My Main SHTF Loadout (An In-Depth Look) Minuteman/QRF/Guerrilla Kit

My Main SHTF Loadout (An In-Depth Look) Minuteman/QRF/Guerrilla Kit

Modern Frontiersman

2 года назад

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@seasideshortt7340 - 19.03.2023 05:51

Great video! Ever consider dummy cording ur ifak to ur kit? Just in case you need to be carried, it comes with. Just a thought.

@BdogFinal14 - 21.03.2023 21:04

While I dig the old school LBE kit, there are better modern options, that are just as economical. I humped LBE for 15+ years, and it was never comfortable.

@BigRobbieRob - 22.03.2023 21:22

Great video. Where did you get the H suspenders?

@tattooninja - 30.03.2023 08:18

I hate dogs that bark 👎👎👎

@m70c00l - 05.04.2023 02:45

I just do a pack with gear and a light chest rig inside, can ditch the bag if i gotta be sneaky, and once the chest rig is out plenty of room for loot items haha

@gator7082 - 06.04.2023 15:18

Good stuff. A good GP setup can serve most purposes.

@d.l.hemmingway3758 - 07.04.2023 15:38

I took a LC-1/ LC-2 30 Round Magazine Pouch and made it into an IFAK like a video on Brent0331 about ALICE gear at One Shepard.

@fattiewestside - 07.04.2023 16:36

Interesting coming back to this after watching it 9 months ago. Do you still have it set up this way? Is this still your go-to rig?

@d.l.hemmingway3758 - 07.04.2023 16:48

@Modern Frontiersman, In the Army National Guard the only time I carried a pistol was when I was an Armor Crewman and even then as a Driver and later a Loader I carried an M-3A1 SMG along with the M-1911A1 I was issued. Now as a Cannon Crewman and as a Metal Crafter I only carried either an M-16A1 (1980 to 1986) or an M-16A2 (7-1998 to 1-2002,) but when I carried the A2 I also was assigned as my squad's Machine Gunner/ Automatic Rifleman. In that time in the field my unit had me carry the rifle, the MG or SAW (we replaced our M-60s at Squad level in 1999 with the M-249A1 SAW,) and the spare barrel bag because my AG was also the Company Maintenance Clerk and was always in the Tool Truck in the Field.

@disasterduck13 - 08.04.2023 02:36

Thanks for the info

@edwo6648 - 25.04.2023 02:53

Rape whistle....always improtant....not.

@edwo6648 - 25.04.2023 02:59

The M9 bayonet was a piece of shit thirty years ago and still is.

@mickmacy6161 - 12.05.2023 02:22

Thanks for this awesome content. Dot civ only. Used an alice loadout back in mid-80's and bumped it up to a gucci USMC milsurp LBV loadout in woodland in 2010. Switched to Fobbit LARPing (BOL) using the LBV (headlamp in grenade pouch) and multiple pouches for other firearms support in 2017, when we bought the deer camp. LBV kept there. Use ACU molle GI 6 mag bandoliers to support gun travel cases.

@michaelriddles6726 - 25.05.2023 00:48

Id add some 550 cord, move the light to right front of the lbv. To free up space in the buttpack.

@MrPetrion - 30.05.2023 11:12

not enough room on the belt? wwbmd- ( what would bat man do )

@thefifthbelfry92 - 25.07.2023 21:13

Keep my pens in my battle board. Big fat clip board I used to store maps and whiz wheels during my time as an FO. semper fi

@jasemac5391 - 02.08.2023 11:05

Good set up Brother 👍🏻🇦🇺

@turtlewolfpack6061 - 08.08.2023 05:49

Spare socks?
Everyone marches on their feet but fights on their stomach.

@jesusislord-ht1nj - 15.08.2023 22:48

That is the best setup lightweight and you will not overheat...wearing a plate carrier and helmet is only useful in a fixed position

@branned - 27.08.2023 08:44

Large Chest rigs are great for a range. For the field ALICE with very little on the front lets one get flat on the ground.👍👍

@scottzike1054 - 04.09.2023 19:19

I have a very similar setup .. one thing .. and i may have missed it .. but any 550 cord ??

@michaelcampbell2650 - 09.09.2023 11:17

I wish we could have guns in UK thats our down fall

@Person0fColor - 11.09.2023 08:09

USMC vet everyone should have several Alice kit load outs I have 3 Alice LCE kits one LBE Vest and two eagle industries war belts one setup for 308 rifle the other a shotgun load out, I have an LBT Rhodesian chest rig and a fereday and sons Rhodesian both setup for 308 rifle and I have two gun belts one the Ronin Shunto gun belt that thing is a master piece and one of the eagle industries operator gun belts which is a pretty good upper mid tier gun belt. Great gear man awesome kit love my Alice kits the classics never go out of style

@TwinsM16sRU - 11.09.2023 19:48

How you plan to hold your grenades?

@CoyoteRidge - 07.10.2023 07:03

Train how you fight

@chasedecroo4600 - 14.10.2023 06:49

Personally I’d ditch the E tool for another canteen—preferably something with a wider mouth but that’s a good setup.

@wsgeo - 16.10.2023 07:47

The Rhodesian scouts wore very light equipment, except for the FN FAL rifle and were successful in the field. Personally I have the belt setup fairly similar to your rig, except I have double water bottles(necessary in a warm climate).

@alexgard4968 - 16.10.2023 17:30

So it's been a year...have you punched yourself in the face with that garrote saw yet?

@catherinewatson9234 - 29.10.2023 21:00

Hi just wanted to tell you how much I liked your video. I have a similar set-up with a belt and a belly bag, then I have a green sort of military style 3 day pack I will wear away from my base(or base camp).

I call mine "Survival Belt" for me even though I have military and security background. I will mainly survive. Hunt and defend when necessary. I will try not to have to get into fire fights.

Only when absolutely necessary. Love your video and will subscribe 😊

@ronaldrobertson2332 - 30.10.2023 17:18

Recommendation: Loose the rats tourniquet. The committee of TCCC does not recommend it. Get a C-A-T or a SOF-T tourniquet that our troops in the sandbox used and swore by.
Also, I saw a video by an old airborne troop (silentthunder85) demonstrating the setup of ALICE gear. He recommended not to carry your e-tool on your LBE; put it on your ruck, opposite a 2-quart canteen on the other side.
Roll your poncho with your poncho liner and strap it to the bottom of your butt pack. They've been doing that since Vietnam. It works.
If you become separated from your ruck, you should be able to sustain yourself for three days with food, water, shelter, and ammo with just what you carry on your LBE.

@stephenreimert816 - 30.11.2023 01:47

roll your woobie and attach to the bottom of the butt pack, cretes more packing space in the buttpack...and/or wrap poncho around the woobie...they pack down quite my LBE is set and works well

@AnthonyMihelich - 14.12.2023 21:45

I may have not got to it yet in the video but curious why you have the regular hand guard and not a drop in quad rail

@youareIndenial981 - 02.01.2024 21:53

E tool on the belt is a rookie mis5ake. Does the but pack work with the ruck?

@tobystreks5187 - 26.01.2024 06:19

RIP Risky 🇺🇸

@CThomasBeer - 02.02.2024 10:09

Can’t go too far wrong with Alice deuce gear. Good setup. Thanks.

@kyjelly5524 - 12.03.2024 07:50

Water close by is great but I can’t do humidity lol. That shit is horrible.

@ronaldrobertson2332 - 17.03.2024 08:17

I'm still rockin' an original pattern LC-2 ALICE setup with an M-7 bayonet for my AR in an M-8a1 scabbard, Y-suspenders, and a medium ALICE pack.

@bjellison905 - 03.04.2024 06:38

Each person has their own. This is too much to be packing. Place caches

@RetardOlympics - 22.04.2024 01:52

I think there are too many good reasons why we separated our kit into belt AND chest rig. If your belt is large you cant sit very well. Youll take your belt off when it comes to resting points. If your flc got too much shit on it, you cant take it off cause youll have nothing else on your body. If you come to resting points its important to be able to drop shit off, but still ha e A LITTLE BIT to be able to fight.

@austinwalden3433 - 27.04.2024 01:11

Your set of gear is a great idea! 👍
I made mine like this also from ALPS hunting pack. I made it for only when im going out hunting, patrol, on watch, and going all day long till dark or sometime. Pretty cool hobby. lol anyway hope your doing good out there brother stay safe

@Blackjack99. - 15.06.2024 03:21

Me personally I use a combination of Alice gear and other stuff like plate carriers and a couple other things

@richardschafer7858 - 04.08.2024 09:26

Used H-harness LBE when I was recon in Vicenza, late 80s early 90s. Two canteens on either side of butt back (poncho, poncho liner, wet weather gear and sustainment in butt pack), two ammo pouches far back enough so I could go prone, extra ammo pouch for admin (leatherman, notecards, batteries, light etc), and bayonet.
Compass was always around neck, as well as code book when I was RTO. First aid kit was usually in front of canteen. Not perfect, but it fit there.
E-tool was on ruck counter balanced by 2 quart canteen on other side.
Great channel BTW.

@1911GreaterThanALL - 08.09.2024 04:29

This is why people run backpacks that carry 1 plate maybe a mag or two and the weapon can be stowed in the backpack.

@chucklewis4456 - 09.09.2024 03:10

Use off for babies and children. Mild and scentless

@runningman1156 - 15.09.2024 13:45

Nice set up 👍 Stay safe.

@dannyboling4627 - 17.09.2024 00:12

Wow...I also watch T Rex..

@dannyboling4627 - 17.09.2024 00:52

Really like the videos...if you haven't heard of John Ellis and should check him out..he's not that far away in Camden Tn..near the late James Yeagers Tactical Response training school.

@HansWick - 07.01.2025 12:02

I like that old military surplus gear, reminds me of Vietnam even though I wasn't born yet. 😂

@BillyBOB-sm3rl - 18.01.2025 03:02

Well, minus a few things. This setup is what a lot of army surplus stores were selling back in the 80s. Drop the etool for a second canteen. If you don't have them. Add canteen cups and stoves to each. If you have to an etool. Find a british pattern 37 etool. And 2 very short tie down straps. Rig it under your buttpack.
Second if you can "upgrade" to an LBV, do it. You can keep you ammo pouches and everything else. You will have twist the ammo on you.
