How to Train Any Dog to Heel in Minutes!

How to Train Any Dog to Heel in Minutes!

Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution

5 месяцев назад

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@emmaisonline - 20.10.2024 17:17

Thank you for this video! Shade is such a good boy. 🥹

@raydayer234 - 20.10.2024 17:39

Just saw you teaching side position with Shad . It is about time you actually started teaching instead of just misc general conversation. One point that I know you know but you over looked when Luring Shad initially to the side position. You lured Shad to you right side but in the process stepped back with your left leg. As I am sure this was unintentional as you should have been stepping back with your right leg so as to give your trainee maximum advantage to bring Shade back far enough so that he can make the turn and line up Shad on your knee. This minor change makes it much easier for less skilled or older trainees to facilitate the turn. I don't mean to offend, just a tip from and old trainer.

@manolopapas - 20.10.2024 17:40


@wagnermoreira786 - 20.10.2024 17:47

The problem with those chew toys is, my dog is a medium size dog, 40lb border Collie and still she destroys everything because she wants to get the stuffing inside the toys or if they have some sort of hair or rope she will be tearing it apart as well... How can we solve that?

@lisarado4168 - 20.10.2024 17:48

🎉 loved this one. So great to see the connection

@armandhammer2235 - 20.10.2024 18:05

"Be super liberal." 😂
That's easy for Zak.

@nezumish - 20.10.2024 18:56

Thanks Zak! This video helps remind me that every walk is an opportunity to reinforce loose lease walking with my 5yo Lab.

@alexandradittmann8588 - 20.10.2024 20:26

Brilliant work! Just goes to show that teaching heel doesn't necessitate leash-pops at all- even with a Corso, a breed that the balanced folks insist can't be trained without aversives!

@beverlydeardurff5366 - 20.10.2024 21:12

I had a subscription to the super chew box. I kept some of the treats. I felt that the toys that were sent were inappropriate for my dog and donated them to our animal shelter.

@pibbles9 - 20.10.2024 23:50

Okay, what about when your dog won’t stop biting and tugging at the leash, won’t focus, is too excited to listen

@christineleonard1110 - 21.10.2024 01:46

Zak is a great trainer. He is calm and doesn't correct the dog for wrongdoings unlike some other trainers.

@slowtrain4422 - 21.10.2024 02:33

Yes! Let the dog learn how to make the decision! I love this ❤❤ team work!!

@TomTheCat29 - 21.10.2024 03:53

please when are the new wallace episdodes coming?

@PlanetPupTheCoolestCanines - 21.10.2024 05:39

Here’s a comment you can use:

"This video is super helpful! 🐶💖 The simple and effective training techniques make teaching a dog to heel look easy. Thanks for sharing! 👍🎉"

@nSparkySpark77 - 21.10.2024 05:49

a person who pretends or claims to have more knowledge or skill than they possess; fraud; quack.

@_Gara - 21.10.2024 07:26

3.7 million subscribers, 13k views, 314 thumbs ups. I do not understand why your videos aren't coming up. Keep up the work tho!

@Nakira2000 - 21.10.2024 15:05

There is a lot of great info. I can't wait to use it.

@SarahHernandez-ln1ju - 21.10.2024 19:40

Hey Zak!
Thanks for the new video. I wrote this comment on your last video and I wanted to give you an update.

I am so excited about this new episode!! I have a Multi-poo who's almost 2 years old, but she has terrible leash behavior. She pulls so much and barks at nearly every dog. She also gets triggered by some humans but not all. When we go to a park she's so good and doesn't bark at all but when we go for our 1-mile morning walks she is a completely different dog she is terrified of dogs and hardly ever listens. I don't have anything like long leashes or actual training treats so I have to use what I have I also can't just go to a park or something. I just feel that she's never going to get trained. She knows how to sit, lie down, shake, and sit pretty and we are working on stay and settle but it feels like she forgets everything when we're outside. She also isn't very fond of someone in my family so she growls whenever they come near. She doesn't have really any interest in toys and only plays with them for around 3 minutes at a time and hardly knows toys exist when she's outside. She Barks when we put on her harness and while we're going out the door she's jumping. I just feel like I'm going nowhere in my training. What can I do?

Well here’s the update.
I decided I didn’t need anything fancy like long leashes or anything like that. (I did however buy Pupford treats) I started training and signed up for 30 Day Perfect Pup I’m on day 17 Right now. I have great news. Once I got to day 2 (The Value of Play) I tried it out and to my surprise she loves toys!! She still doesn’t care about them outside but inside she loves them!! She’ll even do tricks for it!! I started to practice staying and I’m so surprised!! She now knows how to stay while I walk away with my back turned, stay while I go out of view for a few seconds, and stay while distractions like toys and treats are in front of her! We are working on staying at doorways and while I go upstairs but I think she’ll catch on quickly. She still has problems with the growling, but I’m trying to control it. About her leash walking I can’t even believe it! I know you’ve said it in your videos but I never really thought it would work! Sure enough, when she’s exercised 98% of her bad behavior is gone! We’ve gone to several parks now and she was about 20 feet from a huge dog and didn’t even bark once! She didn’t even care about him. She was so interested in smelling that she didn’t lunge or anything! She was even performing some of her more easy tricks! But then something surprising happened. My dog doesn’t really like baths so it was my surprise when we were at a different park that she jumped in the lake!! I want to encourage her to go in the water but I know I can’t let her think that she can jump in a lake every time she sees one, so what can I do? Well, that’s pretty much it for the update!!

@TheBlightedStreamer - 21.10.2024 19:46

As a country boy whos lived his entire life in the countryside in the Uk my high content wolf dogs would look at you and think.. a pack does not move tightly together because it shows fear timmidness and uncertainty in the environment. My boy's run free and do what they like they know exactly what to do and how to behave. It's people who don't understand their timmid fearful jittery energy makes proper dogs act up. If you have some inbred couch potato then yeah the dog is like the average person. Simple, physically impaired and mentally broken 😂 alot of people look at the wolf dogs and say "😱🤬 they should be on leads" no if you dont like dogs ignore it and F off it will bother you not for your nothing to the pack

@jschibani365 - 21.10.2024 20:23

These dogs look like they have already been trained.

@jschibani365 - 21.10.2024 20:25

These dogs look like they have already been trained.

Let this trainer try to train my dog who chases and sniffs everything.

@markjansson - 21.10.2024 20:33

I was taught the old "turn and pop" method and also the rewards-focused one. Using the treats worked much better and reinforced for the dog why he wanted to be by my side. I still did use the leash to guide him to where I wanted him to be as we progressed on walks, but the leash wasn't the central part of the training.

One little critique: telling the dog "no" vs "leave it" is inconsequential. It's all in the tone for me. This gets into some philosophical stuff about negative reinforcement and how dogs understand that a disapproving tone means "stop" and if a disapproving tone is necessary at all, but the actual words won't matter much either way.

@centermid7mb - 21.10.2024 21:16

Best I can tell is that you are mostly handing out treats.

@lisahersey6851 - 21.10.2024 23:58

I’d love to know how to do this with a dog who has bad anxiety and will not take food or play with toys?

@maryjohnson7898 - 22.10.2024 20:45

My dog is a reactive dog how do I train him to not pull or react words other dogs

@ExmoorPony - 23.10.2024 13:55

Hi Zak. I was looking at a present for my dog's birthday and Amazon is saturated with DOG BUTTONS. Each different colour button has a recorded word eg 'walk' 'potty' 'hug' etc. Have you come across this and what are your thoughts? Can you teach an old dog new tricks and is it worth trying? Perhaps you could do a video reviewing them. There are various makes and models. 'Stella' is a speech therapist who claims to have invented it although I recall earlier versions, she just seems to have known how to market it. Perhaps you could interview her? And aren't dogs colour blind ie can only see certain colours? I'm sure there must be other viewers with similar questions. Any input from you would be very helpful. Not sure whether to invest the money. I trained my dog with you, including the 30 day pupford and he's nearly seven now, very well trained. This would just be extra. Thoughts?

@bbaffoe - 24.10.2024 03:16

Hi. I'm looking into getting a dog and have a question from something I noticed in this video. If you let the dog get to the end of the leash, get stuck, come back to you and not be in the heel position but still give it a treat, isn't that teaching the dog that it can do just that and get a treat as opposed to it coming back into the heel position you're trying to teach it? Just a question that came to my mind so any experienced trainer answers are appreciated.

@nancyschaefer9748 - 24.10.2024 18:28

Bark box was too expensive for my pup and me!

@SomeMinorDogTraining - 25.10.2024 03:56

For anyone reading this: I know that dog training can be difficult sometimes, but you're doing great. Keep up the good work, and your dog (and your own sanity) will thank you for it! ❤️💕

@StreetDrivenDaily - 26.10.2024 01:23

Hello Zak, we have German shepherd. She's super friendly with people and dogs. But we have only one issue. We have a fenced yard. And every time someone pass by she jumps on the fence , doesn't bark how can I prevent that ? Thanks

@samcunningham4276 - 26.10.2024 17:11

Too much bribery with food. Build the relationship and command respect to yield results, you're just going to have a fat dog that only listens when it sees food out

@EdwardLuiFilms - 28.10.2024 21:24

Hey Zak. What harness is that? Link please sir…

@youngchuchu08 - 30.10.2024 06:04


@Rocadog - 30.10.2024 22:12

Great reminder that consistency is key! Every walk can be a training session, and it really makes a difference. Thanks for the advice! ❤🐕

@Shortnamesareoverrated - 06.11.2024 08:10

I love. Love. This channel. Love it. I want to sub three times.

@OmNomNomBananas - 11.11.2024 20:21

Well done Zak George and Shade! He's a beautiful dog and very smart.

@DogsWaggingWorld - 15.11.2024 12:04

Smart dogs can be great helpers. It's great to have them around every day.👍👍👍

@霍泓智 - 20.11.2024 09:41


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@iseetheWAYVision - 25.11.2024 03:13


@crazyhorse851 - 04.12.2024 06:18

Wait, he’s using balance training. When the dog hits the end of the leash, it comes back to him. Isn’t that positive punishment?

@primaledge2916 - 11.12.2024 13:01

You have had this dog for over a year. A year + old Cane Corso is going to be MUCH larger than this. Why aren't we seeing any recent videos of Shade?! Is it because purely "force free" training isn't quite cutting it with an adolescent Corso by any chance?

@danielawithaar9320 - 15.12.2024 06:06

Wow, I wish I could hire you to teach me to train, but these videos are the next best thing <3

@Tommy_Gmk4 - 27.12.2024 20:53

You mentioned the "here" technique. Do you have a video on that ? Great video by the way

@Zorstor - 27.12.2024 21:19

What a good boy!

@jonathanshorey8851 - 06.01.2025 18:14

How do you know when to start giving less treats? I’ve seen some dogs that will become spoiled with too many treats and it becomes habit to do things expecting the reward. Then they become somewhat bad if not given it.

@laya1950 - 19.01.2025 21:21

Please do a video about pulling on a leash. HELP

@AnimaTriste - 29.01.2025 05:14

Gaslighting people again with a year or more old puppy training.

Where is this adult dog now?

You continue to lie and mislead people here.

@amyb347 - 30.01.2025 21:10

I'm attempting to re-train my 4 year old australian shepherd on walking on leash. I didn't do official training in the first place, just took him on walks. He's now reactive, pulls, goes in front of me, has little recall on leash etc. Whats the first step for me to build on since he's already been on walks on leash so many times? Do we start with him paying attention to me? He walks at a perfect heel indoors.

@KS-yv7tw - 20.03.2025 10:53

That is one very compliant puppy. This is not the starting point I have. What if my dog is pulling so hard against their lead and harness with non stop barking while I’m standing still, to race off at a hundred miles an hour and will not look round when I say ‘here’
