How I Became a Freelance Designer without a Portfolio or Prior Experience

How I Became a Freelance Designer without a Portfolio or Prior Experience


5 лет назад

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@vivitron - 18.02.2020 02:24

Ahhhh thank you for the very informative video! I wish I had this when I was starting out and very lost 😂

@yasmine4146 - 20.05.2020 01:22

Thank you so much for this, im really on the fence about joining programs like ilovecreatives and i feel so lost, i really just want a side job in design to get my foot in the door in the design world. This helps a lot! I will look into your links ;)

@kristenrosario8042 - 25.06.2020 20:46

thanks for the help!

@user-cy3kn7zx1l - 29.07.2020 08:27

Love your content! What were u doing before moving into design?
