I come from a long line of mathematics and the family of python. These are my visions.
ОтветитьHello from 2022
ОтветитьHaha first thing he says is a lie . This will be fun.
ОтветитьWhy’s the guy on the left annoying me so much
ОтветитьNow we all know what "the race for Number 10" means (UK politics)
Ответить12 years 62k views. This video should have at least a million especially since I get it recommended to me every month
Ответить. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ
الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ.▪وَٱلۡقُرۡءَانِ ٱلۡحَكِیمِ ٱلۡجِنِّ لَعۡنَتِیۤ إِلَىٰ یَوۡمِ ٱلدِّینِ🕋آمیـــــــــــــن یارب العالمین» - ٱلۡجِنِّ لَعۡنَتِیۤ إِلَىٰ یَوۡمِ ٱلدِّینِ🕋الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ |آمیـــــــــــــن|الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ. الۤمۤ.الۤمۤ.
Fuckn boring dude
ОтветитьThank you
ОтветитьWHY double the star if values can be found in one statement. the kabbalah is a 10 point figure. why not just take summary from 5 point star. especially with 10 being a debatable number.
ОтветитьThanks for the video.
ОтветитьJews have many false gods
ОтветитьLearn the script of English witchcraft research Zachary Hubbard's book s
ОтветитьCan we get anymore demonic ?
ОтветитьLovely presentation! Lots of veiled Kabbala in the New Testament too - ‘for mine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory’ (8,9,10) son of man; ‘The Trinity’ (1,2,3) Son of God.
Have noticed that 12 and 13 tussle with each other in evolving - also 21 and 22.
man in red looks stressed and confused
ОтветитьI am interested in learning Hebrew Kabala Numerology. Please guide 🙏
ОтветитьIf anyone wants to access the mystic and the spheres, do Franz bardon Books
ОтветитьBut how do you know by using your date of birth there
ОтветитьThis was a strange class!
ОтветитьWhat book(s)/textbooks were used for this course? Is there a syllabus? Also does professor Spano have any articles on the matter (other than the blog that can be found via the Wayback Machine). I assume this full course was not filmed?
ОтветитьStolen negro science stamped as jewish cause its how you code communications and brainwash humans with image manipulation to subconscious level with phoenetic codes... GTFOH !!!! SHITS OLDER THAN JEWISH PIRATES WHO STEAL NEGRO CULTURE !!!!!! WEIRD PINK APE FRAUDS
ОтветитьIs the term “sacred space” relevant to this. System
Ответитьits not 1-9 - 10
Its 1-9 = Rebirth 11
Imagine when you drew the rest of it in the entire board started to light up🤣🤣
ОтветитьHebrew is a variation of Aramaic, which is Phoenician - prior to the masoretic text being written 'jews' were not speaking hebrew, until the hebraic alphabet - so what language were the original manuscripts that composed the old testament? it was not hebrew. which means they were dealing with themes and concepts that were older than the hebraic language.. also, 'jewish' scholars agree that the star of david is a symbol far older than the 'jewish' culture, with deeper meaning in other cultures so it is not of 'jewish' origin
ОтветитьJew is not a religion jew is a race out for all it can get which is everything
Ответитьjews are insane people legit... they need therapy alot of them.
ОтветитьNo no no
ОтветитьDoctrines of devils
ОтветитьIt is a Fantastic Time, Indeed, I do Fancy To pretend I am in Such a world. @Emoory University i would love to attend your school.
Ответить“The power of restriction is part of the power of creation”
ОтветитьIf I knew that ll my classes would be like this, I would finally go ahead and get my degree.
ОтветитьWelcome back truth seekers
ОтветитьThank you so much 🎩🙏🤗
ОтветитьJewish mysticism is a rape of Egyptian mysticism in my estimation.
ОтветитьIslamic Spain gave Judaism its Golden age
ОтветитьNever left malkuth to yesod
ОтветитьLearning all of this has been facilitating, not only because experiencing this spontaneously with no previous knowledge, and then finding the tree, and finding out that all of my random tattoos on my back are exactly the tree of life, with not one object out of place, and again no previous knowledge or influence, the universe operates in mysterious ways. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. 🐉
ОтветитьI finally understand why Alister Crowley wrote Liber 777, 7x3=21 and 22 being Kether.
ОтветитьViews are also 91k🙂
ОтветитьWhat about the Mayan?
ОтветитьAs below
ОтветитьSome of these comments are straight out of the 17th century.
ОтветитьThe Gematria value of my name is 624 & it blew me away