Since 2012 Social Media has exploded. That is the cause of the Culture Wars
Having what it essentially a digital megaphone by manipulating algorithms is a very effective propaganda tactic. It is however being done under the guise of ‘free speech’. A megaphone in a verbal debate would not be free speech, and neither is Social Media.
I personally dont care, meanwhile i can live on a cabin near a lake in the middle of the woods, having a place where a can go and eat a good burger on the weekends, the rest of the world could burn to ashes for what a care, and if they want me down, i can assure you im not going down with out a fight 😊
Ответитьculture means nothing.
rationally, only a united optimized world works.
Thank you for what you do!
ОтветитьIf politics is an expression of majority will, then the truth or essence of that expression must complement and respect every member comprising the majority. Any political vehicle that does not or cannot respect the integrity of the majority shall pursue civil war to the brink of destruction or beyond. Cultural wars don’t matter. Make your choices and pursue your ambitions, but choose wisely grasshoppers. Now I can watch the rest of this presentation. Now that I’ve watched this presentation to its conclusion, I am inclined to continue thinking that cultural wars don’t matter. I don’t have to fight to be me because my integrity resides in simply being. Such wars toward a “cultural survival”, are inventions towards greater politics. Like most inventions, the politics of the day should and will pass without further scrutiny or war.
ОтветитьLolol ok. Yes. Consuming corpo product with rainbow or corpo product that has a confederate flag. It really matters. 😂😂😂
ОтветитьI don't like it when people try to IMPOSE their cultures on others. That's my problem.
ОтветитьThe party that only cares if you're an "American citizen," is the more inclusive one at this point.
Ответитьvery well made, thanks 👍
ОтветитьThe state of modern architecture definitely disproves the idea of art tending towards progress. We marvel at structures built hundreds of years ago more than today's buildings.
I also don't find leftwing media telling people to loathe certain demographics that progressive either
How do u not have more subs? It's criminal
ОтветитьGreat channel. Got a new subscriber
ОтветитьThis channel pretends to give deep discussion and insightful analysis of important topics, but actually delivers long strings of superficial opinions in a pretentious tone.
ОтветитьIdk man, i just want people to leave me alone to let me live out my dream of being a sage out in the woods.
ОтветитьThis is why i say So called African Americans and Europeans should be segregated. Two cultures cant coexist when their values don't align.
ОтветитьI cry at Cool Runnings...I DARE you to top that!
ОтветитьCulture war could bring us in a civil war, all of you were warned
ОтветитьTerrific. I love that you don’t use ads in your videos.
ОтветитьThank you
ОтветитьThe freedom debate is rarely truly about freedom and usually about culture. The positive freedom to practice my culture while having negative freedom from a different culture. As social beings, few humans truly believe in "absolute" freedom of expression. Most people, but not all.
Ответитьblergh... it's the kind of thing you believe when you don't understand the creative process or its reach...
ОтветитьIt doesn’t. The whole point of a culture war is to perpetuate and profit off of it.
ОтветитьThe French Revolution began with the peasantry who were starving, then formed up in rage and took the matter in to their own hands. The Sans Coullete didn't read Rousseau, Schiller or the other elite educated "snobs". This guy distorts history with his over the top embellishment of the institutional "thought leaders" of yore who bore no such weight but now must be kept as "idols if Influence." Flattery will get you nowhere. Your appeals to history couldn't be more telling...Here's quarter, don't spend it all in one place...
ОтветитьComparing modern culture wars to the French Revolution is an interesting way of considering them.
Ответить... unless the self identified liberals become effectively intolerant in the name of their cause. Physically assaulting someone for wearing the wrong red hat, getting someone fired and ostracized for something they said as a joke 15 years ago within the context of that time, contempt prior to investigation concerning any potential nefarious operations of those for whom they voted, etc etc etc. I see flawed, biased human beings on any point along the sociopolitical spectrum.
ОтветитьAre you saying that we are all sheep and are incapable of independent thought, if so I agree.
Ответитьnot sure, but it feels to me that main focus of this vid, although its interesting, kinda misses its supposed "Why Culture Wars Matter" point; don´t feel that current cultural wars are that of artistic aspect of fact i cannot even think of one single piece, which kicked off nowdays developments
ОтветитьHalf of this video is just him listing things
ОтветитьGreat Video!
I tried to understand transcendental idealism, but I came to the realization that I just Kant.
Scams matter.
Ответитьthey dont matter. its just nonsense pushed by a group of people because they have no real opinions on actual issues. next.
ОтветитьOver simplification to fit an agenda is the most dangerous culture war weapon to ever be used in the modern era.
ОтветитьGreat background (And as a German academic in the field I praise the knowledge of the thinkers here) but I do find that the video ends a bit too early. I think the question about culture wars these days is so big because conservatives have a sort of easy way to ridicule some of what happens. History might bend a bit more towards the idea of progress but if progress becomes some sort of self parody then you might wonder if we won't be more conservative again. Pronouns, students marching for Hamas and the attacks on Western values when they themselves are the only ones who allow such attacks are all empirical signs that these days it is a bit different than in the times of Schiller and Hegel but also in the age of Martin Luther King.
Ответить"On the Aesthetic Education of Man" by Schiller is one of my absolute favorite books, well, it's a collection of letters but still.
ОтветитьIs the common misconception the most great artists are liberal or left wing, in fact you can count them on one hand. Yes people who do the artist lifestyle tend to be left wing, but, the vast majority of timeless artists are either conservative or even reactionary. It is timeless themes that touch the heart, not the unrealistic Utopia of the moment.
ОтветитьI’m fascinated by this “Culture war” because I Value Well Writing Characters and World building in Stories and I don’t like it when directors and studios force unnecessary Identity politics and and normalising distasteful Misandry down audiences throat.
ОтветитьAnyone here because of the Marvels?
ОтветитьWhite supremacists have turned their military defeat into a cultural victory by creating what Antonio Gramsci calls an hegemonic bloc.
Ответитьthis is very interesting, I just realized how Nazi Germany used art and symbols to their advantage, I'm not gonna lie their flags, uniforms, banners, and songs are dope
ОтветитьSo long as the SJWs don’t try to ruin video games and comedy.
ОтветитьNot for psychopaths though