Best Gas Cans You Can Buy... Safest too! Justrite VS Eagle Metal Fuel Cans

Best Gas Cans You Can Buy... Safest too! Justrite VS Eagle Metal Fuel Cans

Full Throttle Family

3 года назад

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@SwampDog-w8i - 16.01.2025 18:17

All of the "new" gas cans are designed by politicians who have never had to use a gas can to do anything. They do not cut their own grass , they do not plow snow on their own sidewalks , they do not do anything that requires any manual exertion !! EVER !!
What they do is sit in some taxpayer funded ai rconditioned building, and dream up stupid rules and regulations that they do NOT have to live under !! And, to compound matters , their "new" rules are also designed to force manufacturers to drive up the prices of the end product to be ridiculous and unsustainable . There isn't a gas can on this planet worth $140.00 !!! I don't care who makes it !

@G503-e8p - 26.11.2024 00:07

Great video, so tired of the plastic junk with stupid environmental plastic spouts that just leak fuel all over the place in a few years. I have unfortunately had to throw many of the dumb plastic cans away over the years as a result - how the heck is that good for the environment???? Ordered Justrite.

@JDIII4000 - 30.09.2024 04:41

Still using my granddad’s 5gal Eagle can from the 1960’s. The paint is faded and there are a few dents, but no rust and no leaks.

@Everything2A - 19.09.2024 16:47

The difference is one was designed by fluid engineers and the trash safety ones were designed by politicians.

@Soothsayer-rs5nb - 20.06.2024 16:11

I'm getting the Just Rite....should be just right for me!

@robertb2744 - 27.03.2024 05:50

Putting gasoline into a blue container is a violation and could result in a hefty fine if the DOT man is ever around and sees it!

@isultan2010 - 26.03.2024 13:12

Would the 5/8” or 1”. Issue be better for a gas generator with 5g tank?

@lawrencedelong9748 - 10.03.2024 18:53

Great video with an easy explanation. Now, for the 2 cycle mixture ( in Florida, for our Landscapers ); we use the " Green colored Can. "🤠

@brown421421 - 12.01.2024 22:27

If you have a rural king near you they carry the justrite type 1 for around $40

@arepadetrigo - 01.01.2024 21:44

Excellent video. I could not agree more! The Nanny State plastic gas spillage cans are an absolute crime. The fact that our government mandates such foolishness is an embarrassment to us as a nation and a testimony that we are being governed by Jack****s. Literally.

I have three of the plastic Jackgass cans and two Justrite cans, one gas and one diesel. I love them the Justrite cans! They are not only a REAL fuel can, they are excellent in every way ..... well, except price. 🙂

I have modified the plastic cans just so they will work, but still hate them. I would recommend that anyone who has these Jackgass plastic cans do three things: 1) Drill a small vent hole in the top and figure out a way to plug it. I bought a pack of plastic plugs for about $5. This will allow the gas to actually flow out of the can, even though the government engineers couldn't figure it out. 2) RIP the guts out of the plastic spout that comes with these Jackgass cans and throw them away! These safeties, triggers, springs, and locking devices are the most asinine things to be foisted upon the public since Pet Rocks! They hurt your hands, prevent the flow of gas into your receiving tank, and spill gas all over the place. But they're "Government Approved"!? 3) Call your local, state, and federal representatives and DEMAND that they initiate/support legislation to literally outlaw these plastic cans and especially the spouts and legislate that a gas can must be easily usable by a 4'5", 85 pound woman, or else be accompanied by the engineer who designed it every time she wants to gas up her lawn mower, and that he/she (the engineer) must be forced to clean up any spillage with his tongue!!!

Obviously, I am being facetious, but I really DO consider these plastic cans, and especially the spouts a crime against humanity!

@KLRFJR - 18.12.2023 08:00

"go ahead and.."

@kensmith5694 - 09.07.2023 03:45

Just as a BTW: Coleman fuel in a 1 gallon can is only about $20. It is basically unleaded gas. It is a calibration point for what a gallon metal can good for storing a hydrocarbon should cost.

@mkollander99 - 20.05.2023 12:56

People that need to use the plastic gas cans to be safe should not be in public without adult supervision.

@trevorgallo9334 - 15.03.2023 20:21

Great review.

@trevorgallo9334 - 15.03.2023 20:19

You got a new follower

@JnrInd - 03.03.2023 23:04

Seems like when you made the video you just got them. Use them for a few years and make another. Also, it would have been cool to see them in action. My issue is fuel cans always leak somewhere. Check the recent reviews on these cans, people say they suck and now they are made in china. They use to be made in the USA

@SlwRpr - 28.01.2023 08:52

Hey thanks for the info. I'm looking to replace my 5 gal plastic cans i have had for a long time, they have lasted so long i have forgot how long. I have always noticed they expanded in the heat, but just this winter notice they really sucked in wildly. Thanks again for your video info.

@PS987654321PS - 16.01.2023 23:06

They are not American-made. All materials come from China and then its "assembled" in the USA. Misleading.

@AdamNicholasSievers - 24.11.2022 00:37

Designed in California, so yes.. enemies of the country 🤣👌

@misterwirez7731 - 26.07.2022 21:22

I'm sold. Justrite will be in my shed soon. A friggin' mouse chewed the ends on my aftermarket EZ pour replacement cap/nozzles that I put on all my newer (JUNK) cans. Like the OP said, the newer style "safety" cans spill more gas than anyone ever spilled with the old fashion (GOOD) cans we used to have.. I need METAL! 🤘

The change over to the safety pour cans is a great example of yuppie government bureaucracts with too much free time on their hands. They dream up the BS safety gas cans, that in no way needed this improvement

@nheng6913 - 18.07.2022 06:13

I have two Justrite, 1 quart safety cans that are probably from their earliest days. The paint is a dark red but fully intact after decades of use. My 2 gallon Eagle looks like crap after 15 years of very light usage. The paint is thin and poor adhesion. Its only saving grace is the type II with large screw cap and yellow flexible pour spout with end plug. Your video is great and helped me decide with a decision I must make tomorrow. It's going to be Justrite.

@donusmc1 - 29.06.2022 03:52

I have some very old gas cans, oiler cans etc that are eagle. I think they were popular among the car crowd. My guess is justrite bought eagle and knew they could pump out an inferior product with the eagle name and charge the same money and plenty of people would buy it.

@BwanaSuttree - 13.06.2022 22:14

Eagle and Justrite are the same company for the past decade.

@plgard - 13.06.2022 21:54

I saw the Eagle 5 gallon cans on the shelf for under $60 at Menards. The funnel is admittedly a little strange, you’re 100% correct, they get dirty. Compared to the plastic cans with the bureaucrat engineered safety straw an American made steel can available at a big box gave me the fizz, and I left with three. I’ve since found the Justrite, yeah, they’re a significant step up. It gets old taking the funnels to the parts cleaner, I’ll be upgrading. I always though there should be a dedicated color for mixed gas!‽ Thanks for sharing!

@madgainz7871 - 01.06.2022 02:36

What a bout VP fuel can? use them on the race car and power tool and its no big deal, only a bit cheaper than eagle and plastic though

@medpr0 - 24.05.2022 06:16

Do they make a 1 gallon can for motorcycles?

@joshe7845 - 18.04.2022 21:54

Thanks for the review on these. I wish I could find justrite cans in a brick and mortar store. Eagle cans are available at lowes and TSC among others.

@adambrown6930 - 08.03.2022 05:07

Way better than a NATO can!

@dillon5675 - 29.01.2022 17:29

100 dollars? They are usually under 50 at Tsc Atwood’s Home Depot

@NeoRimeOnline - 28.01.2022 11:04

Y'all are putting out some real high quality content!
