History of Han Dynasty (China) : Every Year

History of Han Dynasty (China) : Every Year

edgar cheng

6 лет назад

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@WHWan-no7tm - 21.08.2024 13:43

Xin Dynasty (9 CE ~ 23 CE) is not part of Han Dynasty, it should be separated from Han.

@EusisLandale - 21.06.2024 14:50

The dynasty that would indirectly lead to the fall of Western kindoms and empires 😂. Im not trolling...

@CCP-Dissident - 08.05.2024 11:57

The CCP party will only end up like Han Dynasty

@kyungsukkim4181 - 09.12.2023 12:05

Your han dynasty's map is wrong. Don't you know one of Korea's empire Gogryeo?

@dorjeedamdul5589 - 11.09.2023 09:29

there has not been a single emperor of china who has been able to capture tibet.can see the world....tibet was never part of china

@Tod_x - 14.07.2023 05:53

same era of Roman Empire

@offcxx1000 - 09.01.2023 10:27


@trollgey324 - 27.10.2022 17:17


@rrestaurantamazone4745 - 22.07.2022 20:27

Cut off

@rrestaurantamazone4745 - 22.07.2022 20:27

Holy Han empire at the end

@drswag0076 - 10.06.2022 17:50

Liu Bang is known for his smooth-talking charisma. he knew he was destined for greatness due to a omen which goes like this.

when his mother was sleep, a flash of lighting erupted and she saw the sight of a red dragon lying next to her. after that, she was found to be pregnant with him.

@ayoubdash1967 - 25.12.2021 13:53

أسرة هان من 207ق.م - 220م

@kelamullah1999 - 07.12.2021 03:39

What about the Shu Han?

@bin7190 - 20.11.2021 16:08

The Han Dynasty is a great dynasty. The main nation of China is named for it. This Dynasty gave the Han Chinese incomparably strong self-confidence

@teukurajahitam8225 - 28.10.2021 06:54

Han dynasty legacy is one of the seven wonderful structures of the world the famous Great Wall of China

@Abeturk - 03.10.2021 11:10

Kak-mak= to direct
Kaktırmak= to steer
Kakılmak> to get being oriented/ to get being fixed =kağılmak >kalmak= to stay /~to remain
Kakılmak>to be directed any side >kalıkmak>kalkmak =to stand up / to get up
Kakıldırmak>kağıldırmak> to get being steered away = kaldırmak = to remove / ~to lift up

(Yukarı Kak)>Yukarı Kalk = (direct yourself up) =Get up
Kak-ak = which thing to direct it = what to steer it
Kakak= Gagak=Gaga (All of them are the same meaning)
(Kuş'nuŋ Gagağı) Kuşun Gagası = ( the router of bird ) the beak of bird=(it's not bird's mouth or nose)
Uç-ak=which thing to fly (uçak=airplane)
Bür-ek= what to wring by twisting (börek=patty) (mantı=pasty)
Ka=(Qua)= which
Ön=(eun)=fore/ first-one
Kakgan= Kak-kan=(kak-ka-eun)= ( which one leads )= Who's directing
Kakhan=Kağan=Hakan=Hahan=Khan=Han (All of them are the same meaning)
Han = director- manager-leader
Kohen = religious leader
Kãhin= who directs us regarding the future

(Mu-eun)=men/man= this one
Kak-man=Kağ-man= kaoman=kaman=Xaman=Haman=Amon=the manager is this one=(commander)

@halochienbinh4227 - 03.09.2021 11:12


@CCP-Lies - 17.07.2021 04:27

During emperor ling reign, the empire was downfall

@CCP-Lies - 17.07.2021 04:25

Guangwu is underated ruler, he unified and conquer most of land, reduce taxes, re-founded han dynasty and do many great things but barely known

@CCP-Lies - 17.07.2021 04:22

Western han didn't ruled most of Korea, they only rule gojoseon

@yuthegreat7071 - 09.05.2021 13:35

Wow Han dynasty made to Pyongyang and Seoul

@jaxyoung8846 - 27.02.2021 04:11

well done! Good job!

@letslearnsomethingg - 13.02.2021 04:16

The boundary of Korean peninsula in this video is very misleading. Cautions when you watch this to get correct historical informations! Han never came down that much into Korean peninsula. There were many Korean Kingdoms in Korean peninsula in that time. This video is not grounded on fact, so watch out!

@kkume - 10.02.2021 16:14

History distortion. Han never came more than Liaodung peninsula. It only shows how ridiculous inferiority feeling chinese have.

@xxblueberryxx7311 - 07.02.2021 06:17

Uh where’s Han wudi

@Ravisutz - 28.12.2020 23:38

My favorite empire !! Long live The Han Dynasty !!

@sgcl10658 - 19.11.2020 00:11

This is the 2nd Han dynasty. What about 1st Han that was broken to West and East Han?

@fruitoftruth1723 - 05.10.2020 22:54

This is awesome! Would it be okay if I used this video in one of mine? I'll reference you and give you a shout out. If not, or if you don't respond, I'll treat either as a no. Just let me know! (I'm just trying to make a brief point that imperialism and colonization were not the cause of the rapid wealth explosion that began in the 19th century. I'm pointing out that many countries had imperialistic tendencies before Europeans).

@KwongBaby - 02.10.2020 09:48

should also include Shu Han

@김뺑올 - 29.09.2020 03:25

한사군이 한반도 중남부까지 내려온 적도 없고 우리 한국인 조상인 고조선인 후예들과 예맥계열 토착민들의 항쟁으로 한군현이 단시일 내에 원래모습을 상실하고 대부분 중국북동부로 쫒겨갔으며 낙랑군만이 오늘날의 평안도지역과 황해도 북부지역일부를 점유하고 있었던게 사실인데 마치 한반도 중북부를 무려 1세기 가까이 점령하고 있다고 표시하고 있는 것은 명백히 역사왜곡이고 가증스런 중화사상에 쩔은 추악한 인식의 왜곡이고 거짓의 역사다 저런 중화사상에 쩔은 이 동영상만든 개 ㅆ ㅣ 바 ㄹ 놈은 잔인하게 갈기갈기 찢 어 주기고 산채로 껍데기를 벗겨주기고 잔인하게 고문해서 주기고 그 고기?는 박제로 만들어야 된다 역사왜곡 즉각 중단하고 다 배갈라 자 사 ㄹ 이나 해라 가증스런 ㅉ ㅏㅇ 깨 구데기덜아 반드시 역사왜곡의 죄값을 치뤄라 그게 정의다

@10jqkajoker22 - 29.09.2020 01:17


@zhenliu2321 - 06.07.2020 03:42

Fun fact that there are 92 emperors named after Liu, governed China or part of China for more than 1000 years, although some of them were not pure Han Chinese.

@Rudero3 - 05.07.2020 09:18

I love how you can see Cao Cao go to work by like 190CE. Brought a tear to my eye.

Also, I saw what you did there by putting Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI's main theme at 184CE. That was a nice touch.

@dingbang311 - 03.07.2020 19:21


@dingbang311 - 16.06.2020 19:39

Amazing job

@vincently1995 - 26.03.2020 20:40

Qin Dynasty = Pre-Han Dynasty
Han Dynasty
Three Kingdoms = Post-Han Dynasty

@zxcvbn-i3e - 18.02.2020 16:38


@travelleryu - 10.12.2019 09:54

Wow they kept a larger part of Korea than I thought. Also I guess this video proves the Chinese came to Xinjiang before the Uyghurs.

@trung44nguyenthanh46 - 02.12.2019 16:08

like like like like like

@tangempire.tangdynasty4049 - 17.11.2019 16:37

请记住 是 汉太祖 高皇帝

@RisingMushaMist - 20.10.2019 21:34

Han never got that far into vietnam

@studyofantiquityandthemidd4449 - 07.10.2019 17:32

Hello, awesome video! I was wondering if it would be possible to use silent portions of this in an upcoming episode? I would happily provide attribution!

@설향-z1g - 12.09.2019 07:27

The territory of Gojoseon that the Han Dynasty conquered was wrong. The area where Han destroyed Gojoseon and set up Hansa County is a volatile region, The area was restored for Goguryeo, the descendants of Gojoseon

@afiziazhan8560 - 30.08.2019 11:55

What is bce and ce?
