Rabbit Hole | trailer US (2010) Nicole Kidman

Rabbit Hole | trailer US (2010) Nicole Kidman


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@gymrachel - 14.08.2017 18:35

I need to get this film as a mother who's lost her daughter

@bajogone9346 - 24.10.2017 04:38

Aburrida.. El final es malisimo no yego a nada

@ternitamas - 21.01.2018 12:12

the music in the beginning sounds a lot like arvo part spiegel im spiegel

@AlexReynard - 24.01.2018 06:28

Why the fimfangfoom was this in my recommendations in 2017?

@PalmurcioWorld - 27.08.2018 00:59

"At some point it become bareble".

@safalkhatri2560 - 11.09.2018 19:39

Perfect movie

@psawisumut5507 - 13.02.2019 13:46

Nicole Kidman she is look like heath ledger ..man in a woman body

@24revealer - 16.02.2019 16:34

All these movies about people who can't get over the death of their child. At one time mankind understood that you made another one and love this new life. That's the great thing about mankind, they are co-creators with god and can create new life. Love the living, remember the dead and move on with life, don't drown in death. Plan for the future, live in the present, and remember the past.

@mirandasummerset - 19.02.2019 02:02

Broke my heart 💔

@Enriqueta_Fuentes - 29.03.2019 02:34

I just read the original play by David Lindsay-Abaire. This seems rather tonally different though I can't quite say much given that I've only seen the preview. It's a truly excellent play and I recommend it to anyone who has an hour or two to pass the time!

@aaronxalapa - 04.04.2019 15:12

I love dianne wiest with a pasion

@patriciorodriguez1020 - 26.08.2019 19:33

This is one of the most emotional movies i´ve seen in a loooong time...

@FebinThomasphilip - 02.09.2019 17:05

Must watch movie wonderful performances by Nicole and aron

@smolchild1343 - 26.02.2020 19:56

Where’s Izzy at?

@StarBy11037 - 14.04.2020 08:55

Is anyone watching this in 2020 because?

@JohnSmith-wi4xo - 16.05.2020 19:00

Wonderful film. Simple yet heartbreaking and touching.

@christinamartinez8132 - 28.06.2020 02:00

I loved this movie. ❤

@BPDHANA - 16.07.2020 08:00

I can't believe this movie came out 10 years ago! I remember watching it with my parents at the movie theatre and i kinda laughed nervously during the scene where Nicole Kidman's character was "mocking" GOD. I was raised in strict christian tradition and my dad wasn't so happy about it. I felt bad 😆😆

@BPDHANA - 16.07.2020 08:05

I always see Aaron Eckhart as half-mutan. His face looks very depressing

@honeyy9559 - 20.08.2020 07:41

Great movie.

@theeelevatedsongstress - 19.10.2020 10:54

Umm that’s a good way to look at it but I don’t think God just allows someone to die just so he can have another angle. Naw I don’t think that’s it...but I guess when you don’t understand you have to try to think of it in a way that would give you peace or make you feel better.

@mayaraoliveir - 23.10.2020 00:21

Where can I find this movie to watch?

@Marzenarg - 09.12.2020 04:02

I lost two sons. Why, why am I crying now?

@CitizenWartres - 01.02.2021 12:03

Okay this movie is so fucking underrated, proof that Aaron Eckhart's great movie aren't just The Dark Knight and Thank You For Smoking

@fitnesstodaymagazine6715 - 05.02.2021 13:01

fans are plenty here

@sararogan6696 - 15.02.2021 06:49

That little kid that Nicole Kidman picks up was me when I was 6 years old. I played Emily (her daughter) at the end of the movie.

@amiwho3464 - 31.03.2021 23:12

Just saw this movie. It was great, I give it 7/10!

If you are like me and dont like too depressing movies then I can tell you that this was wasnt. Of course it had sad moments but overall it was beautiful. Top notch actors Kidman and Eckhart, obviously

@mystifying_me - 11.04.2021 06:41

Seems like a good movie but I'll watch some other day when I'm feeling strong enough to deal with a depressing movie..

@flanplan5903 - 22.06.2021 21:36

This movie is/was as hauntingly beautiful as the play was/is; although the play did contain comedy, it was much more subdued in the film version. For those who’ve lost a kid, it’s bound to hit hard.

@opticalmixing23 - 21.07.2021 10:49

Looks good

@jmilitala14 - 28.10.2021 11:23

Humans and Angels are NOT interchangable- one doesnt become the other. This weird philosophy we have is so inaccurate. Read the Bible and truth will reveal itself

@nagratna793 - 25.11.2021 11:47

Aaron aekhurt. been a great guy those days

@anggraenikartika1119 - 03.01.2022 16:07

Name song?

@rezins5836 - 08.04.2022 16:31

This movie is absolutely beautiful!! Nicole did an incredible job. I wish she would have won the Oscar. It is simple yet profound.

@patriciakeith8826 - 09.07.2022 00:50

Not her best movie ever she looked awful to be so pretty.

@bhavyashah897 - 30.12.2022 15:08

Where is this movie available to watch?

@Lhwbakao - 30.01.2023 11:52

Beautiful absolutely and totally

@solongsuicide9 - 18.02.2023 05:35

One of my favourite films. It makes me cry & laugh. Not many films make me cry, but this one does, every time. Such an amazing script & amazing performances from the cast. I think Miles deserves more credit for his role. Anyway, there's so many relatable, clever, quotable scenes. I like how they approach cliches & follow the journey all three main characters take & how they deal with trauma/grief/loss.

@brokenweep5604 - 22.02.2023 11:37

Finally found it I been looking for this for a long time sad story it’s hard to forgive someone that has hurt you u know sad movie watched once and I got hooked

@samuelcraig3208 - 04.03.2023 06:34

The bunny game

@Total_Recall1984 - 11.04.2023 07:13

the music for this trailer absolutely blows

@SontosRai-r5v - 02.08.2023 03:45


@oswaldosanchez8938 - 07.08.2023 22:07

Can we just talk about the dog scene? 😭😭😭😭

@laurahaas4159 - 15.11.2023 16:19

We don't turn into angels when we go to Heaven the Bible says. I wish they didn't put that part in the movie

@Steven-gl4cw - 31.03.2024 15:49

Like a ed sheeran song. Predictable and nothing to get excited about. It's nothing new but was watchable reasonably well written and I couldn't fault the acting. Kidman was good.

@Esty-gk4ju - 12.06.2024 19:39

Its kinda like recycling, the soul return to your own family if you have more children and to their childrend children. Or to another vacant space. Ive been studying this fir a while. We dont die.

@iu.5146 - 28.06.2024 20:55

No wonder Nicole was so good in this movie. She lost two children to her ex husband and Scientology and one to miscarriage. Her emotions, her pain, her grief are real.
As a mother that has been alienated from her child by my narcissistic ex husband, I understand the pain. You never get used to losing a child. Life becomes bearable but it’s never the same.

@Leandro-X.2025.Alkebulan - 25.12.2024 22:42

Before her new plastic face 😔. Nicole was a great actress
