战痘记(第5集)(CCTV纪录片)(The Fight with Smallpox ep. 5 (documentary by CCTV))

战痘记(第5集)(CCTV纪录片)(The Fight with Smallpox ep. 5 (documentary by CCTV))


55 лет назад

31 Просмотров


* 节目名称:战痘记
* 节目全集播放列表:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYefXfmcNHn-PreLCuSCyZa00AlqpLObM
* 节目作者:中国中央电视台
* 节目发表日期:2011-7-28
* 节目发表形式:CCTV-纪录频道首播
* 节目主页:http://jishi.cntv.cn/zhandouji/videopage/index.shtml
* 节目介绍:天花,一种曾经死亡率高达40%的古老疾病,中医称之为“痘疮”。历史上,天花先后使5亿人失去了生命,也给幸免于难的人留下了永久的痕记。面对肆虐的天花病毒,人类奋起抗争,从中国的人痘接种,到英国人琴纳的牛痘接种,人类不断探索预防和根治天花之路。直到1977年,天花终于在地球上销声匿迹,成为了第一个也是迄今为止惟一一个被人类消灭的病毒。《战痘记》全面记录了人类与天花病毒战斗的历史。


* title: The Fight with Smallpox
* playlist with all episodes:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYefXfmcNHn-PreLCuSCyZa00AlqpLObM
* producer: China Central Television (CCTV)
* publication date: 2011-7-28
* publication form: released on the CCTV-纪录 (CCTV Documentary) TV channel
* program homepage: http://jishi.cntv.cn/zhandouji/videopage/index.shtml
* introduction: a 4-hour long exhaustive review on human's fight with one of the most notorious infectious disease in human history, with a particular emphasis on the part of history in China and Chinese point of view.
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