When did Gandalf know Bilbo had The One Ring? | Tolkien Explained

When did Gandalf know Bilbo had The One Ring? | Tolkien Explained

Nerd of the Rings

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@carango1798 - 21.10.2024 19:46

Is the thumbnail a reference to the Does He Know meme?

@alexspain9103 - 27.10.2024 20:02

The fact that all of the wielders of the ring independently call it "precious" indicates that it is the name it calls itself, an example of Sauron's mind for deception and manipulation.

@neelsn007 - 01.11.2024 14:52

Great explanation

@davidsimpson4407 - 03.11.2024 08:18

It would seem that the power of the ring increased with Sauron’s power and proximity to him.
Sauron would have known it was at least found because Gollum must have put it on from time to time. And Bilbo as well.
Saruman was lying to keep the white council from seeking it out while he hunted it down.

@kendokaaa - 06.11.2024 15:15


@timwodzynski7234 - 12.11.2024 15:17

Great video 😊👍👍

@duncan-ohio - 17.11.2024 00:17


@timelost421 - 20.11.2024 12:40

Brilliant. Well done sir, well done.

@AndrewThewlisStrachan - 29.11.2024 16:57

Why did Sauron not sense that Gollum had the ring?

@kiratherenegade1561 - 30.11.2024 18:02

The Ring knew the best chance to get to Sauron was to avoid being discovered, especially by someone lile Gandalf. It likely influenced Bilbo to carefully edit the story & downplay it's effectiveness.

The ring then sat safe for 50 odd years before the time was right.

@Proudinfid3l - 03.12.2024 03:55

I think he knew when he stuck his finger in bilbos ring.

@LaineHughes1 - 09.12.2024 00:41

always confused me when bilbo says its precious in the fellowship and gandalf replying "its been called that before but by another" talking about gollum but how can he not realise that the ring gollum had was the one ring as its kept him alive for 500 years?

@raycaster4398 - 10.12.2024 00:45

Gandalf knew from the beginning who had the Ring based on information from his Ranger.
He purposely picked a hobbit to go to Moria where Gollum had been tracked by Strider.
Gandalf knew they must go through Moria and it was his fell voice in the mountains, not Saruman, that blocked the path.
Gandalf knew that ONLY a meek rustic simple unassuming hobbit could safely handle the Ring.
The ruse of the 'burglar' trope.
Gandalf knew, oh yes, precious, he knew.

@stephan2849 - 11.12.2024 07:20

His love of the halflings leaf slowed his mind

@Workin2anEarlyGrave - 14.12.2024 17:18

Beautiful narration.

@timboslice9905 - 16.12.2024 07:52

If the ring gave Bilbo unnaturally long life while he had it, what the hell kept Gollum alive and strong after all of those years when he’d lost it?

@d300dfg - 18.12.2024 07:19

Loved this video but referring to Dale as a "manish relm" is cringe

@ChristianEdwards-i9r - 20.12.2024 13:54

In the hobbit. Almost immediately.

Let's talk more about this racial hierarchy stuff. If the system is counterfeit and nobody is REALLY in control, then it just plain doesn't matter what your rank is.

@palanthis - 22.12.2024 04:33

I am pretty sure that this is all covered pretty succinctly in Chapter 2 - A Shadow of the past.

@slayskool777 - 23.12.2024 10:14

If he didn't know it was the one ring, why was Gandalf so adamant about Bilbo leaving the ring behind? Even if he took it to the elves, wouldn't they know he had it?

@daisyandlani4481 - 25.12.2024 09:06

Gandalf the Fool

@wildfire9280 - 27.12.2024 23:24

“Does he know?” 💀 edit: aaaand I just read the pinned comment

@vajona2495 - 28.12.2024 22:28

I bet nobody has ever asked you this useless question

@OOCHIES - 29.12.2024 02:31

I’m not going to tip you.

@karmagictv - 30.12.2024 16:54

it was a very good video

@WatchingHamasBURN - 01.01.2025 01:16

Because Gandalf is basically Jesus

@chpet1655 - 05.01.2025 15:51

But what if Saruman was actually a Sith Lord ?

@richarddesimone960 - 05.01.2025 22:29

I think you ended up watching, lord of the sing.

@captainzeppos - 10.01.2025 16:29

Please refrain from using the films as ANY source of reference of truth. The films have got nothing to do with the books. There is zero relationship between films and books for proper elitist viewers and readers and fans of Tolkien society.

@sickofseeingjustsomeguywit8168 - 10.01.2025 17:02

Usual W for Bilbo Baggins.

@pryzmcat - 18.01.2025 09:13

He did not know until he threw the ring in the fire and the proof was revealed. Now he may have suspected that Bilbo had found "something". Or possibly had some innate'magic" of his own that was nascent until pressure was brought to bear on him. After he visited Gondor and went through the histories, and did his due dilligence, that was when he 'suspected" that Bilbo had the One. Of course he learned after Bilbo returned home that he did indeed have a magic ring, and knew he had used it. But he did not know until the fire gave the proof, and Morgul script was read . Now, we do know that Gandalf held Narya the Great, ring of Fire. But I doubt he ever used it really. If he had, he would have felt the pull of the ring when he was near it. Notice that Gandalf was never really present in 'the hobbit" when Bilbo used it. If he had been he would have immediately known.

@daryljackson6088 - 21.01.2025 19:46

Imagine is Gandalf took Bilbo to Gondor when he suspected it might be the one ring.

@montyboon4127 - 21.01.2025 22:09

He knew he had a ring but only knew it was the one ring when he threw it into the fire and the markings showed themselves

@Happymouth1 - 22.01.2025 14:46

He knew when frodo had it.

@MrBennyrick77 - 24.01.2025 15:41

This is silly to raise. To make it a good story Tolkien wrote it like this is this sequence and way he finds out about the rung so it is intriguing to the reader.

@xXXJimboSliceXXx - 27.01.2025 23:07

On the subject of Bilbo acquiring the ring thru an act of pity, its not the only instance of Hobbits showing mercy to Gollum. Frodo and Sam each have a moment where they are about to kill Gollum but ultimately choose to spare him.

Throughout all the books three different Hobbits are presented with a chance to kill Gollum and it the grand context you really couldn't blame them if they had. Its difficult to think of a character in fiction thats more detestable and foul than Gollum, he represents humanity in its most fallen state. Feral. Murderous. It was Gollum who revealed to Sauron that the one ring was in the Shire. It is because of him that they even need to bring the ring to Mt Doom. Frodo himself says to Gandalf that he wishes that Bilbo had killed him but when presented with the opportunity himself he also chooses to love his enemy and show him mercy.

Bilbo, Frodo, and Sam all choose to show pity and love for even their greatest enemy and it is extremely relevant because the ring is not destroyed without Gollum being present at Mt Doom. With or without Gollum the ring was destined to turn Frodo at Mt Doom just as it had Isilidur because it is most powerful in the place of its creation. The ring is only destroyed because Gollum was there to take the ring from Frodo and be pushed into the volcano and Gollum is only present because Bilbo, Frodo, and Sam all chose to love their enemy. In the end, Gollum becomes a symbol of Grace. The destruction of the ring is earned by the compassion of the hobbits.

@Niko_the_one - 27.01.2025 23:27

gandolf and the dorfs

@juanestebancarrenomichaud3277 - 28.01.2025 03:29

When he throws it to the fire

@Dr.Pepper001 - 07.02.2025 06:45

A new installment is in the works called The Hunt for Gallum.

@Seven_Leaf - 08.02.2025 05:53

Bilbo would've dropped it in the lava if he had his friends around him for a pep talk.

@JayDeeChannel - 16.02.2025 23:41

Very informative

@andrewweber9930 - 17.02.2025 05:56


@Deluxedracula - 18.02.2025 13:20

Man, definitely plan to buy a print of some of the art! Such great stuff

@Cat_Woods - 12.03.2025 22:38

Just watched this video again. The other thing that never adds up to me is whether Gandalf trusted Saruman. If he did, he should have consulted him about Bilbo's ring as soon as he knew it existed. But instead he spends years redoing Saruman's research without mentioning it. So he cannot have trusted him.

On the other hand, if he didn't trust him, why did he walk into Orthanc without backup?

@bk-pk4wv - 14.03.2025 03:44

Gandalf used to stop by amd make love to bilbo thoughout the years.

@Velereonics - 14.03.2025 05:32

At Bilbo's birthday, if Gandalf hadn't seen Bilbo in 60 years, how does Frodo know who Gandalf is and get excited when he realizes that he's there? Castro is not 60 years old so Gandalf has to have gone there in the intervening time or something

In the movie and I don't know if this happens in the books but in The Fellowship of the Ring Fredo says I'm glad you're back so he's obviously he's met him at least once but it seems like he's familiar with him

@NerdoftheRings - 28.01.2023 20:03

What other questions about Middle-earth would you like to see me tackle on the channel? (And yeah, I couldn't resist making this thumbnail inspired by the Riddler meme. haha)
