Midwest Creation Fellowship

John Dingess - The Six Days of Creation Midwest Creation Fellowship 426 1 месяц назад
Dr. Brian Thomas - What You Haven't Been Told About Fossils Midwest Creation Fellowship 14,138 3 года назад
Spike Psarris - Thermodynamics Confirms Creation Midwest Creation Fellowship 6,739 1 год назад
Jay Seegert - The Myth of Settled Science Midwest Creation Fellowship 2,723 2 года назад
Helmut Welke - Biblical Cosmology: Understanding the First 4 Days of Creation Midwest Creation Fellowship 899 4 года назад
Nate Loper - Israel in Egypt: Archeology that Supports the Biblical Record Midwest Creation Fellowship 1,055 3 месяца назад
Duane Caldwell - The Age of the Earth and Why It Matters Midwest Creation Fellowship 562 8 месяцев назад
Jay Seegert - How to College-Proof Your Faith Midwest Creation Fellowship 234 2 месяца назад
Walter Sivertsen - Starlight, Time & Miracles Midwest Creation Fellowship 289 3 года назад
Dr. Frank Sherwin - The Brain's Amazing Ability of Visual Perception Midwest Creation Fellowship 263 6 месяцев назад
"Dino Dave" - The Truth About Dinosaurs Midwest Creation Fellowship 419 4 месяца назад
Carl Kerby - Genesis: The Bottom Strip of the Christian Faith Midwest Creation Fellowship 285 5 месяцев назад
Russ Miller - If the Foundations be Destroyed Midwest Creation Fellowship 178 6 лет назад
Nate Loper - Grand Canyon: A Flood of Evidence! Midwest Creation Fellowship 1,710 2 года назад
Dr Jerry Bergman - Wonderful & Bizarre Life Forms in Creation Midwest Creation Fellowship 732 3 года назад
Spike Psarris - Distant Starlight & Biblical Creation Midwest Creation Fellowship 21,306 2 года назад
Carl Kerby - Noah's Flood: Fact or Fantasy? Midwest Creation Fellowship 968 2 года назад
Gary Bates - Aliens, UFOs & the Evolution Connection Midwest Creation Fellowship 1,003 5 лет назад
Duane Caldwell - Evolution's Unanswerable Questions Midwest Creation Fellowship 2,423 2 года назад