Haru The Shiba Inu

First BarkBox Review by Haru the Shiba Inu Haru the Shiba Inu 35,032 7 лет назад
$25 DOG BED VS. $200 DOG BED Haru the Shiba Inu 197,354 7 лет назад
My Shiba Inu’s Morning Routine Haribo the Shiba 3,757,359 4 года назад
How Baby Wakes up Dog.. Haru the Shiba Inu 171,278 5 лет назад
STUBBORN Shiba Inu hates RAINY walks! Haru the Shiba Inu 201,678 7 лет назад
Who's More Patient? Dog vs. 1 Year Old Haru the Shiba Inu 710,044 6 лет назад
Dog Becomes Evil Bunny for Halloween. Haru the Shiba Inu 61,432 6 лет назад
Tricking my Dog to Eat Vegetables. Haru the Shiba Inu 33,819 5 лет назад
when her human brother faints.. Haru the Shiba Inu 9,015 3 года назад
GENIUS Shiba Inu learns PIANO! Haru the Shiba Inu 154,100 7 лет назад
Shiba Inu Dog doesn't want to shower! | A Shiba Film Haru the Shiba Inu 278,955 8 лет назад
SHIBA INU PUPPY DAYS! | HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY HARU! Haru the Shiba Inu 169,686 7 лет назад
DOG LEARNS HOW TO FIDGET SPIN! | Shiba Inu Haru Haru the Shiba Inu 103,383 7 лет назад
Meet Our New Puppy, Haru the Shiba Inu! [Vlog #36] Haru the Shiba Inu 108,070 9 лет назад
DOG ATTACKS R.C CAR! Haru the Shiba Inu 16,110,404 7 лет назад
dog caught looking at phone.. Haru the Shiba Inu 27,139 4 года назад
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARU THE SHIBA INU! Haru the Shiba Inu 100,656 8 лет назад
Dog Politely asks Human to Play. Haru the Shiba Inu 25,720 4 года назад
What Kind of Massage Do Dogs Like? Haru the Shiba Inu 97,983 6 лет назад
headscratching my dog all day. Haru the Shiba Inu 39,241 4 года назад