The taboo Men don’t want to talk about.

The taboo Men don’t want to talk about.

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@MichaelLawrence-t8y - 12.09.2024 22:00

Bless you 🙏🙏🙏

@adamcase9132 - 12.09.2024 22:40

In my very limited knowledge if I may, the help you speak of is NOT antidepressants but of love of one another. The pharmaceutical prescriptions are of suicidal tendencies. And should be criminalized.

@miriam4091 - 12.09.2024 22:42

Sometimes the silence is part of the depression or they have reached out in the past with disappointing results. It can be more complicated than what is being said here although I do agree reaching out is good and I pray the response is good and hopeful.

@dankmatter3068 - 12.09.2024 22:51

Anyone who has had severe depression will always wish they had suffered anything else, be it cancer or some other disease. When you are depressed everything is a constant hell. But the joy when you get out of it does not compare! Holy Mother pray for your little depressed children! I would not wish depression on anyone, not even satan. It really is THAT bad... 🥶

@sheiladumigan451 - 12.09.2024 22:55

Jesus Jesus Jesus 🙏❤️

@giacomodavidegenerale3181 - 13.09.2024 00:22

Depression is a cross but is also an opportunity to reach out to catholic mens that have overcome this disease. I suffered for many years and got great confort since i brought my problems to the light of Christ and good friends.......always avaiable to help....GB

@whiskymountain69 - 13.09.2024 00:44

My father killed himself 7 yrs ago. I started praying the devine office daily for the repose of his soul. In his despair, he brought me deeper into my faith. This renual of my Catholic faith was what got me through the same feelings all families go through when a loved one commits suicide. We feel guilt at not knowing why? ...Could we have done something to prevent it. If I only called more...if I only visited more. Don't carry the guilt, pass this to our Lord and pray for their souls. Godbless. 🙏

@seamusweber8298 - 13.09.2024 02:38

Good podcast Robert.

Yes, suicide seems to be far more common in recent years, sadly. I've known too many people who have taken their own lives.

And - I say this not to hurt or to anger anyone - I've never witnessed even one good outcome from any of the suicides that I have known personally. Instead each suicide has only left a legacy of bitterness, anger, guilt, recriminations, material hardship, emotional torture.

Suicide is the complete absence of all hope. Which must be a terrifying situation.

We need to communicate more.

But we must also believe, really believe that the gift of life given to each and everyone of us, is precious, highly precious in fact. And each of us will be asked to give an account of what we did with that gift.

That prospect of having to account for ones behaviour is a gift too. Fear of the Lord, while on one level seems harsh, is on another level a reminder to each of us that we have a chance to be better today than we were yesterday.

@ryanscottlogan8459 - 13.09.2024 06:48


@bettyweber8424 - 13.09.2024 06:54

This was a very good podcast to listen to & I know family + a good lady friend who committed suicide, it is painful that either you weren't aware that they struggled with depression or weren't there to help them through the depression. I pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet know that God knows each of us heart & soul 🙏

@philiphumphrey1548 - 13.09.2024 10:15

It's not that men don't want to talk about it. Many men have been hurt by the suicide of sons, grandsons and male friends. The conspiracy of silence is in the professional chattering classes. If it were young women that were the majority of suicides we would never hear the end of it from them, something would have to be done. Same goes for underperformance of boys in schools.

@Discernment-ev5dz - 13.09.2024 12:33

Blessings to you Robert. Very moved by what you said about the Faith, that it gives joy and hope, strength when times are tough. So easy to forget what faith is about. Always a blessing to speak about the gifts it brings.

@god-is-with-us4387 - 14.09.2024 01:21

Good message brother!.

@luzvargas76 - 14.09.2024 07:44

May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible, and unutterable Name of God be always praised, blessed, loved, adored, and glorified, in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.  Amen
We must pray like never and not be divided!  Trust in God be not afraid!🙏

@thistlewood1 - 15.09.2024 00:13

Yes Robert there is hope , and the hope is God , even though lots time ,it feels God isn’t there,as someone who has evolved through depression , and yes I am using the word evolved ,as my experience is depression can change if you sit back and take a look at where and what people do , yes many want to help , but there are some who will make your depression worse ,and before you know it your in the wash machine cycle where everyday there is no end to your misery ,it is just awful ,it is suffocating, So I just want tell of my own experience the negative and positive.
This is my own experience, but for many it’s different as we all have our own problems , some people cope some don’t
My first experience was going to doctor for help , he was and still is a great doctor ,but he prescribed anti depressants, I thought brillant I will feel better ,at the start I was better , but noticed a numbness in emotion , even when my youngest brother died of cancer 2015 , there was a numbness to this grief caused by the anti depressants , and that’s the ways it was for many years,
Before medication everyone will try thier best to get help , I went to a psychiatrist different ones private and people I experience with private made depression worse when I found out , he said I was bad and I needed to see him twice a week , at £40 a pop , this enraged me because , I was a money spinner for him , he didn’t care , but I moved on ,
After a few years I decided I was going off antidepressants with out medical advice , it was difficult yes , but to many people are essentially made worse by these prescriptions, as your body gets used to them then different ones need prescribed and so the cycle continues for many people .
After coming off the antidepressants it was a more of a struggle , and I am still struggling today ,last year in Derry through stress at work I went to confession , I couldn’t say anything to the priest I just broke down in front of him , but what made me angry with this priest was he said to me I will will say a Hail Mary for you , at that Moment I new there are also many who don’t care ,I regarded this priest as a mechanical priest , he was there to tick the boxes .
So where am I now , I don’t trust people ,some priests yes , just like people ,doctors etc , not all are for your well being ,life I can guarantee you can be extremely cruel ,even though I say the rosary every day , even though my wife and I brought up 9 kids , I have to say the pressure of modern society is the killer of far to many people especially men . Antidepressants, drugs , drink , social media everyone is trying to escape, the pressure of surviving boils down to profit from pharmaceutical industry , social media .
I know where peace is , it’s in Christ , it’s before the blessed sacrament,I yearn for that peace that love , some day it will come maybe not in this life , but certainly in the next .
I March on , in hope and prayer
Sorry this was so long , but it struck a cord with me 🙏

@seansheehy6725 - 16.09.2024 01:53

Suicide is a reflection of the prevalence of the culture of death which is due to the lack of preaching from the pulpit about the culture of life spearheaded by Jesus who is the Life-giver and the Life-sustainer along with the lack of outreach to those who pathologically view life as not worth living calling them to recognize that since God is the Giver of life he also enables everyone to live that life to the fullest.

@daviddarcy7336 - 18.09.2024 11:51

We have to be pro active tell people who are depressed and having bad thoughts to ask for prayers on the WhatsApp groups online. It works I used to spend hours in the Apparition chapel in Knock and it always shifted depression.. I realise now it's an attack demonic attack. But also checking you thoughts is vital... would you let someone sit in sit in room with you and say all kinds of bad things about you??? No so don't allow yourself to do it Every person has uncontrollable thoughts circulating. We must check and stop the dangerous one depression thoughts it's an invitation to suffering.... God help the young people and the dangers they are exposed to drugs that are directly linked to teen sucide..
