Vendetta Episode 369 | Kan Cicekleri (English Subtitled)

Vendetta Episode 369 | Kan Cicekleri (English Subtitled)

Vendetta | Kan Cicekleri

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Vendetta Episode 369 | Kan Cicekleri (English Subtitled)

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Vendetta Episode 369 | Kan Cicekleri (English Subtitled)

Dilan told Baran that she wanted to leave the mansion. Baran isn’t sure if it’s the right decision, but he doesn’t refuse her request. They discuss when and where they will go. They decide to go to the house Baran had built as a birthday gift for Dilan. Moreover, they won’t waste any time. Although Azade and Kudret are very upset about this, they will support whatever is best for Dilan. While Hacer and her family don’t show it, they are extremely pleased with this decision. The only person not convinced is Çınar. Even though he doesn’t want to believe it when he hears it from Ceyda, he is deeply saddened when he realizes that Dilan and Baran are indeed leaving. He reacts strongly. Even though Dilan tries to explain, it’s no use. He won’t forgive them.

Berfin has learned that Akif, Ayhan’s nephew, is actually named Mehmet. They start texting because Berfin added a missing piece to a half-finished puzzle Mehmet had left. Mehmet, on the other hand, thinks Berfin’s name is Ayşe. It seems the messaging between Ayşe and Mehmet will continue.

When the time comes for them to leave, Dilan and Baran say their goodbyes to everyone and get into their car. Someone is running desperately after the car. Will Baran and Dilan be able to see them?

Production: Unik Film / Rains Pictures
Director: Levent Türkan, Fatma Öztürk Kılınç


Barış Baktaş - Baran Karabey
Yağmur Yüksel - Dilan Karabey
Erol Yavan - Kudret Karabey
Yılmaz Ulutaş - Hasan Karabey
Mert Demirci - Tarık
İlsu Demirci - Berfin
Banu Yumuşak - Hacer
Yağmur Atmaca - Ceyda
Tuğba Balkır - Ayhan
Emir Keskin - Miran
Duygu Köse - İpek
Saadet Camaş - Tuğba
Behiye Özlem Özurul - Hasibe
Nalan Örgüt - Azade Karabey
Oğuz Okul - Seyis Ahmet
Burak Aydemir - Akif

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