Marantz Professional Pod Pack 1 Review / Test

Marantz Professional Pod Pack 1 Review / Test


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@pundah7084 - 03.10.2018 05:03

Goes for like $125 - $200 in Canada LOL

@PovDriveGr - 05.10.2018 13:47

It has mute button?

@cloroxblach7284 - 12.12.2018 00:53

didnt even realise u were using the mic at the start damn!

@ketimporta7799 - 06.01.2019 21:56

marantz pro vs behringer c 1u, which one should I pick?

@buzanorbert8121 - 15.02.2019 20:28

Could anybody help me?
I bought this usb microphone 1 week ago. In the beginning I didn't find any issues and I didn't feel I should check the quality. I could use discord, skype and facebook messenger. Nothing special happened. Some of my friends told me that it sounds quite good compared to my wireless gaming headset. But after the first recorded podcast, I realized that something may not have been working well during the recording. The quality of sounds were very disappointing. It sounds as if the recorded podcast had been compressed from 44khz to (approximately) 11khz.

I called the shop where I bought it, I took it back but there everything worked perfect. Must to mention that They use windows 7 and the shop assistant guy said when he had used win10 he hadn't been able to use any musical stuffs like microphone, midi keyboard, electronic guitar and so on either..

He had downloaded a freeware recording software called Audacity, and in the section of microphone changer menu showed the whole name of my microphone (Marantz). At me It shows "Microphone (USB MICROPHONE)".

Under win7 we could recorded in a very good quaility, under win 10...Just to be comparable. My mobile phone recorded better.

I bought this microphone because of this video but I'm not able to use it now... :#
Please help me!!!

@thebusinessfirm9862 - 18.02.2019 13:55

Hello and thanks for doing this review mate. Are you aware whether this microphone has a duplicate badged as another brand? I noticed there is a Neewer mic that looks the same. Reason I am asking is that this 'budget' microphone actually costs nearly $130.+ GST in Australia for some bloody reason - so it's not exactly budget, as such. Given how enthusiastic you are about the sound quality of this USB mic, you've made me believe that this is the best USB mic to buy, hence the amount of time I've spent trying to buy this. I'm hoping you could either advise whether this same mic is available under different branding, or whether I am better off looking for another inexpensive USB mic that sounds as good or better than this one. For $130 I can probably buy the Rode NT-USB in good secondhand condition, right here in Adelaide. For context, I have a small studio with XLR mics and was looking for a decent USB mic to use with my MacBook 12" when travelling. Thanks again mate for your fabulous videos and informative channel, and especially thank you in advance for any advice you can give. Cheers, Steve.

@limitlessintranet1898 - 06.04.2019 00:13

Is this still a good mic?

@antard2723 - 14.04.2019 20:22

Is the microphone compatible with ps4?

@nickgames1892 - 20.04.2019 02:28

would this be worth €49?

Its with the cabel and stand ( stand loose here cost fking €39 :D)

@poriloox - 22.04.2019 16:29

Question: how they act if you connect 2 USB mics on same laptop to record conversation? is it possible? thanx 4 video.

@ronaldin2603 - 13.05.2019 06:31

Some tutorial for how to conect a microphone to PC???PLEASE MAN I'D LIKE TO

@ChantiqoArk - 16.05.2019 14:53

lol 17 are you sure about that its 49 for me

@bdking2999 - 18.05.2019 12:41

is it good enough for rapping?

@CodyMetal - 16.07.2019 17:52

Rip, my podpack 1 just died today.

@Pinky69420 - 19.07.2019 16:30

Since this mic is really close to the price of the samson c01u pro which should i go for? This seems like a good pack, but im not sure if it can be compared to the samson mic.
Let me know whats a good beginner usb mic

@jorgesegura7936 - 02.08.2019 05:05

Wefere Wefere cajas

@josegarciacardenas1703 - 02.08.2019 21:03

Vengo de Wefere :0 está bien cool tu canal (I come from Wefere :0 your channel is cool) Translate

@deadboidex - 15.08.2019 03:53

Would you recommend using this microphone for music?

@a.b.cooper4807 - 27.08.2019 02:44

Now that this is priced at about $50, would you still recommend this mic?

@vFLAMEx - 20.11.2019 16:45

chromebook compatible?

@arenbamboukian6962 - 13.01.2020 08:29

99$ in Montreal Canada

@Faltize - 28.01.2020 17:59

i need help how can i install the drivers?

@SociedadAndroide - 28.02.2020 16:51

$49 Mic but I need to pay $98 for shipping , feels bad

@joppe1713 - 30.03.2020 22:49

Does this mic need a popfilter?

@medmusic7977 - 22.07.2020 07:19

U look better with no hat on, i think u should remove it, even if you shave all your hair you’ll look good my friend!

@yungjoshx - 24.07.2020 20:42

Costs over $100 where im from lol

@jolness1 - 21.09.2020 21:56

They are $60 on amazon now. Suffering decision paralysis right now haha.

@DatboiHzu - 10.10.2020 14:34

in 2020 this mic is 45 pounds hahahaha

@WolfRathmAGR - 20.10.2020 13:50

Why on Windows the sound is not as good as it is on Mac?

@RenyxGhoul - 26.10.2020 18:34

It is currently £55 in the UK. With the features that it has and the accessories, I believe that it can be more expensive. It is currently equivalent to the price of the Snowball ICE so I think it is a bargain still. Thanks for the review. Gotta get a pop filter separately

@gravitysquidz1141 - 10.11.2020 14:34

is it compatible on xbox

@asriasj - 04.12.2020 06:15

Someone tell me how to make it spunds this good mine sounds bad

@Just_Ve - 28.12.2020 21:15

The year is 2020 and the price is $79.00 CDN....

@melodiclodgings8 - 26.01.2021 18:44

bought that microphone in 2020 and it was the worst purchase ive ever done cause it sounds so bad and it never captures my voice properly even if i recorded it and i paid £50 for it so that was a waste of money down the toilet.

@AlanVise03 - 03.02.2021 06:07

This microphone sounds great, I love this video

@Purjolinko - 15.02.2021 20:20

Thanks for this, been looking for budget type mic+boom-arm kombo and this is a like :) price now in 02/2021 is 60euros(72usd), so not bad and the quality is good :)

@deluxikvlogz4618 - 19.02.2021 06:31

Does this differ from the mpm 1000?

@acspectator8636 - 04.03.2021 17:02

In terms of just the sound, which do you prefer? The sound of the Marantz Pod Pack 1 or Samson C01u pro?

@ACherimoya - 17.03.2021 09:05

Four years later I'm still using this thing. Thanks Bandrew 😌

@CornyPenny887 - 01.04.2021 00:59

Big ol disclaimer to annoying considering buying this, the boom mount is very poor quality and mine only lasted a fee months before it snapped at the point where it joins the desk mount.

@acspectator8636 - 24.05.2021 03:45

Windows is terrible at receiving audio...

@SteveLedger - 24.05.2021 04:07

Even for 2017, I'm not convinced that quoted $17 price was not an error. Other reviewers of that time period in the US quoted it at around $70. Now in 2021 it's $130 AUD.

@treasend-o7 - 22.06.2021 17:56

4 years later here, down in aus can only find it for aud $129 or around usd $96 sounds good though

@bricomage - 30.08.2021 22:14

no more 17 € now about 60 $ !!!! 17 $ impossible : keepa track the price and had never been at 17 $ new !!

@jeannakroenke5881 - 15.12.2021 12:37

good for all

@kostasmav7896 - 27.01.2022 02:08

great review

@GrinDiesel1969 - 26.06.2022 12:28

Watching in June 2022 and that Mic is $59 on Amazon! Hooray Inflation!
Great Review Thank you

@RadOo - 09.08.2017 23:08

[My personal disclaimer warning]
The mic kit in this video was demonstrated when the price was around the $17, if you're asking why the price is completely different(august 2017), keep in mind that prices are constantly changing. And nobody will tell you exact price in exact time.
Thanks for reading and I hope this comment is helpful.
