How Europe Sabotaged Its Own Economy

How Europe Sabotaged Its Own Economy

Economics Explained

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@StevieFQ - 03.03.2025 20:15

Wait. So which one is it. Is britain the one losing skilled laborers to other countries or is EU losing skilled laborers to other countries including britain?
I mean if you're going to be such a UK bull you might as well say it clearly.

@mikeissjr - 02.03.2025 06:58

Europe does not have the same level of education institutions. The UK might have one or two, but look at the Top 400 schools and see how many Europe as whole has.

@TheInquisitiveFool-cf6uj - 01.03.2025 11:46

The US became the world's largest economy in 1890, WW2 wasn't the reason why the US blew paste European economies, it was the fewer regulations, entrepreneur spirit of immigrants and ease of financing.

@d.3521 - 27.02.2025 21:52

Far more Socialist in all of their approaches
U can even see it in immigration where they don't feel the need to attract highly skilled people but asylum seekers and refugees

@omarmyia - 27.02.2025 13:57

Europe is sooo bad yet millions of people literally risk their lives to reach our shores and live here, besides the legal migrants.

@marktrain9498 - 27.02.2025 06:11

Import the third world, become the third world.

@billyb4790 - 26.02.2025 20:23

In summary Europe became too socialist and high minded snubbing their noses at the USA and forgot who allows them to exist.

@sturm7130 - 26.02.2025 07:58

The US is not going to let China become the dominant world power without a fight. And I have bets on China winning whatever war takes place. Look at history to understand the future. The fall of another empire is in progress.

@HAPPYTHELEAF - 25.02.2025 19:31

We need to get out Irexit...

@HAPPYTHELEAF - 25.02.2025 18:29

You can turn up potless, pissed, and riddled with god knows what in Ireland that's why we pay more taxes, have a so called housing crisis, health crisis, and every kind of crisis the spin doctors can come up with, except of course an IMMIGRATION CRISIS.

@greypilgrim9967 - 23.02.2025 19:20

Foreign immigration is worsening the housing crisis in the UK. And it’s not skilled worker visas it’s “refugees” and illegal immigrants.

And it’s even worse in continental Europe! You blatant propaganda peddler.

@georgecaplin9075 - 23.02.2025 18:57

“Universal type C” really annoys me. It’s not the result, that’s a good thing, it’s how we got there. The EU, a collection of 27 significant world economies, decided it was more important to ban the iPhone cable than coal power plants, unnecessarily short plane journeys or the diesel engine.

@TiltedSparta - 22.02.2025 17:50

Good video. Solve the energy crisis and the world of possibilities becomes availabe to all. it will reolve hunger and shelter

@JJ.R-xs8rf - 22.02.2025 12:08

How Europe Sabotaged Its Own Economy
How China Sabotaged Its Own Economy
How the USA Sabotaged Its Own Economy

That's the current reality...

@381delirius - 20.02.2025 19:13

GDP is a lousy metric to use. If every bank in the country is robbed, GDP goes up
If there's a chemical spill requiring cleanup efforts, gdp goes up
a country takes out huge debt for military spending, GDP goes wayyy up.
A country designs their cities to require a car, and further require gas, insurance, maintenance, and continually draining the pockets of Americans, GDP goes up.
GDP is especially lousy because it doesn't matter where the money ends up.

@zaraizara2794 - 20.02.2025 10:56

how? by become us and uk dog. that's how..

@sp1nks248 - 19.02.2025 21:04

Liberalism destorys nations

@UsagiV4.2 - 19.02.2025 20:36

America is successful is the most funny thing I have heard looking at streets of San Francisco 😂

@matthillier9626 - 19.02.2025 11:17

Europe Regulates the world follows, the eu follows innovation

@snokehusk223 - 18.02.2025 15:28

Immigration is the biggest disaster any nation can experience.

@Madrid_-xe6kr - 18.02.2025 10:51

I live in a EU country where drivers and teachers earn almost similar to PHDs and software engineers doing high tech stuff. Yes, legend here is drivers make almost 6 figures. There is less incentive to work hard solely from money POV unless you love working. What EU doesn't get is people higher in chain are multiple times more valuable to productivity. Salary structures are relatively flat and taxes get brutally progressive as you go higher in chain compared to Asia and USA making it even less incentive to work hard. In lot of western European countries, median and minimum wage salaries is now only 20-30% difference and shows amount of interventions done by governments. It is race to bottom for middle class which is completely hollowed out and losing the most and are not able to afford good things besides the basics. Not that bad in my country where people are doing fine except housing.

@SolutionsSolved - 18.02.2025 03:33

Doesnt even need an 18 min vid. Mass migration is why

@danstvguy - 17.02.2025 22:51

You really think Europe rebuilding after WW2 is why Europe trails the US in economic growth? Singapore, Vietnam, South Korea have done pretty well since major wars ended. Work ethic and competition is the core ingredient for economic success in the high tech world. Europe is just too laid back.

@studiowldl3amyt834 - 17.02.2025 16:24

Its beacuse of this🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️☮️⚛️🇮🇱

@guimendonca123 - 17.02.2025 05:29

2 words: green agenda.

@AgentSmith911 - 16.02.2025 17:11

Immigration has been a disaster

@vladislavvergilov4358 - 15.02.2025 13:34

so tell us how many homeless people does US have :D

@vladislavvergilov4358 - 15.02.2025 13:23

not if immigrants are dark coler

@dmm118 - 15.02.2025 07:58

I'm always amused watching the smug Europeans sabotage themselves, blame the US for their problems, and behave as if they're better than everyone.

@varungupta2045 - 15.02.2025 00:05

America is better if you’re rich.. Europe is better if you’re poor.

@seb3317 - 14.02.2025 16:07

Mass immigration in the Netherlands (my home country) made groceries and housing impossible for younger people while boomers sit up golden thrones hold aloft by the third world hordes who occupy social housing and take more and more welfare and social services leaving natives abandoned I have immigrated to the United States and never looked back 🇺🇸

@briansands2824 - 13.02.2025 18:54

"This can, and has had, negative impacts when capital is directed into finite and non-productive asset markets, like housing."
Can you elaborate on this?

@ЦзинКэ-ы5х - 13.02.2025 13:22

In 2023, around 27k people emigrated from Germany to the USA. Which is a staggering 0,03% of the population.

@matthewmccarthy2406 - 13.02.2025 09:22

In the US if your not getting unemployment benefits, your not counted as unemployed, but are "choosing" the unemployed lifestlye and are not participating in the workforce by choice. Since the US workers get at most 6 months unemployment benefit, the true number of Unemployed people is much higher than the official statistics. This is why the US has only 62% workforce participation. That, and the huge "under the table" undocumented, and off the books, workforce.

@EdwardJWhiting - 13.02.2025 01:01

So-called "skills gaps" or "skills shortages" are not fixed by immigration, but by education and training. Aus has had a "skills shortage" since the late 90's and despite adding millions to our population, we haven't fixed it yet. It's a scam.

@jacob4155 - 12.02.2025 22:46

The Left: Importing as many immigrants as they can because they don't believe in paying current employees a livable wage or a country first approach.

@philippechristofleau7641 - 12.02.2025 22:26

Very interesting but unfortunately, the author speaks too quickly which makes the content of the video hard to catch on

@Andreavince-v - 12.02.2025 13:11

People try to predict the economy not realizing it is not a capitalistic market, its a command economy, central planning! my concern is, instead of having much dollar in bank that could lose value to inflation, do I save in gold to reserve and grow wealth for now, or just hang on?

@Lau-x5q - 11.02.2025 16:15

Brexit is a mess, EU at the mean time is also a mess, boy oh boy the future of Europe is surely shrouded in the darkness.

@registhiolliere205 - 11.02.2025 14:38

For energy isn t France an exception thanks to nuclear plants ?

@Rawdiswar - 10.02.2025 22:57


@silentdeath7847 - 10.02.2025 17:07

The EU asked us to not drill for oil/gas from the cost of northern norway, so we did not do it. Then they asked us to increase production and drill anywhere we can, so we did for them....then they acuse us of war profitering from the ukraine war..

@alexanderkovacs4554 - 10.02.2025 16:54

The currency Euro lost about a third since 2009. Thats why gdp in $ in international perspective cant hold up to usa, so the gdp/cap. If Germany still would have the currency DM which was a very hard currency, we cold have a higher gdp/cap than USA just as in 1995. of course the exports wouldnt be as high but we would be richer still.

@Resistor.1 - 10.02.2025 16:38

Most european countries have self sabotaging governments. They're actively destroying the family unit and economies over woke agendas, which have been proven time and again to do nothing positive.

@willyhill7509 - 10.02.2025 00:56

The main problem for Europe is the loss of manufacturing jobs to China and other places, this means there is an increase in imports and a reduction in output and exports, a perfect recipe for stagnation or decline. In adition this also leads to an increase in borrowing to make up for the loss of productive jobs. The 2nd problem is immigration, take the UK as an example the cost of public services is 16k per person per year, since only 1/4 immigrants work and pay tax that means that each working immigrant has to pay 64k in taxes for immigration to break even, or in other words they have to earn at least 110k which is way more than most earn. The more that come and the worse off the country gets.

@lindor94 - 10.02.2025 00:34

Talking about Europe like its a country is amazing XD This whole channel is just "number go higher = good, number goes lower = bad"
