
Channel Intro for BorderlinerNotes BorderlinerNotes 25,387 8 лет назад
BorderlinerNotes Channel Intro BorderlinerNotes 62,237 3 года назад
How a Borderline Person is Created | PETER FONAGY BorderlinerNotes 461,984 7 лет назад
The Root of Severe Personality Disorders | OTTO KERNBERG BorderlinerNotes 59,379 7 лет назад
BPD Psych Interview | Charlotte & Dr. Diamond BorderlinerNotes 85,776 2 года назад
REBBIE - Using Other People to Self Regulate BorderlinerNotes 9,923 7 лет назад
DAVID - Not Trusting Anybody BorderlinerNotes 22,512 7 лет назад
BARBARA - Her Reasons for Not Wanting to Be Labeled "Borderline" BorderlinerNotes 3,420 7 лет назад
Why It's Hard to Help a Narcissist | FRANK YEOMANS BorderlinerNotes 58,247 5 лет назад
When Do Narcissists Seek Treatment? | DIANA DIAMOND BorderlinerNotes 85,250 4 года назад
BARBARA - Managing Friendships Over Time BorderlinerNotes 3,224 7 лет назад
The Key to Treating Malignant Narcissism | FRANK YEOMANS BorderlinerNotes 108,375 4 года назад
BPD Toxic Relationship & Self-Inflicted Disability | Charlotte BorderlinerNotes 20,532 1 год назад
What Causes Identity Diffusion in BPD & NPD? | OTTO KERNBERG BorderlinerNotes 97,049 7 лет назад
REBBIE - Reconfiguring Everything (Not for the Faint of Heart) BorderlinerNotes 3,874 7 лет назад
NPD (Narcissism) vs BPD (Borderline) | FRANK YEOMANS BorderlinerNotes 398,096 5 лет назад
Major Signs & Symptoms of BPD (Borderline) | OTTO KERNBERG BorderlinerNotes 218,666 7 лет назад
BPD & Visions of Grandeur | Divya BorderlinerNotes 2,232 2 месяца назад
Narcissism Is a Defense Against BPD | OTTO KERNBERG BorderlinerNotes 959,913 7 лет назад
Being a Man with BPD -- Borderline Personality Disorder | DAVID BorderlinerNotes 82,515 7 лет назад
BPD & Avoiding Sadness | MARSHA LINEHAN BorderlinerNotes 105,727 7 лет назад
Narcissism vs. BPD (The Simple Version) | OTTO KERNBERG BorderlinerNotes 80,872 7 лет назад
BPD & Mistaking Thought for Fact | PETER FONAGY BorderlinerNotes 49,365 7 лет назад
Aggression & Emptiness in NPD | FRANK YEOMANS BorderlinerNotes 74,999 5 лет назад
BARBARA - What Keeps Her Alive BorderlinerNotes 3,508 7 лет назад