WHAT I EAT IN A DAY: healthy recipes *REALISTIC* (-5kg weightloss)

WHAT I EAT IN A DAY: healthy recipes *REALISTIC* (-5kg weightloss)

Anna Neubert

2 месяца назад

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@mansoor3159 - 04.12.2024 21:31

Another Wonderful Beautiful Vlog By Anna and I really really enjoyed watching it ♥️♥️🥹🥹 and you deserve millions of Subscribers and I will always support you so so so much

@ramatoulayesow9335 - 04.12.2024 21:36

the beginning got me laughing so harddd🤣🤣

@infotecgames - 04.12.2024 22:01


@shreyadebnath12 - 04.12.2024 22:54

Waiting for your video since last week... lot's of love from India ❤

@Melike-lh9ci - 04.12.2024 23:15

you pronounced "mantı" right :) greetings from Turkey!!!

@ilknurhalide4021 - 04.12.2024 23:15

Hello Anna, it's so wonderful to follow you all the way from Türkiye❤

I wanted to let you know that your pronunciation is absolutely spot on—it's impressive! I also thought you might find it interesting to learn about mantı. It's a beloved dish here, made from tiny dough filled with minced meat and often enjoyed with garlic yogurt. I hope you get a chance to try it someday :)

@JADE-ky3qz - 04.12.2024 23:28

Hey du,

Hast du schonmal vegane Gerichte probiert?
Ich würde mich Mega freuen, wenn du vielleicht sowas we „a vegan (cooking) week“ machst.

Alles Liebe und bleib gesund <3
Ps: Ich liebe deine authentische Art! ❤

@dutchbeast8066 - 05.12.2024 00:44

Congrats with your weight loss! But want to remind you that you looked good before the weight loss as well. It really depends on how happy and healthy you feel in your body❤

@allesae - 05.12.2024 08:28

love love love

@gulenyuss - 05.12.2024 09:28

Love from Turkey Anna 💞

@seleniums101 - 05.12.2024 10:33

You say mantı perfectly. They’re Turkish dumplings :) I like the idea of making it like this. It’s deconstructed mantı 😄

@Noname-of5zu - 05.12.2024 11:13

Danke für deinen tollen content ❤ ist so ein comfort space für mich

@leahkoperr - 05.12.2024 12:43

liebe deine videos🤍 wo hast du den Turkey Bacon gekauft? suche schon so lange haha

@AdriannaGaluszka - 05.12.2024 15:01

How long are your pilates sessions? Could you link some of your favs? :) Also, did you count calories while losing weight?

@dariabakurova - 05.12.2024 15:54

A lot of comments from Turkish viewers! Well, hello from Russia :) What over countries are you watching Anna from?

@brittar.2050 - 05.12.2024 17:36

Ääääh bin ich die Einzige die eine Roboterstimme hat in dem Video oder soll das so?? 😮 Ich finds grausam, kann das Video gar nicht weiter schauen weil ich diese Chat-GPT-Stimmen absoluten Horror finde…musste nach 10 Sekunden abbreche, würde mich freuen wenn mir jemand sagt wie ich das abschalte 🫠

@Kedisema - 05.12.2024 20:17

Hello Anna ❤

@gizemkose6581 - 06.12.2024 11:29

Nice to hear Turkish pasta as a Turkish :) This is actually reminiscent of the Turkish dish mantı, but we can call it an easy version because making mantı at home is truly challenging.

@esmabx - 06.12.2024 12:24

Yes its manti like you said! If you want to make easy manti you can go to the turkish market and buy prepped manti that you just need to boil. Its nice! You can find it at the fridge side in the market.

@ozbenakn9561 - 06.12.2024 21:47

You can actually fill the pasta you used with just ground meat, mix it with garlic yogurt and pour a sauce made of butter, olive oil, red pepper flakes, and ground red pepper on top. Finish it off with some extra red pepper flakes and dried mint, and you’ll have yourself a fake version of mantı シ Greetings from Turkey 💙

@residential123-s8t - 07.12.2024 01:13

Hi Anna,
What a wonderful vlog, and it's great to see the different recipes you create, so thank you for sharing as always 👍

@ceydauzun2547 - 07.12.2024 02:11

You pronounced the manti very well. 🩵You should also try mint, red pepper and tomato paste and putting it on the yoghurt in the manti.✨

@HealthHappyLife - 08.12.2024 07:38

Keep sharing these realistic meal ideas that make healthy eating so much easier and more enjoyable

@Ecealpay - 08.12.2024 11:01

First of all, your video is very sincere and relaxing. I am Turkish. Turkish pasta is a good idea, but not Mantı. We do not add tomatoes on it. We use tomato paste, oil and dried mint. But you should heat all the ingredients first. I think it is much more delicious than this recipe. But this is not Mantı, just some kind of pasta like Mantı 🙃

@amirahezouat - 08.12.2024 22:05

@odettesu - 09.12.2024 22:56

Hi Anna, you pronounced correctly “mantı” also loved your recipe!! Greetings from Turkey ❤

@mahricharyyeva2233 - 11.12.2024 03:25

I wouldn't comment that often but girl in this video you are glowing and its different kind of glow idk 🥹

@yukisgirl28 - 12.12.2024 08:02

LOL. The Nara Smith reference is hilarious! You kind of sound like her even when not trying to talk like her though??

@ninagridchina1388 - 12.12.2024 08:50

Have you tried the new pilates program in the Evolve You app yet? If you did — I need a review!

@brittar.2050 - 13.12.2024 16:55

Love your Videos 🥰they‘re so calming ✨

@Schadenfreude596 - 17.12.2024 11:58

She got turkish blood in her

@MrMonita9999 - 31.12.2024 15:10

ngl you got me in the first half

@adasoumia - 01.01.2025 17:32

Thanks for the healthy eating motivation! That Turkish pasta looks amazing; can't wait to try it

@MDMotiurRahamanSohal - 14.01.2025 18:11

"Love how realistic and achievable these healthy recipes are! 🥗👏 It's so refreshing to see a balanced approach to weight loss. Your dedication and mindset are truly inspiring—definitely taking some of these ideas on board for my own journey! Keep up the great work! 🌟💪

@TheQuotia - 11.02.2025 10:04

Love your dog you should play more they were so excited during your workout.
