Be careful of the ingredients lists on foods. Best Foods mayonnaise is a name brand and they’ve recently started making their mayo with Bioengineered Ingredients made in a laboratory. Look for stuff made with real ingredients and not man made
ОтветитьLOL! Just started this video, and you already made me laugh😂
ОтветитьFun in the shower is what you make it! Haha. I laughed out loud! 😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьI just made 8 Bean and Rice (I have perfected the Spanish Rice Recipe!😋), and they are delicious.
Topping with cheddar cheese and sour cream and having for dinner tomorrow night.
Total cost less than $6/8…. Delicious and healthy and beats take out any day of the week.
Will freeze 6 and my husband and I will eat 2 tomorrow night.😊
I have two dogs and a cat. No insurance on them, (only the cat, as she is an outdoor cat, and wrestles snakes.. another story) anyway my dogs are too old. 12 and 10 years old. I have a savings account for them. This summer one dog got a gum decease, and had to extract 5 teeth, and the other one had some trouble with her tummy, which ended up being a beginning of a heart failure. What I did was call around to the different vets to get quotes on the dental care, the prices varied tremendously, From $250 to over $1000. The other one was more emergency, but I contacted the one that had fixed the teeth. With ex-rays, probiotic, and a bag of feed for digestive care, it was reasonable. I guess you should not have fun in the shower, too expensive! Rinse soap rinse - done! 😂
ОтветитьBudget buster gold plated tip no 1 stop worrying what others think of you. My family constantly worry about this. Right now their ashamed for me because of circumstances beyond my control
ОтветитьWe have eaten out once in 3 years, we got a lot of push back from family that was visiting our area for a reunion and they were all going out for lunch, and we bowed out. We don't want to eat processed foods, and we know that we feel like crap after eating out. So to ensure that we would be feeling up to the following day's reunion event, we ate home cooked meals. Unfortunately family members eat out 2-4 meals a week when at home, so we look cheap, or poor. Oh well, you don't need to please people, and we are okay with being the weird one's. But it's my money saved, and my health is better. 😊
ОтветитьLowering the amount of "stuff" in my home made so much mental space to do the things that save money, like walking, biking, cooking, going to the library...I would not have believed it, but the mental space is so much fun.
ОтветитьThanks for explaining Mint Mobile is a cellphone service.
ОтветитьI saved money on menstrual products by buying( glad rags) reusable menstruation pads they paid for themselves they lasted over 5 years and no irritation
ОтветитьI sell a lot of stuff on Facebook marketplace too
ОтветитьCurious if you pay for Amazon prime? How do you justify the membership cost
ОтветитьSo I’m basically a “starving artist,” and for better or worse learned to adapt to seasons of income and seasons of none, so this is the lense through which I have looked into the topic of prepping and investing in alternatives to power/heat sources ect. I really like how your channel treats the topic directly linking it to frugality instead of acting like it’s going to be an apocalyptic scenario, nah, it don’t take no apocalypse to lose power, all it takes is being broke! Thanks anyway love your channel! :^)
ОтветитьThe detergent pods in Amazon essentials are 25.50 for 150 pods
ОтветитьI use very little detergent (Tide) and add Borax.
ОтветитьI don’t like cable tv. I gave my hard earned money to a cable company for years. The service was very bad and they kept raising the prices. One day I got fed up got my boxes and went to the cable office and turned them in. The lady said what are you going to do for tv I said put up an antenna she laughed and said it will never work we live in a valley this is the only tv you can get here. I put up my Antenna I only get 7 channels now only 4 because lightning struck the tower they will get it fixed. And I got a Roku and I found Philo for 20.00 a month and that was in 2017 Philo has never raised my price. You give good advice.
ОтветитьGreat tips as always x love Nala and Rocky 😍
ОтветитьHello Prepper princess, thank you for sharing good advice. I have a question please: which essential detergent pods you use? I need to save on laundry expenses. Thank you for your videos 👍🏻
ОтветитьEight years ago I was introduced to a company called Norwex. I do not sell Norwex. I love their products. While it may seem pricey to start using their products, in the long run I save a lot of money. One teaspoon of laundry detergent for a full load. Wash windows with water and a window cloth. Microfiber cloths eliminate the need for household cleaners. No need for papertowels. It's great to go to the grocery store and not have all the non food items filling my cart.
ОтветитьHave you tried or researched earth breeze laundry sheets?
ОтветитьHave you smelled Herbal Essence hemp & potent aloe? Omigosh, some things are worth the splurge 😊
ОтветитьAnyone else just here to see the pups? 😂❤ Joking great advice as always....
ОтветитьAlso to add Pods are a huge waste of money, very expensive, Kirkland brand liquid laundry detergent a dupe of tide, i only measure to level 2 for most loads and it makes the larger container stretch for months. I also switched to disgwasher powder after the dishwasher pods reached up to 20 bucks in Canada, one box for 7.99 has lasted me over 6 months.
ОтветитьI also use drying racks to dry clothes
ОтветитьI gave up cable years ago I don’t regret it at all there’s a few streaming services I do use but it’s way cheaper, and I also hang most my laundry it saved me a lot of money on my electric and gas bill
ОтветитьRocky was about to have sexy time with the couch lol
ОтветитьI have a little dog that looks just like Nala he brings in big sticks in the house like that. Lol
ОтветитьNear Chicago--between garage sales and rummage sales my shirts are $1 or less. My neighbors give me stuff, I get swag from places I volunteer and my kids.
I buy only underwear and shoes new. Here in Illinois, I use the dryer til clothes are damp, then hang on the rack. We eat vegetables and fruit for snacks. Occasionally, popcorn, homemade. Tina, Al's wife
If you are working from home, many companies want you to have a faster internet speed. I was turned down from a job because my internet speed was too slow.
ОтветитьThank you for the great advice
ОтветитьAs a pepper, do you worry about keeping your money in the bank and investments? Just curious how you view that. Thanks.
ОтветитьI agree with the marketing gimmicks getting people to spend more on disposables. I've had the privilege of traveling around the world. Visiting developing countries really puts things in perspective! Less waste. Less disposables is just normal life. They don't waste food. They make do and mend. The children are happy to go to school. It always reminds me of how much excess we have in USA and that its not the key to happiness.
ОтветитьI shopped my insurance and saved $1500 with Allstate.
ОтветитьMint mobile saved so much money prepaying by the year had zero issues going on year 2! And you can get credit for referring friends/family and helping them save money.
ОтветитьMy tip: Chicken thighs, legs, and wings are typically cheaper than chicken breasts. They are also more flavorful (IMHO) and full of healthy fat.
ОтветитьWith the chips or biscuits, they csn go in an empty jar, pre packed in the bag and won't get crushed.
.. plus no cost for more baggies.
Your dog brought you firewood, saving money mom!
ОтветитьI’m fortunate to have great insurance through Medicare. I get an allowance every 3 months to buy personal care items through them. I dumped cable, and got mobile service through them for $29.99 a month with a free line for a year. When they asked why I was getting rid of the cable, I told them I was disabled, and going through a divorce and had to cut expenses- they gave me basic cable for nothing. Today I’m making banana bread muffins from bananas that are over ripe. Started clearing out my closet too. I’m considering getting a roommate too - but have to take care of a few things before I do.
Ответитьmint mobile great. I am senior I get cable free.
ОтветитьI've cut my fuel costs in half by cycling to the shop instead of driving 🎉
ОтветитьLol I own the vending machine at work 🙃
ОтветитьAwesome video as I making this comment I am cutting my cable reducing speed and get rid of my modem do I buy modem at Best Buy I am getting rid of rental of modem and getting rid of version and transfer to mint how do I do it please help me in this matter senior in need to live a simple and below my means life thank you for doing what you do🎉🎉🎉
ОтветитьI find myself watching your videos everyday now hun
ОтветитьPepper princess qe know we're you live and we know your name and address
ОтветитьYou can run my name and get more than 1 hit