Two minutes into this video and I quickly saw why these " DUMB*SS people are stuck living in the so-called POOREST county in America, STUPIDITY is the cause, Believing that Donald Trump aka Agent Orange is the answer to their prays, When he doesn't know or even care that they exist, I have no pity for the ignorance of racism in America, The land they so greatly love and is about to be destroyed by the racist republicans soon to be in control !!!
ОтветитьFreedom is land.
ОтветитьThe first dude sounds like he might be one of the 60% in their town that's on drugs 😂😂 up at 3 in the morning watching people high on drugs 😅😂
ОтветитьWhat do they always tell colored people in awful situations like this? “Just move”😂
ОтветитьThat drug person was a fake
ОтветитьThese people just suck at life and so did their fathers before them. My father became wealthy as a young man and passed it to my siblings and I to continue making money. I don’t understand how they can’t create their own wealth and become rich. They are lazy or enjoy being nobody’s
Ответить“Not worry about big companies as much as they do and worry about the small people” as he votes for Trump who gives tax breaks to the Uber wealthy lol😅another great example of why Trump won. Idiots vote for him
ОтветитьMy best friend lives in Owsley county, I live in the next county over, Lee. It's a struggle, but it's beautiful.
ОтветитьYou should go to Butte, MT
ОтветитьBut what happened to the libtards constant accusations of “white privilege”??!? Odd how they were lying again….
ОтветитьPlease go back in a year and ask if they’re better off now that Trump is back
ОтветитьKentucky still voting for Republicans & the results are exactly the same as it always will remain. Hoping for government handouts, but they hate the government.
ОтветитьAgain another "get biden out, Trump this and that.." but too ignorant and uneducated to know TRUMP is why inflation is high... Biden Harris last 4 years is why its going down...
ОтветитьI'm a high price of stuff like groceries two or three house holds need to carpool and go to the nearest larger City and go to ALDI or Walmart or wherever as a carpool and save lots of money..
I'm a straight shooter if you can't get a job where you are and you can't get by financially there are lots of places to move with jobs and you might not be rich and wealthy but you can get by and have everything you need and you just have to have the guts to do it
i appreciate you being so pure into wanting to know more but also bettering america and helping with addiction n mental n cost
overall i wish i met u when u started in milwaukee
osawlay county and lexington kentucky has no immgrants? lol!
yet they still blaming immgrants. smh.
ooneville is a city in Owsley County, Kentucky. The city had 168 residents as of 2020, according to the United States Census Bureau.[1]
Federal officials
The current members of the U.S. Senate from Kentucky are:
Office title Officeholder name Date assumed office Party affiliation
U.S. Senate Kentucky
Mitch McConnell
January 3, 1985
Republican Party
U.S. Senate Kentucky
Rand Paul
January 3, 2011
Republican Party
so they told me blue cities are bad?
but west va and kentucky. are red cities. red states. and red state congress,
red state senator
red mayors. yet no whte folks or black republicans will blame consertives for there actions? I WONDER WHY?
I RATHER LIVE IN the worst liberal cities in ATLANTA,MEMPHIS,LA,new york, or even detriot over these red poverty states.
at least you have a uber, trains stations, and a store at every corner and medical places. and day labor and temp jobs.
here you get sick or die. the cops and amberlance will not even help you or show up espically if you black.
no democrats?
red publican city council
republican mayor
republican state sentor.
and still somehow they blaming it on a democratic? got to love white folks. always playing the victim. and black republicans too.
I ❤you Tommy!!
ОтветитьRed states obviously where their congessman could care less about them
ОтветитьSo much land. Maybe they could get some chickens? Making compost is free , it would allow them to grow some vegs. Seems like the problem is deeper than just money or jobs.
ОтветитьVote President Trump!!'❤
ОтветитьWhen you mentioned $7.00... I clicked your a$$ off!!!
ОтветитьIt's so sad to see this, they smoke cigarettes that are so expensive, how do they afford them?? Sad, should stop smoking and save that money, 💰 you'd be surprised how much you can save if you quit. I just don't know how they can afford them.
Ответитьthese people are always blaming their problems on immigrants. have these people seen the billions israel and ukraine are getting for wars and genocide.
ОтветитьIs the muffled voice necessary??🤣 can't even understand
ОтветитьThe dealer in the back seat is someone from the video that we seen before lol. Small town .
ОтветитьAnother human robbing another human?
ОтветитьGotta stop being drunk and drugged up and lazy and bored! Get motivated !! It may be hard and difficult but its not impossible! 😮
Ответитьgreat vids im from appalachian KY whitesburg its not racist i promise lol but my accent isnt there at all kinda i have proper english an i spent my whole life dedicated of not having a twang or talking with dialects others do lol
Ответитьall the questions and stuff lack soul... beautiful cinematography tho
ОтветитьEnergy production was stopped the first month of Biden's administration. Gas prices went sky high and it all trickled down. Illegal immigrants are future voters for the Democrat party, free food, housing, and health care drives them into the country. The Democrat party doesnt care about these KY residents.
ОтветитьI can’t understand why more of these young people don’t join the Service to escape this cycle of despair, addiction, and unemployment.I did, and it gave me so many opportunities.
ОтветитьJoin the military join job corps join peace corps and get out. These people would rather do drugs slack off inbreed than god forbid get a job
ОтветитьJesus is the king. Trust jesus for the forgiveness of sins
ОтветитьCrazy. I pay $800 a month just in property/school tax. How can you rent a trailer for $600 a month? I'm guessing supply and demand?
ОтветитьI'm a retired combat veteran. I spent years in South and Central America. We would do convoys thru towns in early mornings picking up dead body's that were overdosed laying in the side walk and the streets. I thought it was the saddest thing I ever saw. Only the women stayed in control to take care of the babies. I'm not sure about today but back then the average wage was $12 a month down there. Today, I'm retired and I travel with my wife. It is shocking to see America has become the same way.
ОтветитьThis has been a long time coming. In the US, u have Biden (soon to be Kamala) and here in Canada we have Trudeau and we are seeing the same problems that are growing at an alarming rate. Capitalism is a huge instigator for all of these problems. I don’t think u can blame whoever is presently in office because this has be brewing for decades.
ОтветитьY'all ain't seen WVa like it should be shown but no worries the US government is making sure we all goina be poor the thing is we know how to live poor y'all don't and will count on us to help you pilgrims but will web😂
ОтветитьI grew up every summer in lee county and running around in owsley county. I didn't realize how poornit was when i was a kid. But some of my best memories came from this area of the state
ОтветитьShit i wouldnt mind having a whole trailer for $800/mo. I live in arizona n rn am paying $850/mo 2 rent 1 room in a house.
ОтветитьPoor Whites have more in common with poor Blacks than they like to think...Only difference they hate US and We hate the Government..
ОтветитьI’ll take u threw Regina sk and show u what poverty, gangs and struggling looks like in Canada. Queen City is grimy @TommyGMcGee
ОтветитьCan't help but to feel bad for those good people.