Luna Wolves - Road to Horus Heresy GT (Episode 1)

Luna Wolves - Road to Horus Heresy GT (Episode 1)

SN Battle Reports

54 года назад

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@Iyizilla-abayomi - 21.11.2024 15:01

hey SN, how do you guys feel about the new mark 3 armour GW released? I've always found them looking to rounded, and blunt

@benjaminbrenner745 - 21.11.2024 15:27

oooo, looks good!

@conrad5675 - 21.11.2024 16:04

going to my first GT in april :)

@shadeofheresy - 21.11.2024 16:31

Great idea, love seeing extra content. Army overviews, Ranking videos, now the road to GT. Exactly what viewers wanted when you switched to being HH specific.

@andrewparker3996 - 21.11.2024 17:29

Great looking army!

@johnroberts8793 - 21.11.2024 17:35

Army list by community. Oof

@rryannn1 - 21.11.2024 18:20

looks great and he's correct on the Tabar. Nice little addition to the tactical squad; especially on models with 2+ attacks.

@Thedagda801 - 21.11.2024 18:31

Love the Luna Wolves lore! Fab army!

@element7202 - 21.11.2024 18:44

Good to see Chris always been a fan of his corsairs.

@ironhammer5708 - 21.11.2024 19:07

As a fellow Luna Wolf,


@whiteslann9154 - 21.11.2024 19:08

Beautiful work Chris, will you be taking Loken?

@Garsty - 21.11.2024 21:21

Great idea for a series and nice to see Chris back on the channel (may we fully convert him 😅)

@blackwolf671 - 22.11.2024 08:18

Iv been wanting an excuse to expand my own Luna Wolves for years. Bought and painted the Lupercal up in White & black when Forge world first relased him, occasionaly I'll pick up a character or a dreadnought and paint them as proper XVIth legion, but the last edition box set just didn't work for me. Feels wrong putting them in mk VI armor. I would have much rather gotten True scale Mk IV or V. Every person Iv talked to Manda-effected the Corvus armor thinking it was a post heresy design. At the very least they'd be in the Green and black by the time that comes out, Didnt have any inspiration to put anther legion in the that armor either.

Heres to hoping the inevitable 3rd edition box is any good.

@Malek_Voss - 22.11.2024 13:21

I think the black reaving is the one that can be loyalist or traitor and needs more fast than heavy. It's the long march that is traitor only.

@philipbehr - 22.11.2024 18:42

Awesome idea and what a start to this series! 🤩 Looking forward to meet you with your army at the GT. 🤓

Regarding the list I'd go with the Black Reaving with deep striking Justerians. Or no RoW to use the full three Heavy Support Slots for some more HSS goodness. 😏

@JPBArchery - 27.11.2024 01:28

Really love this kinda content, and those Luna Wolves look fantastic! Been pushing to get my 14th legion to a playable list / point count and feeling inspired by this.

I’m guessing the series will include how to play videos? Would love to see thought processes / tactics behind using each unit, maybe some “gotchas” or common mistakes newer players make, etc

@DeusExMachina10001 - 03.12.2024 04:31

I don't have the skills but I think it would be super cool if someone painted a Luna Wolves Isstvan III army where the base is the SoH sea-green but with ash grey splotched over it, as the SoH Loyalists on Isstvan III daubed their armor in ash and started referring to themselves as Luna Wolves again.

@StephenG1991 - 04.12.2024 16:17

Imagine sullying those gorgeously painted HH models with a game like 40k 10th! 😛

Perhaps once he gets a few glorious games of HH under his belt he will see the light and devote himself to the true faith.
