The Story of Job: The Hardest Test Every Christian Must Understand | Complete Bible Stories

The Story of Job: The Hardest Test Every Christian Must Understand | Complete Bible Stories

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@DelroyJarrett-f3c - 01.03.2025 02:55

The bible is the best book to read

@mearnax2 - 27.02.2025 13:15

You have a demon we now call AI speaking these truths

I rebuke you demon!

Until you speak for our Lord,
You are condemned

@pauleuliano466 - 24.02.2025 00:07

Don’t forget Job 42??? Why did you not speak about the best chapter of redemption in Job’s life???

@nancybeard812 - 22.02.2025 23:02

Why doesn’t this story account for what God says? It ended on a despairing note without Gods response to Jobs questions.

@RiversofRevelation - 18.02.2025 04:59

The story of Job is so powerful! His faith through unimaginable suffering is a reminder that even in the hardest times, God’s purpose is bigger than we can see. Job’s story teaches us about perseverance, trusting God no matter what, and finding strength in Him

@GraceHarris-g7t - 17.02.2025 19:35

Thanku. So. Much. For. Sharing. This. Video.

@GraceHarris-g7t - 17.02.2025 19:35

Job. His. A poweful. Story. Out. The. Bible job lost. Everything. But. Job. Never. Lost. Hisfaith

@bugchloe - 16.02.2025 06:49

Why didn’t you put the end of the story? The most important part.

@AnaseiniAjtongansamoan - 15.02.2025 09:34

What Verse is this

@Jimitdaimari - 14.02.2025 15:49

Hallelujah Amen.Prishe the Lord.Hamara Family Pe Job ki tarha Jesus Kha Blessing family Hwy.Thankh Lord Jesus God.Hamara family ko Hamesa hamesa Blessing karti Rahwiy Ga.

@mariasalvana1026 - 14.02.2025 10:44

Thank you

@roxanewilliams1337 - 14.02.2025 04:10

God Bless you all 🙏 ❤️

@Peter-o9p - 13.02.2025 21:07

Getting saved was the easy part staying saved is the hard ❤

@Peter-o9p - 13.02.2025 21:05

Yah shua Hite 😊

@brendanelson7050 - 13.02.2025 11:30

No matter what comes our way in All things give thanks. Everything is working for our good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. Romans 8v28 ❤

@ChristIsRisen777 - 12.02.2025 07:30

The "Eternal" has a NAME - and it's GOD - use it! 🤦🏾

@detricelbrown1960 - 09.02.2025 20:44

I speak Patience, Content and Faithfulness to all who seeks Strength to Trust God and His Word 🙏🏾

@detricelbrown1960 - 09.02.2025 20:41

Thank You God 🙌🏾 I know that you have my best interest and love for me ❤ I stand firm in my Faith 🙌🏾 I trust your word, I hear your voice and I feel your presence!! The Holy Spirit is Powerful 🙏🏾 I Will Hang On Until My Change Comes 🙌🏾

@iamheandheisinorsemen2605 - 09.02.2025 18:48

Thou shall not add or remove the literature of the gospel. When Satan answered God, he said that he went to and fro up and down in it seeking who he could devour. Not roaming around seeing how things were going. Ridiculous.

@clayshiawillis4725 - 08.02.2025 23:52


@Wildflower1960 - 08.02.2025 18:47

Thank you for this beautiful video about Job 🙏🏼✝️🙏🏼❤️🌎❤️

@AshleyJoniorBelcarris - 08.02.2025 05:36


@joshuamartinpryce1237 - 07.02.2025 16:18

I believe God allows suffering top make us more spiritual and connected to Him.

@ricardomicdaukaakadanielsyarde - 07.02.2025 10:43

Doesn’t anyone wonder why this is only half the story centred on mostly Jobs. “Comforters” ? Any true Christian would have to question how long before God did something ANYTHING to shut them up! So for that I am thankful. However why stop where the poor man is being chewed over by vultures disguised as friends? Why not give them all a chance to do what God is always so great at reminding us of? Ahhh now you’re thinking. IF you know God you know he never misses an opportunity to watch us succeed and dance in his glory of course. So why only tell us half a story? It was not for us it was made. The answer is in the text. Said by Job himself. This doesn’t make Job any less innocent in Gods eyes and his friends any less guilty. The truth is no one can bring accusations without first seeing who they truly are with and without God. This is why most people just leave him out all together. In this Job was the only one who did right. He went off into his solitary place and communed with his maker. Everyone else just guessed and made assumptions and accusations based on what understanding of either Job or of God? this ultimately does the same as all things containing the powerful name of he who created everything! It leads you to ask eventually him. That’s the part they missed out! Imagine an exam with no answers or a Q/ session the A my friend is blowing in the…I’m not going to guess as my mother use to say…You know what thought did?…Thought thought he farted and shit himself! We’ve all been there don’t lie to yourself! Just have the courage to be balls out Job and then wait for the response NOT from anyone who isn’t the one true author of your story. I did. Short version…you cannot win an argument with God. You will get answers though. No matter how uncomfortable and stank like after too much thought . Stay blessed peeps x keep asking!

@SonnyFlores-v3n - 06.02.2025 19:51

I think God is a little bitch for this

@SonnyFlores-v3n - 06.02.2025 19:51

This story Makes me hate God

@SonnyFlores-v3n - 06.02.2025 19:50

I hate God for even messing with Job

@GinaBrown-k5o - 05.02.2025 18:22


@GinaBrown-k5o - 05.02.2025 18:21


@JanThompson-u1k - 03.02.2025 17:54

Seriously people need to worship 🙏🎉🌍

@StAnthonyTorres-q3v - 03.02.2025 00:53

Y is it when people that don't pray they get what they want but people that pray they don't get what they prayed for or bin waiting for years and nothing yet y is that

@bretgreenfield9501 - 02.02.2025 00:27

Hmmm, anyone who kills a living heart, has a lot to learn about God, or Gods:) which ever it may be,,,see if God's created earth, saying only one created it would upset them, now if God's created the earth it would upset the only one, so better to believe in both, and know life is life, and one who knows how powerful it is, would never eat it:) amen

@AnthonySilva-Cook - 31.01.2025 02:49

Satan listen up. God Almighty knows Jobs ❤️ heart

@AnthonySilva-Cook - 31.01.2025 02:27

How would Satan the accuser's know how man would suffer. Because.the. Satan's caused it.

@PerfilIsca-r8s - 31.01.2025 01:20

the bible is the word of god

@bootersim8381 - 27.01.2025 19:50

Heart felt. Pain the lord is still good still awesome. Still wordy of all praise 👏

@TonixBoktot - 27.01.2025 12:43

The definition of Job, consists of group of tasks that must be performed for an organization to achieve it goals.❤❤❤❤

@Janicejalla - 26.01.2025 03:17

Tthe devil lick hard but God lick harder

@wp853 - 25.01.2025 05:25

I can testify to the Faithfulness of God,i was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer that has spread the bones they said i only have 1 year to live it has been 2 years now and back working. Praying and never losing hope putting it in His hands

@traynay2405 - 21.01.2025 05:11

this is me and more. I dont even have what he did have. I have lost everything and alone and no sight of anyone that really cares

@ChristopherVonArx-s8g - 20.01.2025 09:03

The point of Job is that God cannot be held accountable for anything. Presented with an eternity in hell, God has every right to let or make people suffer for no reason because hes God, & if you don't think he is perfect & love him with your whole heart, you burn in hell forever. It's whatever God says or else

@rBibleStoryU.s - 20.01.2025 05:38

You just can't beat this story!! Sometimes the only thing left

@sbechris - 18.01.2025 21:38

Thank God For Everything That He Has Done For Us All! Good Or Bad He Has A Will For All Of Us! 🙏🏾

@BibleTalestv4U - 13.01.2025 17:21

nice story

@dresmoove7506 - 12.01.2025 13:38

This was all in the bible? Never hurd all of this sounds like u just trying go give ppl faith with a made up story

@MAJESTIC-GOLDEN-CHILD - 10.01.2025 13:26

wonderful councelor all mighty god soveriegn king all glory honour and praise belongs to you ameeeeen

@tyrewilson3314 - 09.01.2025 12:01

Job was black sorry

@GraceBibleStories685 - 09.01.2025 04:56

I pray that whoever watches this video will always be loved, protected and blessed by God in every aspect of their life.

@lindafreeman9814 - 08.01.2025 07:52

The story of Job is like no other, in my opinion. I've asked myself many times if my faith could withstand such tragedy... I pray that my faith & steadfastness be like Job.❤🙏✝️
