Cinematic Laboratory

Real Air | A 're-recording / reamping' recipe by Lodewijk Vos (LØ). Cinematic Laboratory 495 9 часов назад
Mastering is a Fine Art | But the basics are useful too! Cinematic Laboratory 1,913 3 дня назад
Source of Certainty | By MakNos. Cinematic Laboratory 1,525 4 дня назад
MakeNoise MultiMod | New Universal Synthesizer System | Episode 01 Cinematic Laboratory 4,598 7 дней назад
Voltage Math | The Modular Classroom | Lesson 03 Cinematic Laboratory 2,317 55 лет назад
242T Programmable Pulser | Buchla 200 Series EP.12 | By Tiptop Audio Cinematic Laboratory 2,278 55 лет назад
The Modular Classroom | Introduction | Intended Audience and Approach Cinematic Laboratory 2,737 1 месяц назад
Mutable (ST)RINGS | Modular Composing | Open Sequencing Cinematic Laboratory 2,957 1 месяц назад
Starter Kits | Episode 12 | The Unperson Approach Cinematic Laboratory 5,963 10 месяцев назад
MakeNoise MultiMod | New Universal Synthesizer System | Episode 01 Cinematic Laboratory 4,598 7 дней назад
Bopp and Steve | Reconstructive Reverb | by This Is Not RocketScience Cinematic Laboratory 2,056 1 месяц назад
Low-Budget Modular | Does it even exist? Cinematic Laboratory 6,442 3 месяца назад
Elmyra 2 by Neutral Labs Cinematic Laboratory 7,696 1 год назад
ThreeTom Modular Doppio (Double Espresso AMP/DRIVE/Limiter) Cinematic Laboratory 932 5 месяцев назад
Voltage Math | The Modular Classroom | Lesson 03 Cinematic Laboratory 2,317 55 лет назад
The Cinematic Laboratory E01 - Double Echophons Cinematic Laboratory 983 5 лет назад
The Cinematic Laboratory - Exploring Modular Polyphony Cinematic Laboratory 2,797 5 лет назад presents Cinematic Laboratory - '404' Cinematic Laboratory 1,484 3 года назад
The Cinematic Laboratory - Waterphon (Echophon + QPAS) Cinematic Laboratory 1,709 5 лет назад
The Cinematic Laboratory - Drummers from lots of Other Mothers Cinematic Laboratory 675 5 лет назад
The Cinematic Laboratory - Westcoast Techno Cinematic Laboratory 1,212 5 лет назад
Advanced Expression | Modular Composing | Episode 11 Cinematic Laboratory 2,090 1 месяц назад