LIVE!! President Ruto & His Allies Attending a Church Service at Jesus Winner Ministry ,Roysambu!

LIVE!! President Ruto & His Allies Attending a Church Service at Jesus Winner Ministry ,Roysambu!

Kenya Digital News

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@HFg-xk4rp - 02.03.2025 12:58

Wenye bifu habari ndio hiyo na mukome

@MakenahDoreen-k7g - 02.03.2025 12:58

Nice God bless you

@jav856 - 02.03.2025 15:19

Information of whar about the mountain and it's tribest man

@annewaweru9915 - 02.03.2025 15:51


@annewaweru9915 - 02.03.2025 15:51

@tko2302 - 02.03.2025 17:43

These are very stupid people. They are dancing because they have promised stolen public money.

@gideonchrismaina1773 - 02.03.2025 17:55

After calling the gikuyu tribalists for voting him president, even without repenting, he rushes to Mwai's church to praise himself...😂😂..and, the idiots from Nanyuki dances as if heaven has just openned...😢😢😮

@maureennyawira5223 - 02.03.2025 18:41

Father wanakataa pesa our kikuyu bishops wanachukua SAD

@ErastusNganga-u6t - 02.03.2025 18:49

If this pastor of Jesus Winner Ministry Roysambu is a servant of God and not servant of his stomach should return the dirty money and take cue behind his servants of God in other houses of worship so as to ashame the devil if stealing money meant for medicines in Hospitals, doctors abd nurses salaries ,schools' capitation,and our universities which have been denied its budgetary share. Can

@victoriavitory6112 - 02.03.2025 21:49

Godbless you our beloved Mr. President

@stephengachango3607 - 02.03.2025 21:55

Africa churches will go the western way where citizens treat churches with suspicion and associate religion with all sorts of evil. How can the men of clothe show such indifference to the suffering of their fellow kenyans. All evils must be condemned irregardless,in churches or in the society.

@JM-eo3wo - 02.03.2025 22:53

Ile kitu naulisa kwanini huyu bishop anapewa askali gsu 6 na police wa nne kila siku wana linda nini iyo kanisa kila siku na wale bishop kama lai jjcc hakuna askali kwanini nini arindo au agopa nini

@gigbyte2447 - 02.03.2025 23:07

Ezekiel 22:12-13

New International Version

12 In you are people who accept bribes to shed blood; you take interest and make a profit from the poor. You extort unjust gain from your neighbors. And you have forgotten me, declares the Sovereign Lord.

13 “‘I will surely strike my hands together at the unjust gain you have made and at the blood you have shed in your midst.

@johnmaina9757 - 02.03.2025 23:16

Chapeni siaza lakini wachaneni na wateule wa mungu

@puritychepkemboi8616 - 03.03.2025 00:19

Touch not my annoited says the Lord🙏

@Josephmbaluka-f7t - 03.03.2025 11:27

😅😅And patients are dying in hospital

@tekramuthee8022 - 03.03.2025 14:39

Watu wanachezea mafuta but watakuja kujua mafuta Iko na nguvu na our dad alihitwa na mwenye alimuhita Ako uhai

@SusanMwelu-r9d - 03.03.2025 20:39

Utaenda na yeye nyumbani be sure

@Christine-bh3qx - 03.03.2025 21:11

Tuko blessed sana. Kanisa ni ya Mungu. Pastor ni wa nguvu. Hakuna pesa tunarudisha. Mtu aongee kuhusu pesa yake.

@Nakuru56 - 03.03.2025 23:47

Winners ministry church is being bought for 20m. Where is your God? What a shame?

@PrinceTone-m6i - 04.03.2025 10:21

Alitwa akulage pesa enye watu wanaumizwa aletewe..kura zenu hazitoshi ruto
