This REAL 4k Ultrawide monitor is EPIC | LG 34WK95U-W Review

This REAL 4k Ultrawide monitor is EPIC | LG 34WK95U-W Review


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@omhari2608 - 12.11.2020 15:10

Thank you very much. I was researching on these 2 LG's and I found your video on the first one, the second one seems great for the price in the UK at least and seems very similar with the huge price difference. Any thoughts and advice? Thanks. LG 34WK95U-W vs LG 34WL850-W.

@joyboy6535 - 13.11.2020 18:32

Hey are you still using this monitor can you confirm if this monitor will support an 2014 iMac 5k Retina Display in latest IOS at thisburnstruth. pls reply because i ordering it right now

@robertchapman9560 - 14.11.2020 12:37

Does this monitor (LG 34WK95U-W) work with the iPad Pro?

@MySwatchOrama - 25.11.2020 18:34

lg 38wn95c vs lg 34wk95u which one would you say is the best all around monitor?

@MarlonKingShow - 25.11.2020 20:05

Nice clean review. Thank you. As a Windows user I am currently considering their 750 model until its easier to display higher resolutions.

@dexterzhou5030 - 24.12.2020 09:37

Do you still recommend this monitor? Which one will charge MBP if I connect both the original charger and thunderbolt3 cable to the monitor?

@Gahttz - 09.01.2021 22:25

do not subscribe to this channel? why not I dont get it lol

@pashka3k - 15.01.2021 00:58

Блииин, я реально не ожидал что своего двойника тут встречу... и креативщик как я 😂 Прикольный канал. Подписался!

@vincenzopromedia - 16.01.2021 09:07

I love this display because it's not curved but I fear the back panel will make it difficult to mount it flush into a van.

@vincenzopromedia - 17.01.2021 06:51

I don't even like the 21:9 as much as the 32:9 which would actually be two normal 16:9 monitors combined. Especially for in a van because 21:9 is not that much of a help to me. This is more like one and a half displays.

@MAFion - 30.01.2021 00:04

I wish a tv maker (LG, Sony?) would make a display in this cinemascope aspect ratio. An OLED in 2.35:1 please!

@fdiaz6376 - 02.03.2021 16:20

Finally, I found this 4k ultrawide monitor

@WillMarcouiller - 02.04.2021 02:20

I'm looking for such a display for my new laptop.

I bought myself a Lenovo ThinkPad P17 Gen 1 with an internal Intel UHD Graphics P630 currently running 4K (3840x2160@60Hz).

Main usage is programming using Visual Studio 2019/Code, Remote Desktop, and some database management software alongside a few Word and Excel docs, some image editing but not a graphist at all, so no need for PhotoShop or the like.

So first question is: will my internal laptop graphic adapter be able to drive such a big 5K2K monitor?
Second question is: will it get tiring to have such a big screen before me all day long, or will it ease the strain on my eyes by the end of the day?
Third question is: does it allow for tiling windows to simulate multiple screens on a single monitor?
Fourth question is: why most of 4K ultrawide monitors only come with a 1440p resolution?

Because my wish is to use a single monitor just like I had six FullHD monitors, mostly. That is, three windows first row on top, and three other windows at the bottom, given an average equivalent of 6 1920x1080 screens on a bigger screen without putting to much restraint on my eyes.

Your answers and/or recommendations are appreciated.

@afarangi4839 - 04.04.2021 05:08

It is amazing that in the "show more", it is all about you. Normally, there is a link to the product page, not here.

@MrRatt38 - 04.04.2021 16:02

Anybody in the UK find this monitor impossible to get?

@merlinevertus7601 - 07.04.2021 09:35

Is that a white/silver mx2 mouse?

@taktischekartoffel - 15.05.2021 13:33

The 38 is even better. When it works.

@JohnSmith-zl8rz - 05.06.2021 08:23

there's no 2021 version of this?

@JohnSmith-zl8rz - 10.06.2021 07:19

released July 23, 2018, there's a 2021 model?

@JohnSmith-zl8rz - 10.06.2021 07:20

I hate wide curved monitors, I want a FLAT!

@adanpalma4026 - 12.06.2021 20:25

Is flat panel too widw why dont use a curve?

@Dennis_is_Outside - 27.09.2021 08:48

Still like it over the LG 43”? I'm trying decide which one.

@hellofath - 30.09.2021 00:57

Hi E! Between flat and curved ultrawide monitor which one if your pick and why?

@adhilnoushadnn369 - 07.11.2021 08:39

Is it good for Mac mini ?

@eddyng6850 - 07.11.2021 14:32

any compatibility with the 14" mbp?

@EricSecretdecuisine - 04.01.2022 23:42

Hello ThisIsE , great video , love your channel what do you thing LG 34WK95U-W34 for my MacbookPro 2021 ? big like for the video + 1 subscriber

@chromaetheral - 15.01.2022 12:28

thanks for noting in title that the monitor is REAL
it's truly insane that it is REAL

i expected it to be FAKE, can't wrap my head around how REAL it is though, amazing, truly unbelievable that REAL monitors exist

@krisblack4260 - 23.01.2022 18:21

i like how you present something in 5k but youre resolution is 1080p lol

@Marko-DelicMD - 29.01.2022 08:54

hello E do you know where i can get final cut pro for free in appstore i must pay for it? great video i will buy this lg monitor

@DatBoi370z - 20.03.2022 04:50

Quick question: I have a MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015) Will this monitor work with my Macbook? Is my Macbook powerful enough to work with this monitor ?

@saltybeatz1 - 29.03.2022 05:17

Is the bug fixed? Wake up

@miloche - 08.05.2022 21:04

Hello, any first hand experience with connecting this beauty to Macbook Air 13" Retina 2020?

@Masononthetube - 11.05.2022 21:55

trying to compare this one to the 38wm95c.. My main question is font size I'm both are running a full resolution is one harder to read text at. .For example when my 2019 MBP is at full res it's pretty difficult to read text in apps.. so I usually run that one less than full res.. and work of secon monitor for min work. The font size looked pretty big in the video but hard to tell.. any advice anyone?

@imourikis - 05.06.2022 15:56

Can M1 MacBook Air 16gb run this monitor?

@DirectorWD40 - 04.07.2022 21:31

Awesome review!
How would you update on a mac the firmware without installing the software?

@CalculationNation - 01.09.2022 02:56

That Name gave me serious Headache...Wtf LG?

@drmajedmalak - 09.09.2022 07:54

Hey E. I like your videos. I would appreciate it if you could do the bugger 40 inch brother comparison

@Kihilbill - 02.11.2022 14:49

if i use a pc from 2017 with an usb3 + an external alimentation on a usb hub : can i use this screen fully ?

@basiliobastardo255 - 27.11.2022 19:30

Gamers : almost

@Calypso694 - 02.03.2023 04:46

Is this Glossy as well? Can I remove the matte coating?

@hero3616 - 22.04.2023 17:13

Any monitor other than ~110 ppi or ~220 ppi (retina) won't be suitable for MacOS

@inbetween7470 - 05.08.2023 17:58

Why is linus video not in the description when you mention it.?!

@bogubor - 23.11.2023 23:21

Does this work with macbook air with M1?

@DiorChoi - 24.01.2024 22:20

best way to daisy chain to other monitors?

@ivonikolov6386 - 11.05.2024 13:35

I have a ❤question. Can i watch a movie on a full screen without bars

@ilovesportssea3840 - 19.08.2024 20:19

Is this monitor good for edting photos with programs example lightroom illustrator, autocad and more?

@Cosmicice1 - 25.01.2025 06:22

With Awesome specs like that who shoots themselves in the foot with 60hz refresh rate.

@bhavyapathak7971 - 04.12.2019 20:25

Your backdrops are always amazing 🔥🔥
