The #1 Thing You Need To Focus On In Your Social Media Strategy

The #1 Thing You Need To Focus On In Your Social Media Strategy


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@Kris-mj3xr - 31.07.2024 20:36

People in general are realizing social media is just loser shit in general and beginning to avoid it. Limited use is ok (no different than alcohol, whatever), but the masses are realizing it’s destroying our society.

@Web3Frog - 31.07.2024 21:38

The effort it take to be taken in any Gary video nowadays is just incredible!
What a Dream!
Peace <3 🐸

@getejikewithit - 31.07.2024 23:02

Patience refers to and speaks more to the "reward" side of the equation. We have to put in the work and effort and learn to adjust, but the big results may take time. They will come if you're doing the work efficiently and correctly.

@RobbScottVideos - 01.08.2024 02:02

Gary. To your question to about "Do you treat your kids differently". The answer in our house is, YES! One child has Down Syndrome. The other does not. The child with DS is the most cuddly, loveable, soft, person. I love to hug him everyday. I give him the majority of my physical connection. Because it feels so good. My other son is high intellect athlete. We rarely cuddle. But what I get from him is the joy of watching a terrific young athlete. As well, he gives me the intellectual connection I crave. Which, I can't really get from my son with Down Syndrome. We are very open about this in our house. We tell them we love them EXACTLY the same. But for different reasons entirely.

@RAZASHARP - 01.08.2024 02:10

the last chick is to focused on money....that's gonna crash sooner or later!

@Picwajzzz - 01.08.2024 04:45

How and why Mccartys blew up? 150million views on multiple videos wth 😮
Just looked at their channel for the first time and content is a bit weird. No hate just genuinely curious

@p3drogil - 01.08.2024 07:25

Content creators should stop worrying about the algorithm and just make content about whats fun for them. The numbers will follow

@azlifmohamed8804 - 01.08.2024 12:41

how many of you guys actually get any content from the actual title of the videos ? most of the time i get nothing.

@moneymaverickstv - 01.08.2024 12:49


@treymathis7159 - 01.08.2024 17:24

I like the different cam angle 💪🏾

@Andromeda2976 - 01.08.2024 17:57

Patience is the key! Thankyou for sharing, really enjoyed it

@Felix-np4ww - 01.08.2024 18:51

Sound ist full of drops

@larrytheloner7964 - 01.08.2024 21:27

Hello! Are you still scamming people?

@crlopeztj - 02.08.2024 00:30


@kavanaroy3484 - 02.08.2024 01:24

Is the content reach for new creators with less followers that can reach people without a big following for instagram too?

@CapnnCrunkk - 02.08.2024 07:18

If you ever promote those jokers at upland I am personally buying the jets and moving the team to Oakland

@muthaphukinjones - 02.08.2024 08:25

I'm looking to get into animation as well anyone got a good recommendation

@RodJBeerVentures - 02.08.2024 17:16

Great video Gary, and awesome seeing Kelly Manno as one of your guests!

@TheRealMsCarmen - 02.08.2024 19:06

I’m a proud owner of that book on that shelf , so insightful

@TheRealMsCarmen - 02.08.2024 19:07

Gary can you please stop giving free information on what we paid for to learn in your book , thank you 🙏

@TheMikeFortinShow - 02.08.2024 19:19

Gary, my company @CineDrones could really use some help on Social Media. Would love to connect.

@jeremyjenderseck2104 - 03.08.2024 06:16

I stopped following years ago and only liking videos when they popped it. As of the last year I have switched back to subscribing to the persons content I like because I want to support them more than I want more of that similar content. Real recognize real

@maxalli-mx - 03.08.2024 08:35

I think the algorithm works different if youre a business account like mine. I can feel it and I post on all social platforms, sometimes I get thousands views here then 3 views on tiktok and facebook (same video) lmao. I get it they want me to pay $$$

@Savahnae - 03.08.2024 11:59

Just started all new socials and noticed high views on my new content but very few follows. My Gen Z daughter told me it’s fine, people don’t really follow anymore. I noticed people are getting massively viral vids and getting few followers out of it. Spot on as always Gary!

@LichtHeiler - 03.08.2024 12:06

Gary is just such a genuinely good human being

@Mr.Gratitude - 03.08.2024 15:55

Those discussions are so insightful. Thank you so much. ❤

@teachwithyourheart - 03.08.2024 21:07

Gary your amazing!!!

@keata - 04.08.2024 05:24

The hiccup & cutting out throughout the episode was a bit distracting. :( But love the content.

@TaneyaYKoonce - 04.08.2024 09:10

I follow Kelly on TikTok! It's cool to see here here! 😊

@ImagineYourCool - 05.08.2024 04:31

It's Kelly 💜💜

@georgekobty - 05.08.2024 19:46

It's true with my guitar content, I have people that like every post that don't follow me. They just keep getting pushed my content. Much love.

@gtcam723 - 07.08.2024 11:40

Once I get the 1000 followers, I’m good. I wouldn’t even care about that but YT does. 🤷‍♂️

I’m managing to grow much more rapidly than I expected.

@FrosaliCreativeClients - 07.08.2024 12:22

Spot on about followers not mattering as much now. From experience, this is what freaks people out the most. They've been treating follower counts like a bank account instead of focusing on consistently engaging content. It's a tough mindset shift, but necessary.

@focusonbusinesspodcast - 07.08.2024 15:39

Hey Gary….I’m Jane and my hubby is Rick 😜

@fabricioface - 08.08.2024 16:20

I think involving kids in social media to make money out of their childhoods is just despicable.
There are tons of studies showing the setbacks to the child's development, problems with bonding... everytime putting a camera on a child's face to get likes and views, and click money... they just hate it. It's like children labor, just updated to the digital times. What Gary said is just wrong, "as long as you teach them selfsteem". You cant teach anything to a child that has a problem to bond with you in the first place.
By the way, I don't see his kid in his videos... very, very rare.

@shilohbell1573 - 10.08.2024 19:23

Your heart just explodes through your videos. I literally tested up when you began talking about empathy.

@QUiNTiNBANKS - 10.08.2024 22:32

I’m here for all this information.

@niallgibbons1120 - 13.08.2024 02:37

Gary man, you are such a role model not just from your work but the way you are as a person man. Keep on going ⚡️

@jakobeandeejaylen - 14.08.2024 09:03

Down To network with someone in Canada be optimized for international work in my country and area of expertise lmk thx !

@arecipeforbeauty - 15.08.2024 19:24

Gary V you are a beautiful human. Thank you for sharing your soul with us and your light. I can feel this universe that you are building swirling around in my head and I’m excited to share it with my kids and grandkids peace and love man. Always XO.moni xo 💋

@hockinghillsalive3624 - 15.08.2024 19:46

"We've lost our balance."
"We've gotten a little bit too red, or a little too blue, when PURPLE is the answer."

@juliekmunden - 27.08.2024 14:49

Love the Gen X lady:Kelly! She had me laughing on TT early on!

@jonjust - 04.09.2024 16:27

I’ll try Snapchat before I ever try oysters 😂

@MayorMcCheese2000 - 04.09.2024 18:14

There seems to be some kinda clipping with the audio, the audio from the call is one thing but it seems like Gary's voice is getting clipped here and there too from some kinda artifact in the audio or something that doesn't belong. I'd think thats gada be some kinda easy adjustable setting to make sure the audio you capture moving forward is what you wanted.

@fabhosted - 14.09.2024 10:45

Thanks Gary!

@Scandinavian_wmn - 03.11.2024 15:31

I unsubscribe if I get too many notices from the account. It's stressing. A notice once a week is ok.

@scoretennisacademy - 08.11.2024 02:41

Thank Hope Solo

@ScottsHonestReviews - 13.12.2024 07:47

