EU5 BUILDINGS ARE HERE And They Are NOT What You Think

EU5 BUILDINGS ARE HERE And They Are NOT What You Think

The Red Hawk

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@Bevalderon - 25.04.2024 01:09

This is far too much micromanagement in a game that already had plenty of micro management. Don't get me wrong, I love detail but if I wanted to manage this much detail, I'd go work in logistics.

@cuniving7831 - 25.04.2024 01:28

I'm getting worried. They seem to have stripped out all the flavour to work on creating an incredibly complex econ/pop simulator. But vic3 already does that and lots of people don't play it because it lacks a significant amount of flavour. No mission trees, no monuments, no stacking modifiers, initially no unique estates until the backlash hit and they caved. Pure strong mechanics arnt enough to retain players I believe - the struggles of vic3 ans ck3 show that. You need flavour, that's why I still play eu4. Not it's mechanics, not really. It's flavour for each nation.

@a51raider - 25.04.2024 02:28

More micro?

@vckhan54 - 25.04.2024 02:28

they are making another victoria game

@tasosgrv - 25.04.2024 02:48

Europa Victorialis 5

@OneJazzKid - 25.04.2024 03:01

I HOPE so much they dont dumb it down. HoI3 was great, HoI4 super easy ands MEGA dumb, mayabe the dumbest and easiest game I ever played. It felt so easy and no-challenging, no micro, no nothing, no brain, I could not play it for more than 100 hours even on the highest difficulty. I HOPE PLEASE PLEASE EU5 is a child of and successor to EUIV...and not some "dumbed down because we want to reach a broader aucience" product.

@XeNeXX - 25.04.2024 03:05

hundreds of builsings = 10x market places - bazars - markets - for example - 10x forts - motte and bailey - mountain fort w caves (swiss) - i think theres slight diff bonusses and certain cultures / nations have different versions of things - you know - like irl. so itll be a normal amount of buildings with tons of varients for like middle eastern european english vs french vs german versions etc etc. just makes sense - muslims didnt have the same markets as english peasants and vice versa and both sold different things and should have diff bonusses etc. GREWAT SYTEM IF THEYRE DOING THIS. youd have to convert buildings tho potentially or maybe that would be an auto after 1-3 yrs it changes for free who lnows but i like the flavour this will all bring

@andrewlight32 - 25.04.2024 03:34

It feels like they are using buildings and materials as almost a replacement for development in EU4.

@TexGaming - 25.04.2024 03:45

Literally when a mod for EU5 comes out for the victorian era its gonna be the Vicky 3 we should have gotten

@vejolta - 25.04.2024 04:04

Im kinda worried it's gonna be like imperator rome, where it tries to do too many things that other paradox games center around. but doesn't quite do any of them amazingly. or they do them ok but it's just too much shit to have to look at.

@rathchain3287 - 25.04.2024 04:35

Its looking way too complicated, but not to worry. Super-smart AI will manage things for us where we don't want to!

@jonathanlangdon9140 - 25.04.2024 04:44

Just more worried that eu5 will just be dull to play and watch. Have to wait for one resource to show up before i can build something. How many dlc's i have to buy to actually make it viable to play. Would have been good if eu4 had a greater number of buildings so you dont get bored in late game. Maybe they are putting eu5 back and gave us another eu4 dlc as they are worried that people will just not want this cross between eu4, imperator and vic.

@starhaven1881 - 25.04.2024 04:51

I like to conquer and paint the map, Or to get big old stack wipes.
This sounds like vicky 3 and I don't like it. I don't want to sit there looking at spread sheets to find out why something is not working.
And having played a lot of Stellaris I don't Trust the PDX AI to automate anything.
Your also right to be worried about if its going to be boring to watch I don't watch any vicky 3 outside of Bo's Because its him and a bunch of people, Those people make it fun. Anyone playing single player vicky just doesn't get as many views, there's a reason why so many people stopped making videos on it.

@kaiserlou5835 - 25.04.2024 04:54

I think you should start these vids with the previous diaries johan comments. so as to not miss any.

also ppl would understand how forts work if they would stop deleting all of theirs.

finally love the reviews keep it up.

@artemis83 - 25.04.2024 04:57

Paradox please don't corrupt EU with Vic3 shitty economy micromanage about stuff nobody actually care.
I was doubtful in the last video, now I'm starting to have proof.

@spyman740 - 25.04.2024 05:04

this seems very Vicky over EU tbh

@Onzo22 - 25.04.2024 05:13

Cool buildings, i wonder if you could build a parliament or you know churches. You know what has churches. Sicily. And sicily is named sicily and not Trinacria and it better be that way for Eu5

@ChrissieBear - 25.04.2024 06:07

There are 30 trade goods in EU4.

@ChrissieBear - 25.04.2024 06:26

RGO means Resource Gathering Operation, it's a term from Victoria 2.

@darthsasquach-f9w - 25.04.2024 07:29

This is sounding more and more like EU4 and Victoria 3 had a child.

@yojelle1 - 25.04.2024 08:44

I’m kinda worried about this hyper realism angle they seem to be going for. I play these games for fun, not realism. I feel like having to keep track of 71 different trade goods and hundreds of buildings might get in the way of doing the things i actually want to do.

@Maldanil - 25.04.2024 08:58

This sounds so overcomplicated...

@Bscybfan1996 - 25.04.2024 09:08

eu5 looks way too complicated for me, i'll need to watch a year of videos first

@anonymousperson-vh5bb - 25.04.2024 14:00

The buildings will probably be something like in VIC3, where you will have some macro management, to make it easier to play larger nations, while also being able to change production methods of individual buildings

@tomhavenith2330 - 25.04.2024 14:48

The more complicated the game becomes the easier the AI will be overwhelmed the easier a half-decent player like me will become OP. Go half-decent players like me... go go go! ;)

@KroganCharr - 25.04.2024 14:52

I'm expecting that a lot of the building stuff can work automatically. There seems to be a free market capitalism thing going on, where production buildings of which the good is in short supply automatically increase production, and if there is an abundance, they'll wind down or even close. I suspect your country functions okay even if you never touch these buildings, but you will have to micromanage where you actually care, like producing a strategic resource regardless of profitability, or making sure there is a castle at a key location.

I expect super pro gameplay would be micromanaging every tiny little thing, which would be tedious, but let's be real, it's tedious in EU4 as well. People who do these really insane challenges like "world conquest by 1500" pause the game every day and go over every little thing. One of the reasons I will never be truly exceptional in EU4 is because I can't be bothered putting Byzantium start level of effort into my game at all times. I highly doubt EU5 will be all that different in that regard.

@MrTimebomb12 - 25.04.2024 15:01

EU4 presented mercantilism in a very rudimentary and unintuitive way, while not really simulating a free market at all. The simulation potential for EU5 is limitless, as now we will have a full model of the evolution of capitalism. We will start in a feudal state that runs on subsistence farming then gradually work our way into a proto-industrial capitalistic state, accompanied by what looks like a Vic2 economy system to simulate our changing economy.

@ThePostman08 - 25.04.2024 15:03

Sounding way too much like Vicky for my taste. The economy and trade in EU4 is pretty barebones in reality, but this kind of feels like too much of a swing in the other direction. Hopefully the automation systems allows for you to "set and forget" a lot of the micro decisions if you don't want to overly engage with market/pop mechanics.

Min/maxing the economy/market/pops should obviously produce the best results for a nation, but automation should allow for average or good enough results to still enjoy the game and not cripple you.

EU4 is a map painter at the end of the day and I just hope they don't add too many Vicky systems into EU5 that takes away from that. When I want to play an economic simulator and turn my brain on I'll fire up Vicky 3. When I want to just chill and not worry so much about micro I'll fire up EU4. Not really interested in a game that's combining both.

I'm hype for EU5 either way and will definitely give it a shot, but with over 5k hours in EU4 and counting I'll have a hard time switching to EU5 if it doesn't scratch that map painter itch just right.

@Edgars-vd6ws - 25.04.2024 15:25

From the looks of it it is like Victoria 3, which I found boring...

@orianna1220 - 25.04.2024 15:57

Do you think this game will fallow their payment plans? Meaning do you think EU5 will come out bare bones and be piece mealed to a proper first class experience? Or a first class experience then properly boosted with content to enhanced experience?

@seabass897 - 25.04.2024 17:24

EU5 will be Vic2 in the early modern period.

@floressas1884 - 25.04.2024 20:29

One criticism of these dev diaries is that in an effort to release information in drips/build hype, they make it seem as if all of these details will be actively managed. Most likely you will just accrue all these resources in the course of the game and click a button to upgrade something, or have a negative modifier somewhere and wonder "why is that?" and then fix it. Imagine a dev diary for EU4 that explained army composition– it would seem insanely complicated/micro-manage-y (and it is...) but realistically you only have to engage with it every so often in the actual game.

@greenchair5615 - 25.04.2024 20:46

Tbh im excited for eu5 but im kinda worried its gonna be like 10 times more complicated than eu4

@vvvvvv9205 - 25.04.2024 23:29

Very good prospects. People who complain about supposed complexity should go back to play mobile games.

@bradleymoore2797 - 25.04.2024 23:40

If you need a certain good to maintain or even build a building, then that gives you more reasons to want to either trade with someone or conquer territory to gain that resource in a certain direction. I like it. It's another reason to do something.

@justin908 - 26.04.2024 03:48

The thing I'm most hopeful for (and so far, it looks like Tinto is doing a great job of it) is a departure from the linear gameplay that EU4 has. I so DESPERATELY want to ha e multiple dimensions of gameplay at once and it really looks like EU5 may give me that. Like, hell yeah I want to have resource limitations when I want to build new buildings--that influences me to do X amount of other tasks to procure the resources. The further they depart from linearity the more on board I am :)

@juice9976 - 26.04.2024 04:21

sounds alarmingly similar to the unfun failure Victoria 3

@ericbyo9472 - 26.04.2024 04:55

You, Ludi and Laith have all gone to shit with this clickbaiting over the tiniest bits of info. Small eu4 channels all the way.

@wargamesmaster - 26.04.2024 06:47

A new Paradox game is always "too difficult" until you understand it enough to have fun.

@swedichboy1000 - 26.04.2024 07:51

Its still work in progress, but i cant say that i like the UI look, utilitarian but rather dull looking.

@AikanaroSauron - 26.04.2024 16:31

If they're gonna make another Victoria out of EU, I'm not playing. Also the font and visuals look absolutely abhorrent. Another contemporary minimalistic flat crap.

@iGabenewell - 26.04.2024 19:52

imagine how cool it would be if pdx modelled the concept of gunpowder empires using this system resource input/output; for example your the golden horde with a couple cannons in your army blasting through eastern europe unopposed because the Rus' and its dinky wooden forts cant stop you.

@Zack-fu4lo - 28.04.2024 18:43

all these are mana :(

@slowpace6641 - 28.04.2024 23:51

Well, they are creating another NEW game. But I am worried, EUIV is already too much micromanagement, this looks much more, I am worried, EU is about painting map

@ZheyuanLi - 30.04.2024 22:10

isn’t it just victoria 4

@kaytas_ - 06.05.2024 23:23

I think we will have to learn ratios of basic resource buildings (e.g.: 5 lumber : 2 quarry : 3 pastorals : 1 smithy) to maximize their numbers for easy growth on closed market. I don't see how PDX's gonna make a genuinely working AI for managing buildings and economy as a whole.
