Time stamped below some hot topics tonight!
Topic: The only #dating method that works!
Topic 2: Wait and Scan
Topic 3: More stress relieving techniques (Free E-Book For Subscribers)
Submitted and Live Questions
Topic: #emotional, #family, #love, #relationships, #friendship, #career Choices, Basic #budgetingtips and More. @followers
00:01 Intro
1:08 The Burned Haystack Dating Method
18:47 The Wait and Scan Method
34:59 Would you stay with someone if they fulfilled you in every way, but remained celebate? We got into some serious sex talk here, so not for children!
41:03 More De-stressing Techniques
55:41 He moved long distance for work. I moved to be with him and found out he dated another woman while away from me. How do I combat my feelings of insecurity?
57:38 He keeps avoiding adding me on his social media. What should I do?
59:34 Bonus Dating site Tips