Katieee, venhammmm! Vc e sua esposa são muito fofas!!! Serão super bem vindas
ОтветитьWhat a shithole from that perspective.
Concrete steel asphalt = zero Nature .
Impressive footage and i agree with others on the excellent choice of music. The city is beautiful...clean, crisp and even at the early hour some of the footage was shot, alive. Quick question/request from a non-New Yorker, could quick closed caption comments be added to help us who wished we were from New York but aren't, know exact locations like street names, etc? Thanks for an impressive video experience.
ОтветитьМрачные кадры. Совсем не впечатлило. Всё серое. Ну разве что мост хорош. Желания жить тут не появилось.
ОтветитьНапоминает большой завод
ОтветитьMy fellow New Yorkers! Welcome to the 3rd Dimension 😢🔥😁
ОтветитьThe judder in this video is unreal. I tried turning off motion smoothing on my OLED TV and almost threw up. Shooting this kind of material where the whole frame is in motion on at least 30 fps might be a good idea
ОтветитьI don’t live there but in several ways I would say this is humanity’s greatest city and by far. ❤
ОтветитьNew York City: The Greatest City ever
Ответить가끔 영상 보기는 했는데 .. 아뭏튼 이번 영상보고 구독합니다 , 응원합니다🎉
ОтветитьHow can I save this for a screen saver?
ОтветитьAmazing, and relaxing to watch. I'm lucky enough to have visited New York and seeing it from this perspective is so revealing.
ОтветитьBaghdad in the future.
Ответитьthe music is way too good
ОтветитьThe rats were missing
I like videos like this.
Drone videos.
What is the song that is at the begging called, anyone know
ОтветитьWe’re just a fancy ant colony
ОтветитьThis is MAGNIFICENT! Watch for those wooden water tanks atop the buildings! A New York City treasure!
ОтветитьA+ music. A+ editing. A+ capturing the NYC vibe. Love it!!
ОтветитьI find it comically aggravating you all can't tell the difference between real footage and CGI, this is clearly not real drone footage, for one it is clearly illegal to fly a drone in/over NYC, and two it would be pretty impossible at those heights even if you were standing at the top of the empire state building. Several people have stated about the fact it's illegal to fly a drone in NYC and the simpi fact is they didn't, in any of the cities they came to have, it's all just CGI, why do you think the cities look so clean? The cars and people seem to be so uniform and off uncanny hmm? Take a closer look and not just blindly marvel at it like a single braincelled organism
ОтветитьBruh the screen saver came on and asked me if i wanted to play and i was immediately transported into my youth energy thank you for this
ОтветитьFirst you have to ask yourself what kind of drone is this that has such an extensive bandwidth that can be control from the ground at such distances? Is this the future of policing the public? Will our freedom of privacy be threathen and taken away by the possibility of the police being able to monitoring us when we are not aware and invading our personal privacy. I feel that their will come a time that our privacy rights will be at stake and that we will at some time need to protect our personal privacy from the police and government.
ОтветитьThis is so dope n that first track is 🔥
ОтветитьThis is a fantastic idea! Drones were Gods idea implanted in our minds to show us by our Creator to see what He has made. I’m from Philadelphia Pa., and I love New York just as I do my home Philadelphia Pa! I could keep this on my tv all day as a screen saver! Thank you Jesus for being so generous and considerate of us!
ОтветитьThanks for the video.🙂
ОтветитьWhat’s up family who else is vibing out rn
ОтветитьBeautiful, professional, and musically inspiring, well done!
ОтветитьMarineide senhor tomar a frente e adiantera da minha vida sentimental glória a Deus senhor tira da minha vida sentimental Milena para sempre e do coração do meu marido 🙌🙌
ОтветитьColoquei na tv pra assistir aqui jaja vou pro trampo
Ответитьhow were you able to fly a drone in NYC when it’s banned
ОтветитьThe GTA 7 Map, if GTA comes back to New York
ОтветитьNumb the public answer study. They won't need a airliner next time. The ignorance
ОтветитьThe music is top notch....
ОтветитьThis is fire
ОтветитьMusic is one dimensional
ОтветитьGive me a like as a phuck you too all the Karen Bootlickers. Isn't that illegal? How did you do it croud. You DON'T know if he/she got a permit. It's easy to do mouth breathers. Also who cares is he had permission?
ОтветитьBeautiful city New York ❤❤
ОтветитьGreat 👌
ОтветитьBeautiful shots
Ответитьcan I ask how did you get the ability to fly this drone in NYC
ОтветитьBro i put this vid on when i had company and it was a perfect screen saver lol
Ответитьjust wow
ОтветитьVery nice aerial footage of New York.