It’s a shame Rousseau was not accurately introduced to the lives of the American Indians. Had he seen the incredible cruelty and vicious nature of tribes like the Comanche he would’ve realized this warlike attitude predated Europeans by centuries and was well-established behavior among tribes long before they had been “corrupted “ as he imagined.
ОтветитьThey never taught me this in school..they hid all the real good stuff...😂😂😂
ОтветитьExtremely romantic if it doesn't give me happiness it's worth noting an evil that's why all of his children suffered in orphanages
ОтветитьNot what I’m looking for😢
ОтветитьUntil today amazing me how everybody ideias, is already in the biblia, so silly
ОтветитьPov: this is your uni major 😂😢
ОтветитьIt was fascinating! It helped a lot to contextualize a book I'm reading about the literature of the years before the French Revolution.
ОтветитьThis is a nice efficient summary but unfortunately that means many details get glossed over. For example, it feels a little wrong to me to describe Rousseau's Confessions as one of the "first ever autobiographies" without mentioning the precedent set by Saint Augustine's book of the same title over a millennium earlier. However, there are only so many extraneous details you can fit into a video of under 8 minutes, so I understand the omission.
ОтветитьGirls with a time machine: "I'm your granddaughter"
Boys with a time machine: "Come here, Karl!"
Men with a time machine: "Come here, Rousseau!"
Sitting at the Château where he died and needed a refresher on him.
ОтветитьThe true hero of leftism/idententy/BLM and rascism. He was anti-democracy. Read him.
ОтветитьEspecially for the point on indigenous societies being ruined by settlers in that way he was true
ОтветитьIf he was alive today ..... Oh what a prick!
How he is respected as a philosopher is beyond me. He's a dumbass.
Pov: your exam is in 1h
ОтветитьHe also, despite preaching how pure the children are, and how important it is to give them the best childhood, left 5 of his children to an orphanage.
Ответить"Let not thy children play on phones and ipads" (Rousseau)
ОтветитьHe has on his hands the blood of those who lost their lives from 1789 to 1991 for his idiotic love of Sparta.
ОтветитьNot gonna lie, this video changed my attitude about life
ОтветитьBy far the most evil of the Enlightenment philosophers.
Ответить"children are born naturally good"... Says the guy who has clearly never been around children.
Ответитьironically to live like a state of nature one would need to amass considerable wealth to buy land and be financially independent... fucking sucks
ОтветитьWill it be incorrect to say that Rousseau's views on social life were the pessimistic parallels to Adam Smith's The Theory of Moral Sentiments?
ОтветитьThe fundamental fault with his thesis was that the 'noble savages' were living idyllic lives - they were not AT ALL living as the pure of mind, perfect cherubines of nature, but rather they lived severe, harsh, brutal, simple, primal lives.
ОтветитьPov: u didnt care about it in class but now a year after graduating and failing the class suddenly you care
ОтветитьThank you so much. Wonderful work. Many thanks
ОтветитьThe guy was ahead of his time
ОтветитьEsse vídeo é maravilhoso! ❤😊
ОтветитьWell, i believe Rousseau talked more about perosnal issues, rather than state's issue, as in the case of Hobbes and Locke.
ОтветитьCenturies later after studying the behavior of tribes peoples, they proved that Hobbes was wrong
ОтветитьBook not in french but English
ОтветитьLike cow vs beef ,hen vs chicken etc
ОтветитьMartinez Mark Perez Steven Martinez Timothy
ОтветитьSo, at its simplest, the way I understand Rousseau is that his philosophy operates under the assumption that humans are naturally good, and are corrupted into immorality. So like how the communists argue that human nature is inherently altruistic, and non-hierarchical and capitalism is basically an aberration that incentivizes humans to act greedily and selfishly, contrary to their own nature, that is naturally benevolent.
Contrasted with, for instance, the Christians who argue that man is inherently sinful, and basically need to be taught to be good. And the supporters of capitalism who argue that greed and selfishness are inherent parts of human nature and basically need to be harnessed into something that can produce positive externalities, since those selfish impulses can never actually be eradicated.
Would that be a decent enough summary?
Rousseau sold me fent in the walmart parking
ОтветитьSeem to forget to mention that he is the grandfather of Marxism
ОтветитьLmao, Rousseau is a joke. There is no "good" or "bad" in human beings. They are social constructs which evolve and are shaped by humans. There is no "degradation of morals" lmao. What a pathetic man.
ОтветитьWhat a gross misrepresentation of Rousseau. You obviously didn't read Emile or On Education or spend any time reading Mary Wollstonecraft and how they both disagreed with each other. Rousseau was a huge sexist and believed in the natural superiority of the high class and didn't believe that women or the poor should be educated. This video is rushed and extremely poorly researched
Ответитьmore like jean-jacques rASSEAuTER 👀
Joke by Louis XVI, follow for more HILLARIOUS 18th Century JOKES? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣shi ia duny🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Confessed himself that he f*** somebody in his whole family
ОтветитьThe only problem is he doesn’t know the barbaric history of native americans, africans, or anyone else. They warred and slaughtered eachother. So I hear history sentiment, but primitive does not mean one with nature and peaceful. Competition and scarce resources have been a common denominator throughout ALL of human history
ОтветитьWhat am absolutely horrible human being
ОтветитьThe original crunchy mom, I guess?
ОтветитьHe was wayyyyyyyy ahead of his time !
ОтветитьRousseau did not think the state of nature acutally existed, rather that it was an important thing to reason one's way too; a tool for discovery of what is ultimately true about ourselves:
"it is no light undertaking to separate what is original from what is artificial in the present nature of man, and to know correctly a state which no longer exists, which perhaps never existed, which probably will never exist, and about which it is nevertheless necessary to have preciece notions in order to judge our present state correctly": J.J Rousseau, Preface to the Discourse on the Origin of Innequality.