Losi Promoto MX: Proline Dunlop GEOMAX MX33 V2 BEST NEW TIRE FOR THE LOSI #losirc #promotomx

Losi Promoto MX: Proline Dunlop GEOMAX MX33 V2 BEST NEW TIRE FOR THE LOSI #losirc #promotomx


1 месяц назад

443 Просмотров

Rockside Friends, the new V2 tire is the best tire on the market so far for the promoto. The tire is wider so it gives you more surface area coverage, and the wheel was also was revised so the spokes are reinforced, so between the tire/wheel combo, I think that this is what we al have been waiting for! Check out the tire and the other products on sale from Horizon Hobby.

Horizon Hobby: https://www.horizonhobby.com/product/1-4-dunlop-geomax-mx33-cr4-rear-tire-mtd-black-promoto-mx/PRO1023010.html?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_XYFlVdmvs-2nu4xQEp4tU3qEmi&gclid=CjwKCAjwydSzBhBOEiwAj0XN4OHCUZl2MCAgX2N8c040Wv-T1m_1rewfD_gfY2avugb8DhjBgKV01RoCfhIQAvD_BwE

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