The mute bride and the police found her husband seriously injured, Immediately take to doctor

The mute bride and the police found her husband seriously injured, Immediately take to doctor

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55 лет назад

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#lytieubang #mutegirl #motherinlaw
The mute bride and the police found her husband seriously injured, Immediately take to doctor

I have been mute since I was young, so my parents married me off as a daughter-in-law. My husband is an electrician, he loves me very much. But my mother-in-law is not like that, my mother-in-law is always upset with me because I am mute, even when I was pregnant she was always angry with me.


#ly_tieu_bang #lytieuca #lythica #mute_girl #mute_daughter-in-law #mother-in-law #daily_life #country_life #life_in_village #single #mom #mother #mute_wife #sìn_nhật #singlemomlife
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