Thew new zone is so small and devoid of content i don't even care about flying in it. Also the new ring is a 1.5% dps increase in the sim versus my 626 hero ring so in real life probably around 1% so i would not call it powerful or fine at all. The new zone is a waste of resources who could have been working on 11.1 instead.
ОтветитьBeen puging since bfa season 1 and have reached the 0.1% most seasons but this season i seem to be stucked at 14-15 never played a worse/harder season than this one. I have friends that have a full time push group and they love this season but for pugs is terrible.
ОтветитьHaven’t played since October and honestly not missing the game.
Ответить" the gear progress has been slower than any time in history of modern wow"
i got 3 words for you buddy, FUCK MODERN WOW
Blizzard has the strangest people working for it. I don't understand why they don't want people to enjoy the game
ОтветитьTanking isn’t fun and healing is too stressful
ОтветитьAlso they only......
ОтветитьI like your honest delivery
ОтветитьGosh man ppl are just never happy with this game. Feels bad for the devs. This game is only as hard as the player base makes it.
ОтветитьThe island is tiny. It's ok to occasionally take away flight. No need to be negative Nancy
ОтветитьI quit the other day. Used to play in tbc and wotlk, came back for dragonflight, and this game is a nonstop repetitive toxic grindfest with zero to show for it. Gone are the days of wonder and awe in 2007. Even after a few good m+ runs w good people, id feel stressed and annoyed. Wow is dead for me.
ОтветитьThe crest changes are just a veiled attempt at making you think they made good QOL changes. I resubbed and redownloaded WOW recently. Got to 80. Was running some M+, realized I’m going to have to run about 100 keys to catchup, then uninstalled. Then they made these changes, I saw I needed to run 56 keys, and left the game uninstalled. I’m not running 56 keys to CATCH UP to people. It should take me 5 keys to get caught up let’s be honest. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t. You still need the gear to drop. You still need to run the hard content to even get the crests and the gear. You missed out on 10+ weeks of vaults which already is a huge setback to your character. So WHY do I need to be so far behind on some stupid currency? It’s bad design. I don’t want to participate. The change doesn’t change anything about how I feel about it.
Ответить6 weeks of showing off my hateforged blaze cycle 😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьI think wow has become less a game where you have fun, and more of whatever M+ is. Whatever happened to rescuing low leveled guildies from the opposite faction, and raiding towns and cities, and having huge battles in the barrens. Or even battling over world monuments for buffs?
ОтветитьKind of two takes (one of each side) on the not flying right away in new zones.
1. I kind of understand why they prevent players from flying in new zones and one of the main reasons is to slow down content consumption. Giving a player a quest that adds 3-5 minutes of travel time slows down the time for them to complete that quest there for extending the "newness" of that content. This straight up generates thousands of hours of new content for players overall and in turn giving the devs more time to work on the newer stuff.
Other reasons could be that you must work up to have the ability to fly as a part of just being new to the zone as an RPG element. Normally in an RPG, the devs are not just gonna let you spoil the whole zone right off the bat. They're going to slow drip it and give you one of the greatest elements of an RPG...exploration. So I understand that from a gameplay perspective and just go with it.
2. My take from the other side is that I (imo) feel like they kind of have to slow down content consumption because they aren't making a lot of new content and the things that they are get consumed up by no-lifers who just grind the heck outta anything new they make. I have a problem with how they do that sometimes which disrespects a player's time like how they handled the new currency in the anniversary event. Like it was egregious for no reason other than to slow down how fast you consumed the content from the event.
So, slowing down the time for players to consume in respectful ways (ala exploration) I'm ok with. Things like the anniversary event...that's gonna be a no from me dawg.
I only recorded one comment for this video. Also, I only recorded one comment for this video!
ОтветитьMythic 12+ and up are challenging, it's not FUN. As a healer main, I find the mid range mythic most toxic. People are demanding while expecting very little of themselves. Tanks are all crazy, they don't care if your group can't keep track of spell interrupt, can't heal cuz he's too far ahead and all kinds LoS issue. Like, you are expected to keep everyone up while running and LoS and have 2 thousand trash smacking you cuz you pull agro from healing too much. It's all healers fault. I barely brought myself through the mid range and got to 14. Groups are better, but the same runs over and over again finally did its toll. I'm officially retired from M+, and enjoying open world content. Don't have to go to bed with emotional garbage from M+ really improved sleep quality.❤
ОтветитьThe biggest appeal of a game like wow for me and maybe a lot of other people is the potential to do cool fun stuff with your character, and do it with other people.
At surface wow presents itself as that expereince, but it's not that at all. This expansion was a great example - you start by engaging with the world, and then you move to gearing your character. You move from world -> delves -> normal/hc raid -> m+8/+10 and then end up in some loop of (hc raid, mythic raid, m+8/10, m+12<) depending on how high you think you wanna go.
If that's not what you want to do, the game was over after week 4. If it is, then you are not playing an mmo. The "world" is a lobby and nothing else. The game is these instant content. You don't even get to queue up for it - you have to do it yourself!
Once you are in it, theres so many people already that have devoured 3rd party info on how to solve the game that you are not playing to figure it out and beat it, but you are following instructions on how to best play in order to farm stuff that gets you more power so that.... you can follow more instructions on how to play at a higher difficulty?
And this is not because people are by nature toxic in wow, but because the game trains you to do everything to be efficient and avoid punishment that comes with failing.
Now, let's include the consumables and crafting.
Wow director envisions people playing in some holistic way where you adventure in the world, craft things, kill bosses and make friends. In reality, those who want to kill hard bosses have to claim all the power available to them. Otherwise, it's literally rude to play with others and have your character produce less numbers. But... crafting and consumables cost a lot of money because you are ultimately getting these from other players who want to be compensated from their time. Unless you engage in the economy of wow at a deep level, you have to pay for these in gold, which you have no way of getting besides 1) being lucky with BoE or 2) buying wow token.
As a result now you have to continuously pay gold for the privilege of having yoyr character do as much as it can, making it like a mobile game with a gem store.
And finally, as far as gearing, it is idiotic.
The game showes you with bullshit gear that is irrelevant to everyone for doing random stuff. The only way to power your character to the max is to mythic raid AND do m+ for vault. Vault is presented as an alternative gear source by devs but it is the only source for most people. Having universal gear and multiple disjoint game modes where it works and from where you could potentially get it just does not work.
So how does the wow experiebce sum up after week 4?
Wait in lobby while manually putting groups together to play a dungeon that could either fail because of someone else and set you back a key level, thereby wasting 1+ hours of your life to bring it back up or succeed to give you 12/15th of 1/6th of an upgrade to 1/13th of your items so that when you raid with your friends your character doesn't suck while for every one of these dungeons or (depending on the guild, raid nights) you spend 20x more gold than you get back for consumable items, all for the sake of being able to play with everyone else. If you miss 2 weeks - you will do less damage!
Wow is a bad game right now. Even thematically, it is so different from the wow most people have an attachment to, that you are playing a caricature of it. You can play a brown-skinned blood elf warrior mountain thane (which is generally dwarves) dressed up as sylvanas windrunner, with medivh's staff in his hand.
Its not wow, its a game that sells you the fantasy of playing wow. It's more like going to disneyland thinking you're experiencing the magic while in reality you stand in line with disney adults.
There are wonderful games out there, play them either alone or with friends and you will not miss anything about wow apart from the cool fantasy of smashing faces as an orc shaman or undead warlock, which is something current wow does not even offer you anyway
Yeah been doing mythic+ since BFA and they are really hard now there really needs to be some tweaking and we need to go back to the old affixes
ОтветитьWoW and M+ reached end of its cycle. It's no longer fresh, new or exciting. It's boring, grindy, unrewarding slop. My sub ended, and I am not subbing back until they overhaul the whole M+ system to make a kind of Mythic+ 2.0 with exciting rewards, fast gameplay, and a dungeon pool that is at least 16 dungeons. Running same 8 dungeons for 6 months gets boring after 2 weeks. It's only interesting to the 1% that is pushing +14s and higher. I used to be a hardcore m+ player since BFA and with TWW it all burnt out. How many expacs in a row can you do the same thing over and over again? And the difficulty gets higher with each expac while rewards become worse. I find PoE2 more fun to play than WoW.
ОтветитьI disagree about current affixes being bad, same goes for the fort/tyr weeks. Myself and my teammates played ever week this season, never had to nitpick to avoid the "feelsbad" affixes like in DF. Except for 1! The dispell affix is the only 1 that falls out of the boat. It's not inline with the others as not every class can deal with it properly.
ОтветитьFor me the big issue is the ilvl 619 cap. My guild doesn't Mythic Raid, I don't want to sweat out +8 or higher dungeons (they're too hard to learn and not fun enough to try) and once you down H Queen once, the fight is so difficult for such a little reward it isn't even worth doing more than once since it'll never be on farm - it's just too easy for anyone to wipe the group, and everyone has to play perfect at all times. You also don't get to ever outgear the fight. So my guild pretty much moved onto other games until next patch. Until 11.1, I have nothing left to do and nothing left to work toward since Blizzard made it very easy to get to ilvl 619 and impossible to get beyond unless you do super sweaty content that isn't fun.
ОтветитьThis company died when blizzard north left
Ответить>i feel like this is a game that doesn't respect your time as a player.
I can totally see that for some players. However, I am new to TWW (havent played since BfA) and I have about 8 Alts. In about 2 months i've gotten nearly all of them (except one) leveled completely and with 590/600 gear on completely solo. I am a casual player and play on nights and weekends. I don't do much else outside of Heroics, Delves, and the WoW 20th Anniversary daily quests for gear. Not to mention the Vault. For me? Its been such a fun and amazing experience not only leveling but gearing efficiently and easily. I don't care to play Mythic + nor raiding but im sure for many people thats the true endgame that entices them back to WoW in the first place, so again, I totally get it.
Problem is blizzard designs content around the world firsters - genuine losers who peak at lower viewership than paint drying or someone drinking a bowl of soup. But for some reason they need to design content around these D tier race for firsts rather than making the game a fun experience.
ОтветитьAs a raider, I wish M+ was less rewarding because I hate M+. I don’t want to be forced into it.
ОтветитьNot even high end players are enjoying playing especially tank and healers feels like they are not taking steps into the right direction more like moving one toe at a time just check how many people do +12 in this season 90% players didn't even try to do it with how toxic the state of pugging is even with crest upgrade at best you only get 1 upgrade per key completed 4 more crests are not even noticeable
ОтветитьCrests are r3tarded, have been since inception, so are “tracks”, vet, champ, hero, myth etc go back to valor! With no targeted looting, once you have a bis at champ, having to replace it on hero and myth potentially is duuuuumb!
ОтветитьRemove valor
ОтветитьI quit wow at shadowlands because it annoyed me how they cater towards the top 1%, nothing else matters fo them, gave the game a chance in dragonflight and couldnt play it more than 2 months. Seeing how badly bfa, dragonflight and shadowlands did I thought they will change something not double down on it. sad to see thats all this game can offer now, burn out of the same 8m+ and one raid grinding in the first month and be done with the game. The whole game is just so hollow, like, the entire world is pointless to even be in the game, there is nothing to do when you are burnt out of M+ and you dont need anything from the raid anymore.
ОтветитьM+ was never rewarding. It’s just now that ppl are noticing how bad it is. Because going through 30min stress fest for 12 crests is horrible. And me doing +8 still rewards 12 crests so no changes for me or anyone else who does +8 in the next patch😂
ОтветитьI quit doing mythics as a tank and do other content. I like to have fun and not being punished.
ОтветитьIts strange because ive played WoW for a long time and even in "bad" expansions ive never felt the urge to quit. I even LOVED TWW the first few weeks. Unfortunately something is WAY off with this expansion and I've lost all interest in the game since 2007. Its not burnout because I want to play, but the Dragonflight War Within wombocombo left the game feeling like a completely different game, and not in a good way. I hope they do whatever it is they need to in order to fix it. I miss WoW.
ОтветитьThis is par for the course. It's the halfway point and everybody starts circle jerking about 1 and 3 things, the raid, m plus, or PVP.
ОтветитьI think people need to get out of the mindset that they should be able to complete all content. The very best gear is there for people who want the challenge. If you don't want the challenge you literally don't need the gear that comes from it in the first place.
ОтветитьI wish one could queue up for mythics
ОтветитьIn line with this video, Blizzard recently announced more M+ tuning changes for 11.0.7
Kinda silly that they are hammering the difficulty this late in the season but is it what it is. Alot of it is in regards to trash tank busters.
Because Mythic+ IS the problem. Adding Mythic+ was the worst thing they ever did to WoW and one of the reasons why we don't get as much new content as we should because they are forced to spend so much developer time on implementation and balancing which ultimately breaks Class balancing and PvP. Delete them.
ОтветитьYeah, Holy priest main here. Crazy high party-wide AoE damage in M+, and we're expected to flash heal our way through it because literally NOTHING in our AoE toolkit can deal with it. Checked out until next tier, hopefully there's a fix in for the class, or a drastic shift in damage patterns, or its going to be another hard pass next season, too.
Ответитьthe lore channels seem to be very happy with what the new island has
but i guess for most of us who dont care about lore, its not really much
I still miss you're tank guides on wowhead! But back to the topic at hand I do agree that they need to find the sweet spot with m+ and honestly with leveling , raid are almost always awesome or ok and honestly since I started playing wow (end of legion) one of the thing I miss the most is the meaningful levelling gear feeling relevant and enjoying my time instead of rushing to level an alt so I can, rush and get some gear, to then stop playing. This is mostly a ramble sorry, but I find myself enjoying classic even though it has a lot o unnecessary inconveniences and i didn't play the original when it came out.
ОтветитьI can't stand retail as a newish player. Classic has taken all of my time recently.
ОтветитьNot enough to make the suffering of M+ worthwhile. It's not just my gearing I'm worried about, it's my goddamn blood pressure.
ОтветитьIon has to go
ОтветитьThe crest changes for M+ are really good. However, as a brewmaster main of all things, I'm gonna continue playing other games until they get the tank balance in order.
ОтветитьI am so done with this expansion already, everything is a chore, not fun.
ОтветитьI'm just not going to play (beyond getting my mount and portals) until they either bring affixes back or release Legion classic.
ОтветитьThe fact they're listening to feedback is fine but it's the same thing every season, annoying weekly caps on gear upgrades that they only remove when numbers dip substantially, m+ dungeons that once again hold BIS items for all classes in ONE dungeon and it's the most difficult because they don't want to redistribute trinkets, looking at you grim batol. And adding new mechs for healers to deal with that favor ONE healer so vastly that for other specs it feels like adding 3 to 4 key levels if you normally run 9s and higher.
Stop putting run ending dispells on dispel types that not every healer can do. A 9 to 10 million heal absorb cast on 2 people every ten seconds that is for some reason a curse? Huh?
This is the real stagnation that drives m+ and it's pretty obvious to me. Normally I either tank or heal because they tend to hold similar difficulties that I DON'T trust pugs to do, but for the first time since wotlk, I've almost exclusively healed because it's so punishing. The goal they had was to give groups more time to be healed before they died making maintenance of health more necessary than ever, and it was this way until about key level 8 or so, where once again we're back to a single unpreventable mechanic dragging group down to sub 15% with the strongest single heals doing about 40% of a player's max health if it crits. The extreme difficulty spike for healing this shit is leading to groups above 8 waiting 15 minutes or more for a single healer. No one wants to wait so long to do a key that's so punishing for such a low chance at getting the SINGLE item you're looking for. Can we please stop putting bis trinkets in single dungeons? Can we PLEASE put a trinket vendor like dragonflight season 4 and shadowlands season 4 but in every patch in some way or another? Can we please have weekly or biweekly dungeon tuning to fix things like a heal absorb so large that I have to spend 7 gcds worth of full power healing to clear ONE of the two absorbs?
On the topic of healing absorbs, if you want them to be the main thing healers contend with for a whole tier, either reduce their total absorb or stop fucking making them absorb 100%, nothing is less rewarding to healers than pressing some massive heals only to see green text that says (absorb 2.5 million) and no health bars move at all
I see the 6 week time-gated rehash island and racial rebalancing without free race changes as nothing more than a money grab.
Ответитьget the upgrade system out of the game, it doesn't fit the game at all. it's just slowing down everyones alts and famous blizzard disrespecting our time on purpose.