Hell and Apokatastasis, The apostasy in Rome.

Hell and Apokatastasis, The apostasy in Rome.

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@ourladybvm - 11.04.2024 15:14

Excellent video - thank you.

@petersonnenberg9526 - 11.04.2024 15:58

Fernandez must be smarter than our Lord nontheless we did have 2 millennia of theological evolution between the 2...🤔🙃🥴

@liammcmillen100 - 11.04.2024 16:03

Our Lady of Fatima herself said many souls go to hell as no one prays for them and most souls go to hell through sins of the flesh than any other sin. Also the sin against the Holy Ghost is the refusal of Gods mercy and that refusal is what condemns them. I mean we might as well scrap confession the way these guys are talking 🙄

@liammcmillen100 - 11.04.2024 16:06

Plus our dignity is tied to our relationship with God and our identity as children of God which we renounce and lose through mortal sin

@liammcmillen100 - 11.04.2024 16:08

Which is restored through sacramental confession

@petersaines2048 - 11.04.2024 16:21

Thanks. I always enjoy your videos. I'll share this with my Catholic friends, signed... Traditional Australian Catholic Guy 😊

@mylovglord - 11.04.2024 16:46

God does not condemn us to hell it is our choice to choose evil and turn our backs on God that lead us to hell. is it now church teaching that if one can unrepentently butchers babies one does not pay for such sins ? So what is the purpose of living good and moral lives, or following the ten commandments when self denial and taming ones' appetites has no merits.This is an injustice and a mockery of all the saints and martyrs of the church . I am probably too simple minded to understand this new theology/philosophy that the modern church is teaching , cause during my time it was simple it was good and evil , black or white. Truth was never gray . Granted that He is a merciful God , but that doesnt give men the liberty to dictate upon God how He is to hand out His mercy . simply on the excuse of our " human weaknesses" . This is the devils lie .

@jimmidgley861 - 11.04.2024 16:58

It seems that the modernists, such as the Jesuits, don't believe in the supernatural world. From this denial, or ignorance, flows all the nonsense they come up with. I think they have a big surprise coming.

@renatusmsofe1458 - 11.04.2024 17:15

Brothers do you remeber the Ven Arb Sheen said about the antichrist logic?! "He will say there is no hell and so if that is true then there is no sin thus evil is good and good is evil" i dont know what time we are living but certainly Sheen was correct of what we are seeing and hearing now? Who are these people?!

@albertritchot5393 - 11.04.2024 17:15

On the topic of Apostasy, I agree with you. Demonic activity is amongst us.

@renatusmsofe1458 - 11.04.2024 17:35

Brother keep on speaking you have your reward thank you

@LambofGodKnock - 11.04.2024 18:34

And we wonder why churches are closing and people are staying away. They’re fed up with the lack of true teaching.

@martinmartin1363 - 11.04.2024 20:44

Jesus explains Hell in the parable of Lazarus and the rich man both descended into Hell, but Lazarus went to the bosom of Abraham and was comforted while the rich man went to the hell of the damned and an abyss separated them.
Now the hell of the damned was known by the Jews as Gehenna and by the Greek tarsatus, then there is the abyss home to Satan and his minions then we have Sheol by the Jews and Hades by the Greek the bosom of Abraham was also known as the hell of waiting and paradise, and this is why Jesus said to the thief on the cross st dismas this day you will be with me in paradise, because he descended into the hell of the waiting the bosom of Abraham or paradise and not the hell of the damned, I’m sure he made himself known to them but he didn’t descend into the hell of the damned, and this explains purgatory.

@martinmartin1363 - 11.04.2024 20:57

If there is nobody in hell why bother with religions because we have no free will were going to heaven whether we like it or not and we will serve God and in the meantime we will be tortured in the hell of the damned therefore this God lacks goodness and the definition of evil is a lack of goodness therefore we have an evil God and clearly the bible says God lacks nothing and he is the definition of goodness and cannot lie.

@lumarei1 - 11.04.2024 22:11

Thank you for this film. I agree with you 100%.

@andreasmoser2362 - 11.04.2024 23:09

Brilliant report! Thanks.

@theresemanabatbeltramme438 - 12.04.2024 00:00

I think scaring people is a good thing and a first step in someone’s journey in discovering Jesus and eventually having a relationship with Him and loving Him unequivocally.
I came back to the faith due to talks by Fr C Alar Fr Ripperger Fr C Martin’s Fr Reehil and others about Hell and spiritual warfare.
Then fear turned into love the more I discovered and learned about Jesus and Mary and everyone.

@celesteesparza4358 - 12.04.2024 00:08

The thought of eliminating Christendom is evident.

@tinabren - 12.04.2024 00:15

It is not pope Francis church it’s Jesus’ church

@angelynastanbridge7854 - 12.04.2024 00:53

Next step he'll be denying Christ.

@kimberlysamuels9971 - 12.04.2024 01:03

So much gaslighting from the Vatican. We are betrayed by loving words which are reminiscent to the kiss of Judas.

@swashyhimself - 12.04.2024 01:45

I agree with everything except Garabandel. Probabaly the dodgiest apparition recorded

@davidniedjaco9869 - 12.04.2024 03:09

I'm sorry Robert, but I believe you are genuinely wrong here..yes, love is a part of it, probably the most important part, but the fear aspect, and that comes from being scared, obviously, of a situation that a person doesn't want to come to fruition, that is a fundamental and dogmatic part of the faith..that is, the reality of hell, in all its "scariness" so to speak, and to pretend otherwise is being dishonest and blatantly lying about what the faith teaches..I'm sorry Robert, you say a lot of good, I don't agree with it all..some of it I do, but with this, you've missed the mark, just like the Grand Inquisitor and the Holy Father have, as much as that pains me to say...also, no matter how bad it seems, it's never a reason to apostitize, which I may be wrong about, but with some of your tone lately, even though a lot of what you say is true and have a right to be angry, im furious, I do worry about this with you..always stay within the Barque or one will drown or be eaten by predators..God bless Mary protect! +++

@bobteo813 - 12.04.2024 06:27

All the guidance they need is in the bible. They are suppose to be the guardian and protector of the teachings of Jesus Christ. These Cardinals or Pope has NO RIGHTS to change anything whatsoever. NO RIGHTS AT ALL EXCEPT BE GUARDIANS & SHEPARDS.

@marountayar2831 - 12.04.2024 17:18

The real Surprise to me is the fact that in 2024 someone is still surprised and shocked that pope Francis and his Friends around him are teaching anti- christian teachings and anti-catholic doctrines. That's the real Surprise to me.

@philalcoceli6328 - 12.04.2024 19:24

Infinite Dignity comes directly from Infinite Purity and ONLY God has it, with the very high dignity of the Virgin Mary coming directly from God's Purity in her. In lowering degrees, Saint Joseph, and from there the True Saints, then most of us, and then lowest dignity in those in Hell, as they are the lowest in purity.

No, those in Hell do not totally lose the dignity of being made in the image and likeness of God, which is why they suffer so terribly as unrepentant sin is the most anti-human thing there is.

Yes, human rights come from God-given dignity but we can progressively renounce that dignity down to a very low degree by renouncing God and embracing unrepentant sin. True Repentance and Confession is the Sacrament of Holy Dignity, which is still NOT infinite but conditional on our faithfulness to God until death.

@CFrayRun - 12.04.2024 20:28

Thank you Robert.

@ExVeritateLibertas - 12.04.2024 23:04

I am not sure if you were coming down for or against the Berdyaev passage you quoted -- I don't read that as endorsing apokatastasis but just providing a possible explanation for hell. What's important to understand is apokatastasis is an ancient speculation, found in some form in St. Gregory of Nyssa among others, and not simply the product of 1960s Nouvelle Theologie folk, but something with deep roots in Christian theology -- at least in the East. However it is equally important to know it has never been held to be dogma in Eastern Orthodoxy.

@ipoh3629 - 12.04.2024 23:54

The learned men of these times think they know more than God, the creator of the Universe itself. Our Lady herself in Akita have said that many Cardinals, Bishops and priests are making their way to hell and taking the faithful with them. Any wonder why they are suppressing the messages of Akita and removed Sister Sasagawa from the public eye. Too damning for the so called learned men of Rome.

@Wallace12345 - 13.04.2024 01:02

Apokatastasis was taught by many Church Fathers, but denied by many, as well. It was probably condemned by the 5th Ecumenical Council, but there is a lot of ambiguity about that Council.
But the Lord Jesus Christ talked about Hell more than anyone in the Bible.

@nielcapasso8229 - 13.04.2024 20:34

what a fool has he fear of heell?

@nielcapasso8229 - 13.04.2024 20:52

thank you for this spiritual insight.

@petercoleman7617 - 13.04.2024 23:42

Cnd Fernandez making the freemason Illuminati sign with hands-like Merkel revealing he worked for the Illuminati-hell empty not biblical Jesus himself spoke of Hell numerous times-

@petercoleman7617 - 13.04.2024 23:46

Totally agree with you and Ireland was prophesied to keep the faith-but hordes of Freemason slaves unleashed-but this Masonic fury will be extinguished in the end as foretold.

@Michael-yx9lg - 14.04.2024 00:35

Melanie Calvat got it right after all.

@HeatherAndrulli - 14.04.2024 01:49

That's not what our Lord says...

@denimcowboy501 - 15.04.2024 02:56

Isn't God the only "Infinite?"

@gerardparkinson5424 - 16.04.2024 21:56

The question of whether there are more people in heaven or hell is answered by Jesus Himself in one passage:
"Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life and those who find it are few".
(Matthew 7:13-14)

@Dowie-uk2tk - 18.04.2024 11:21

One question: How can a man (no ordinary man, since he sits in the seat of Peter), who must be educated and knowledgeable in our faith, get it so very, very wrong, to the gross extent that he actually changes biblical facts and teaching. How is this possible? How do you get to this juncture, after many years journey to popehood?

@annecraig5116 - 19.04.2024 21:41

Following you on you tube would love to know are you a religious or lay person. Everyone seems to have a lot of disrespect for Pope Francis which I find disturbing
He is Christ's Vicar on Earth and must be inspired by the Holy Spirit.Would like a reply

@franksinatra5281 - 07.05.2024 07:31

Dear Robert, I appreciate your discussion, your honesty, your reaching out and totally empathise and share with you, the painful struggle you portray about the current confusion in the Church. Thank you. Peace and Grace to you.

@simonewilliams7224 - 07.05.2024 20:58

Zoroastrianism, a time of a third creation. Reset with out Hell and sin. So go what ever you want it doesn’t really matter you will be redeemed in spite of Jesus’ teachings, saints and His passion. It has all been reversed by Vatican II???

@elainemgardens874 - 10.05.2024 01:36

And so now have they become Buddhists?

@rosemary599 - 21.05.2024 23:54

Because I was afraid of going to hell, I didn’t have an a-bortion. So I am grateful for what I was taught.

@Metarig - 03.06.2024 22:00

You know, it's bizarre how worked up you all get over this! You cling to the idea that eternal hell has to be packed, or else it's heresy, right? "Condemn him! He said hell isn't forever!" But then, why not pray for every soul to be saved? Should we ban that too? Look at the Lady of Fatima, who taught the kids to pray, "lead all souls to Heaven." Why pray for something you're convinced will never happen? And how does it diminish the value of Jesus' blood if it saves more, not fewer? Does more grace make it less significant? No one's saying people go straight to Heaven, but as we Universalists believe, yes, hell is real and it's dreadful, but even that dreadful place is under God's grace and goodness, purifying souls for Heaven.

@neverforget3940 - 19.08.2024 00:16

As a devout Catholic I do not fear satan, but I do fear Catholic clergy.

@brianoriordan7281 - 19.09.2024 11:49

At this time nobody knows. Yes it is more a philosophical than a theological question. Medieval explanations are not helpful.
