ОтветитьThat Amtrak was hit by friendly fire, A10
ОтветитьI’m addicted to these interviews. Always puts life in perspective
ОтветитьSemper Fi doc👍🇺🇸💯
ОтветитьSo your dad did family stuff and your mom failed got it.
Ответитьcorpitos represent!~
ОтветитьSemper Fi, doc! You mentioned a town but could not recall its name - maybe it was Jalalabad, Aaghistan?
ОтветитьDevil Docs.....I always looked out for my Corpsman. Semper Fi
ОтветитьI’ve been watching these for a month now and they are so inspiring.
I’ve laughed, cried, and been in shock from the memories that have been shared. I gained a new found respect and a better understanding of what these guys go through and carry with them. I know I’ll never completely understand unless I experience it.
I just wanted to let you know you helped a random person on the internet push through a hard spot in his life by making my discomforts and problems seem like peanuts in comparison. And for that I thank you.
I believe I've watched every video on this channel. Can't get enough of it, especially since I been out the military
ОтветитьHonestly bro I’ve done the helo dunker in the Marine Corps and later I was in gunfights with the 82nd and I’d rather be shot at than do the dunker again.
ОтветитьListening to this while driving on Lincoln avenue in esco
ОтветитьThanks for sharing your story. We missed crossing paths by a short period, (MAG-29, HMM263 Thunder Chickens). Doc Gonzo
ОтветитьI can’t stop watching, re-watching these interviews of anyone’s experience in the military
ОтветитьI'm willing to bet that if the producer of this podcast would travel around with his equipment that he just might find veterans that are from other states besides California.
Ответитьdon't worry, I hit the like button twice 👍
ОтветитьI was on the ground with Task Force Tarawa
ОтветитьI was a CC on the 46E, HMM161.
ОтветитьCharlie 1/2 palehorse semper fi
ОтветитьOther channels you hear the interviewers voice more than the vet or their holding their book, this channel is all about the vets story and it's my number one channel 👍
ОтветитьNice Clint Largo Ln to Hickory
Ответитьhalf the Marines he picked up in nasy were blue on blue by Air Guard A10s
ОтветитьI have listened to holocaust survivors, WWll Europ/Pacific, Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan +.
Your experiences show me there are little kids with little control over their lives who end up making good decisions for their good and the good of others. I loved the way you wove your memories for someone never in war, like me. Thank you!
Thank you so much for sharing your story Clint.
ОтветитьWhat is the mu? I hear that term alot
ОтветитьAs other comments have mentioned you're a great interviewer. I have seen a few of your interviews and you give the interviewees space to share their story and only occasionaly quietly guide them when they are feeling nervous. Doing a great job man. :)
ОтветитьShout out escondido!!
ОтветитьI worked with Rob Brown at SOTG. Great dude, funny as hell, and an amazing Corpsman! Fair winds and following seas!
ОтветитьClint Peyton THANK YOU for your service.
ОтветитьThis channel is incredible I wish you nothing but prosperity.
ОтветитьThese interviews are amazing. Seriously I listen to em while I work and my job isn't what I'd call easy but when I'm listening to these interviews I'm like "I can't complain that guy watched his brother get blown up" seriously gives you SO much perspective. Life is a gift.
Edit: added that last sentence.
Oil and Gold... nonetheless I feel your compassion and confusion. I live outside and will eat tasty critters at any opportunity when necessary... I really appreciate your frank honesty... Kinda a vet myself, ex Army, got out as quick as I could. Couldn't deal with illiterate idiots standing behind me with automatic weapons..
ОтветитьThat was excellent listening to this man telling it like it is. Not having to sit through the usual 'worship me, I am a special forces god fuckwits' that usually pervade these types of channels, it's nice to hear from relatively normal (and humble) for a change. Well done to you for serving and conquering the demons you picked up from serving sir.
ОтветитьThank you brother 👋😊👍
ОтветитьGood job, Doc. God bless! —Doc L., VA