ОтветитьThanks again for keeping that part in Hebrew. I really appreciate it!
Ответитьhard to be a small market and play vs the refs as well
ОтветитьDeni the menace
ОтветитьTurbo 💨
ОтветитьFirst two minutes of the interview was great. The rest was just a blur to me.
ОтветитьExcellent player ..
Everytime looking for the open man.
Let's go Blazers!
Love you deni 🔥🔥🔥💗💗💗💗
ОтветитьDude is well rounded player and shows so much control over team positions on the court, I can't grasp that dude is only 24. He plays so mature it's crazy
ОтветитьHe’s getting close to a franchise player. It’s crazy, I’m a fan and didn’t see this coming.
Since start of December he’s 137/266 52% from the field. The league is about to find out.
OKC foul merchants
Ответитьme and my homies love dani
ОтветитьLOVE DENI! what a great player and a great guy!
ОтветитьDude is way too talented to buried alive in the blazers ..hope he can find a team with an actual coach and normal roster
ОтветитьHebrew translation
reporter: " in the start of the 4th Q you attacked aggressively the basket , also in your body language it looked like you are really want this W "
Deni: " i wanted this win definitely , but sometimes its just a little further away from your reach, but i was really happy with the way played , the way we moved the ball , and you can see our growth as a team and OKC is not an easy team to win , i am really happy with the outcome although we lost and maybe its a though lose but i really think the most important thing its the way we played this and all of our recent games "
reporter: " in you few last games you averaged 9 FT per game is it something you are working on ? and can you explain how hard it is and how much off physical effort it takes ?"
Deni: " I think that in the beginning it really was a lot of effort but as long as i am working on myself in the gym and also start to understand how to get those fouls combined with experience with knowing the refs , it feels automatic , i know where to put my shoulder i know where to put my hands in order to get those fouls and its a big part of the game there is no denying that.
all of the great players in the league get a lot of their points from the line , its something that i work on and i am happy that i get the chance to play physical and go to the line "
reporter: " toumani said earlier that you and him start to take a big step forward in terms of the leadership role in the team, you can also see that ?
Deni:" yes , i can approve that , i think that my communication with toumani its something that took time to get confident and i think its benefiting the team and we need to keep up with that , i am really happy that I've got a teammate like that gives his 100% everyday and every training and he really standout in that term
דני יא חמוד. רוצים לראות אותך בפליאוף
Ответитьאיך הוא מחייך כשהוא שומע עברית יאללה
Ответитьlove the trail blazers from israel in few years we take the champions
Ответитьדנייייי ימלךךךךךךךך
ОтветитьThis guy could be the leader
ОтветитьAvdija and Camara are the two best players on this team and I don’t think it’s even close. Both play all out on both ends of the floor. Simons jacks a bunch of 3’s and Sharpe can slam dunk and play well every 3 games or so, but I blame Billups on Sharpe’s lack of development, especially on defense. Now Sharpe’s coming off the bench and he’s pouting.
Ответитьfree palestine 🇵🇸✡️
ОтветитьI love his aggression on the court!
ОтветитьSomething you don’t see too often - Ivrit in the NBA. Love it!