items purpose and the reason why. Also I did not used lures but bought them just because then I stared using the spoon because I wanted to catch redfish then I started to catch a lot of fish (expect redfish) and currently is my favorite lure and I have caught ladyfish,whiting,Spanish mackerel and jack so I’m buying new ones to try them and I’m gaining trust on lures
ОтветитьI used to buy small white glow in the dark plastic minnows. I swear by these things and can't find them anywhere. I fish off a pier that has lights shining into the water to attract fish. I charge up the glow in the dark minnows and cast out with a couple of split shot BB sinkers to give it a lil weight and Bam, every time white or speckled trout. A small treble hook with only a small enough piece of market shrimp or cut bait to cover the barbs will work also, just not be seen as well as the glow bait. The whiter the flesh the better. If I catch baby trout they become catfish bait but this method also catches fine size eating trout.
Ответить12 dollars for some pliers at the fishing department. 2 dollars at the hardware department... Things that make you Hhmmm....
ОтветитьFunny I had that fake bait in my boat for over one year. Got out and could not find bait. Those fake bait killed it that day, with mangrove snapper and sea bass. Only worked once tied again never worked.
ОтветитьIf you never bought a bag of dehydrated baits, as you proudly stated, how do you know they are not good?
Awesome stuff dude
Grandpa has real ScarFace..i liked that trolly smiles.
ОтветитьWalmart bait is good for just Chum! Lololol
ОтветитьSo when you say the extra things are you saying that floats and beads should not be on the line? I tie my own rigs but I generally put a bead and float on especially with the hi/lol whiting rig. Only been doing surf fishing for about a year. I started with the pre made stuff but have since transitioned to tying my own.
Ответитьi found that those brined shrimp mbags are perfect for catfishing in salt water. in my experience they even worked better than live shrimp. ive even caught 25 inch snook while jigging the shrimp off the bottom. that being said thry rest of the bagged stuff is complete rubish. great vid all around though
ОтветитьThank you so much. I shop all the time at Walmart for my tackle. I have lost many fish (big fish) and now realize it may be from the rigging I have set up. I am still learning at 63 and a gal!
ОтветитьIf only the prices were the same in 2022 lol
ОтветитьNow way would a fish eat those walmart baits but people eat grade E meat at taco bell everyday. There are dumb fish who will eat anything just like HUMANS.
ОтветитьIts actually illegal to fish with those dried baits in most states unless its pulled from state waters.
ОтветитьYeah that snapper rig is sold out
ОтветитьFish are smart ? Thought they had a 3 second memory
Ответитьgood to learn
ОтветитьLooking for a good all around rod for salt and freshwater fishing looking at the gx2 would you recommend a 6' 6" or 7' and a medium or medium heavy thank you
ОтветитьHAHAHHAHAAH I bought those dried fish last week, I didn't know, and I didn't catch anything either...thanks for the tip
ОтветитьGood info! If you really want to take your fishing to the next level you need to learn 3 or 4 knots, and start making your own rigs. The only knots I use are the Canoe mans loop knot, Clinch knot, Palomar knot, Uni knot and dropper loops for my pomp rigs.
ОтветитьWhat if the one problem you have is a lack of free time to make rigs? Yeah... life gets in the way.
ОтветитьStuff is OK and all have worked,(except the dried bait)for those who don't know how to make rigs, and there are very many people who don't or cant make them or people in a hurry as a once a year fishing.
ОтветитьYour dad dumb for using a snap thats weaker than his line😂🤦♂️
ОтветитьAwesome video!!!
Greatly appreciated!!!
ОтветитьHa! We always say 90% of fishing gear displayed catches fisherman but not fish! Lots of cool looking stuff that actually has no value on the water at all. What you see us use in our channel is what actually works. I’m sure you are that way also. Thanks for an interesting vid! -D&E