The food pyramid was proven false long time ago. Even the Philippines in the 80s we learned it was FALSE.
ОтветитьNow you know why you can’t trust the government. They can’t even get that right
ОтветитьWonder Bread and Kraft dinner lol 😂
ОтветитьWell, what about the Bill Gates cricket burger ?
ОтветитьKelly is a dope. She got fired from NBC for being a dope. Look at Trump he eats fast food primarily and he turned OK if you want to become a patholohical liar. 😂😂😂
ОтветитьThe truth is always the opposite😊
ОтветитьWhen you are incessantly lied to from every direction, you lose the ability to recognize the truth and the willingness to trust. But then, that's the idea isn't it?
ОтветитьWe were thin back then
Ответитьmy first look at the foof pyramid...i knew it wasnt healthy. i used to help my cousin feed hogs....most of it was GRAIN!!!
Ответитьand now heart doctors are telling people to get off vitamin e.
ОтветитьNext will be the bug Pyramid😂
ОтветитьI believe they secretly eat meat! 😁🇺🇸
ОтветитьMy grandparents lived in Appalachia. I doubt they ever ate a meal that wasn’t fried in hog fat. My grandfather died in his 80s from black lung. My grandmother lived to 100 years old and chopped her own kindling up until her last few years. She was healthy as anyone I’ve ever known. Difference was folks of their era and my dad’s era didn’t sit behind desks all day. They worked their asses off and burned all the bad crap out of their bodies
ОтветитьWhen did Megyn stop screaming about 40 BEHEADED babies?
Did she apologise to those she called a$$**les for wanting verification of that info?
Two highly-respected nutritionists…
ОтветитьDepartment of Agriculture created the Food Pyramid, not the Surgeon General… what did they think was going to happen? 😂
Laughing the entire time probably because if health care was paid for by the federal gov’t, I guarantee this scheme would never have come to fruition. Blame your highly processed carb addiction on the dept of Agriculture. It’s not your fault! It is as addictive as heroine…and they told you to eat *fat free! They told you to mess up your hormones. 🙏🏻
You just now figured that out ?
ОтветитьThe FDA and the CDC are controlled by depopulation believers!!
Keep us sick and dependent on their drugs!!
What’s up with this clown ,
ОтветитьReally? Attacking the FOOD PYRAMID? You nitwits are desperate. What’s next? Primary colors? ABC’s?
ОтветитьThat is what you get from government "specialists"
ОтветитьWe already knew it was a lie. ... When all the ingredients on the food pyramid is in a pizza..
ОтветитьI totally ignored It. Ate all the chocolate I could get my hands on.
ОтветитьYou tell em! I mean Caitlyn Jenner I mean Megyn Kelly god how have you aged! Get some better make up please or lights
ОтветитьKatherine is FAKE food completely unhealthy!
ОтветитьThe food pyramid is upside down:)
ОтветитьWhen for whatever reason there was a shortage of butter during WWII the solution was to use oleomargarine. Replace something delicious with the most disgusting substitute known to man. There will never be a shortage of oleomargarine. There will never be enough people to consume the existing supply of that nauseating product. Never.
Ответитьturn the piramyd upside down and you get right order
ОтветитьFollow the $$$
ОтветитьI'm doing the Carnivore diet. That pyramid nearly killed me. I'm lucky I'm this old. And I love your show
ОтветитьI love my Keto lifestyle! I lost 60lbs in six months. My drinks helped suppress the cravings for breads and sugars.
ОтветитьContaminated our food for decades
ОтветитьHaven't heard of this. Thank you for the vid!
ОтветитьIt's always been a fvking lie. Why did you ppl fall for it!!
ОтветитьFood pyramid needs to be inverted so bipocs can be on top for once.
ОтветитьTrying to kill us off …. I’ve lost 70 lbs on carno, never been healthier
ОтветитьI'm glad I ignored the food pyramid...
ОтветитьUmmm I've been eating healthy for years and never follow the pyramid cuz I knew it was wrong. People need to quit being lit around by the nose and take their own health into their own hands. Listen to your body. Not to everybody else
ОтветитьYou mean government lies???????
ОтветитьThis is the biggest lie 🌍
Ответитьlmao... the amount of blah blah blah blah blah fed to the American people is astounding same thing here in Canada😅
ОтветитьYeah, nutritionists are, to put it politely, not our best and brightest. I've been heavily pressured/coerced by my doctors to talk to their nutritionists since I was a teenager because I have Juvenile Diabetes. They never made sense to me because they can't maintain coherence for even a full conversation and can't answer any questions. At a certain point, I started refusing. Just nope. I'm an adult and I read the original clinical studies. We're done here.
ОтветитьWanna lose weight cut out sugar and carbs and eat pure protein!
ОтветитьThe food pyramid wasn’t a lie, it was pure ignorance.
ОтветитьWow she has a nice body
ОтветитьI go with the Irish food pyramid......
Megyn kelly showing her pyramids. Nice