Angry Irish Sounds, 🥔👍
ОтветитьOmg i actually just got this game, without jawboning a clothe they played it
Ответитьi had no clue nogla knew jack
ОтветитьThat potato sales pitch at the end by nogla hits just right
ОтветитьWhen do the Bits show up and steal all the potatoes?
ОтветитьJacksepticeye trying to get the tractors stuck the entire time instead of being useful is surprisingly annoying. He's like those idiots that try their hardest to hide shopping carts outside of stores instead of just putting them back where they're supposed to be.
ОтветитьPotatoes start dying.
The Lads: Screams of Irish panic.
so this is how the potato famine went down
ОтветитьAt the beginning they all sounded like Sean
ОтветитьWho's the 5th lad?
Jack, CallMeKevin, Nogla, RT Games..?
Watching again at the end of 2024 in December because it popped up onto what video game to watch with “JackSexyEyes” and other Irish gamers, too!!!👨🏻🦰❤️😹😼🙀😺☘️🍀🗺️
Ответить“What the shitte???!!”
ОтветитьI love it; “the Lads farm or the tato farm!!!”🥔😼😺😹🍀☘️
Ответить“Nooooooo!!! The Famine is back!!!!”🥔🎮🙀
ОтветитьThat's my father that's callmekevin he created Me
ОтветитьI said "it's crowning" at work because I work at a pizza place and freaked my coworker out. But I wasn't pregnant and no one on staff was. It was still funny.
ОтветитьI love CallMeKevin so much
ОтветитьSo much Irish YESSS!!!!
ОтветитьI can imagine chat yelling at them for 15 min to use the vehicle switching key and no one did it xD
ОтветитьIs this how it went wrong the first time?
Ответитьwaiting for the FS25 version
Ответитьi wanna go back to when this was first uploaded, man
ОтветитьHow the Potato Famine REALLY Happened.
ОтветитьAye lads run er' back
ОтветитьThe only thing wrong with this is you're all playing on the Elmcreek map, which takes place in the US
ОтветитьMy Welsh ancestors are weeping..
And so am I..
How many people watched this with the absurd expectation that even a single potato was going to be grown?
I'm not saying it didn't happen, it was just an absurd thing to expect.
Are their accents slowly getting stronger 😭😭😭like terrisor is the least Irish sounding Irish person but even he started to really sound irish💀💀
ОтветитьThis is how the famine rly happened
ОтветитьThis chaos is brilliant!
ОтветитьThem talking and goofing is what I'd imagine an Irish pub to sound like
ОтветитьY'know, seeing a bunch of tractors rolling down a rural street on the way to maccas is basically a rite of passage for farming kids. Dunno that they usually have masses of potatoes with them but still 🤣
ОтветитьThis is how the potato famin started 😭😂
Ответитьlove how it sounds like 5 seans
ОтветитьMy 5 favorite micks in one video? I love it
ОтветитьWatching them experience a potato famine simulation is the funniest shit to possibly happen
ОтветитьTerrorizer and nogla are always a welcome guest, love those guys
ОтветитьThey re gonna cause the next potato famine
Ответить“Kevin no tacos!”
Ah, beautiful chaos.
How you know its gunna be good.
Yep!!! Going to wear the CLOAK Irish clothing line from Sean on St. Paddy’s Day and watch this again since “for the love of the Irish!!!” (“Erin Go Bragh!!!”)😼😺🙀🎮👨🏻🦰☘️🍀🇨🇮