Should you ONLY do daygame?

Should you ONLY do daygame?


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@charlesluberisse4737 - 10.04.2018 03:15

So Todd Im On This Personal Quest For The Double Kiss At The Bar. The Few Begining Times I Went Out Girls Flowed Towards Me Asking To Buy Them Drinks. Maybe Just My Dapper Appearance. I Was Fustrated And Went Home To See What Went Wrong Or What I Miss. I Decided Next Time I Would Get A Kiss Close Outta The Situation. It Worked! You Mention Before That Girls Will Sometime Be The Aggressor. What Are Some Signs She And Her Friends Are Looking For Instant Excitement.

@cunit105 - 10.04.2018 03:42

Hey Todd thanks for the content I'm a huge fan of your advice as they have tremendously helped me in my dating life. I have a question, how do you think us men should go about introducing women we date to our sexual fetishes? I would love to here your insights on that frequently overlooked topic.

@PY1146 - 10.04.2018 05:34

Hey Todd , could you please talk about managing your ego in game? I seem to have a huge ego problem and judgement problem. Thanks

@Hazcool45 - 10.04.2018 06:44

Should i hit gym tod?

@greenheart674 - 10.04.2018 07:35

great vid, would you please tell us how to balance the cocky funny and push pull stuff with small talk, so that we can avoid overdoing any of them ?

@franklinnash - 10.04.2018 09:14

It's called human interaction, you muppet. It's not a game and we're not players in some game. Show some respect, be true to yourself and everything else will fall into place.

@Prodigy-de7rd - 10.04.2018 10:48

Ending a "perfect" monogamous relationship to pursue game and an open relationship.. Is it ever the right choice?

Your content's on point man, mind blowing stuff! Excited to see where your solo brand goes

@strahinja95 - 10.04.2018 13:13

Hi Todd, I watched your The Art of Game video and I was wondering if you could help me with a question, given that you touched on it in the video.

I do direct game, I'm flirting with a lot of girls and lot of them reply positively in turn making my body pump up serotonin because the counter in my brain thinks that I'm the shit on some competence hierarchy, because all the chicks are into me. I've seen that you're following Jordan Peterson so i thought that you would be interested in that revelation that I had. My goal is to get one girl that is superb and meets standards of mine that I have, which is that she has to be intelligent or creative, and a lot of other stuff which is a lot of stuff and so I go for a lot of time without a girl before I meet the girl i want to date.

And this is the pattern that i often fall into. I meet the girl, I'm at that time acting naturally unavailable because I feel godlike of all the serotonin, I take action and flirt with the girls and have fun and take care only of my own needs and wants. But when I meet that girl that want to be with i hook up with her and then I start to invest in her, I stop flirting with other girls, I start feeling some emotions for her, and I neglect my needs and wants. Because my big need and want is to have sex, and usually I don't get to fulfill it because, as I have noticed, I lose congruence as the time passes and she looses trust in me, because I changed my behavior which means I settled down with her for that period of time because I want a deep and meaningful connection with one girl. I can be a pushover, because I start to feel needy because I have usually been searching for her for a long time and i don't want to lose her. On a side note, I'm sexually inexperienced and have sexual anxiety.

Can you give me some insight?

Best regards, Strahinja Sujic

@Qjemuse - 10.04.2018 16:20

This is an interesting question. I'm an old dude at his mid 30s but I'm still only doing day game picking up cute young girls.

Dislike night game because it's too tiring and loud. Dislike online game because let's be real, Girls are mostly ugly there and you're just another guy validating her.

For a day game approach to go well, you need to have all your shit together. Be grounded, calm and cool, be sure of your own identity.

@꼬뮨 - 10.04.2018 16:50

Do you still think if you gain value you lose comfort and vice versa? I don’t understand why. If you offer her the right amount of value, wouldn’t she feel ‘comfortable’ around you for that?

thanks Todd, you’re the best

@DmitryHimself - 10.04.2018 17:39

How to pull girls to not your place (i.e. their place or public places)? Thanks in advance.

@romeotene3735 - 10.04.2018 18:23

Hi Todd! my qyestion. is how do you convey high value as a man in terms of pure vibe that universally adapts to any situation (ie day/nightgame or a niche) And how would you recommend finding "creative" type woman that may be on the upperend in terms of social value? Like a or b list actresses/performer. please let me know if you can and thank you!

@NbgdStyler63 - 10.04.2018 21:03

Game is for losers

@stefanocatalano1501 - 10.04.2018 22:49

Thanks you for the value!!

Could you please make a video, a manifesto maybe, on gaming also in your social circle (girlfriends, classmates, friends of friends, people that you see for your work, etc) especially how to pull them properly without being overly anxious about blowing it up with a mistake that may affect your day to day social setting

@jaspergabriels8933 - 11.04.2018 03:18

what are the most common stickypoints you see every time again from beginner, intermedite and advanced guys

@ballerballs4586 - 11.04.2018 11:48

What´s your process for improving in game? How long do you focus on a specific area of your game for example? Thanks Todd, keep it up!

@aryanhoushmand2042 - 12.04.2018 02:08

Epic content as always

@radimm5936 - 12.04.2018 13:04

Thank you for breaking this down. I don't really like going out at night, so I highly appreciate the content.

@SammyCee23 - 12.04.2018 13:45

I'm just not into clubs, dance parties and loud venues. It actually makes me feel physically disoriented. Bars are ok though.

@aaronline5889 - 12.04.2018 16:48

Is this the best place to submit questions?
I can only do daygame for a few more months until I turn 21,
How can I do daygame with a wing? I'm struggling with motivation and could use an extra set of eyes to give me feedback I miss

@anilajaved2987 - 12.04.2018 21:19

Hey Todd. Can you elaborate on what you think of theredpill community? Thanks

@lucianpuscasu3562 - 13.04.2018 01:29

Todd, can you explain how to build social capital? I know that's about good emotions, connection, good experience in general, but i think that it's a very powerfull tool, and an interesting topic and very much beetwhen us don't know his importance.


@huntster4000 - 13.04.2018 06:44

Can you make a chart/tier list of principles in order of skill level (i.e. things you need to master from beginner, novice, intermediate, advanced, instructor level.)
I'd even be willing to pay ( all be it not that much haha ) for this kind of progression advice!

@stevenvandamme1 - 13.04.2018 17:12

the same comparison popped up in mind with a particular sport (had soccer in mind not basketball :P) and game even before you said it. I think at the beginning its very helpful to have as many experinces as possible and try a little bit of everything for a longer period of time, but with time it becomes more clear to you what you are good at and what you like.
So the 10% of gaming spending in more uncomfortable locations will be very helpful for you Pedro.
My question is: can you give us any lines or in general any examples from your experience from when you were with a girl and you wanna pull, but when you start to signal her that you wanna leave the club she starts pondering wheter she wanna go with you (logistics, her girlfriends etc.). What are some lines you use to make her feel more comfortable but at same time not backing off to much?
thanks in advance.
Your channel gives BY FAR the most valuable advice. THANKS FOR THAT.
greets from Germany. Steven.

@valentinomc - 13.04.2018 21:14

That’s true, When I first started i try night game and because of my English girls wouldn’t understand what I said. Switching to Daygame thinks are much easier, but still I do night game different way how to approach and deal with different situations. Thanks Todd doing that.

@FawlksGmr - 13.04.2018 22:37

I would love to know your take on a certain situation: A girl who you've been friends with for a very long time because you never felt attracted to her, but now you do but you are basicaly in the friendzone but not by failure, how would you turn that around? Thank you! love your channels!

@michalksi2377 - 14.04.2018 11:53


@amanapart0 - 24.04.2018 03:29

I always thought daygame was great, but my results have been terrible. Now before anyone says its because my game sucks (because I don't think I'm that bad), I was wondering if anyone thinks nighttime is better because girls are only out at night when they're interested/looking for guys, whereas during the day they aren't? It just isn't socially acceptable during the day, so women don't go out looking during the day. Anybody have any thoughts?

@alejandromartinez9959 - 26.04.2018 07:57

Hey Todd, where do I start my game journey?

@chris_sndw - 10.08.2018 22:35

That's basically me. I trained myself to have bad tonality. Need to do more night game.

@rickyticky3350 - 19.08.2018 04:18

Daygame the abundance of women is greater. Which are the best places? Malls, College, stores, parks anywhere. What's the benefits? There's millions of women in the day not thousands. There 24/7 women available for you than at night. Every day you will see different women and higher quality. The cool part is that there is zero competition. Women appreciate you more when you approach them during the day than at night. Women are more likely to get in a relationship with you than at night. 99% percent of men still can't approach during the day the matrix is still among them. You will meet your girlfriend during the day not at night . your chances are very low of getting a gf at night than the day. If you disagree you will see by experience . The rsd world doesn't really do day game. All there fans are only night gamers.they are all afraid to approach when the sun is out. If you approach during the day You break out of the matrix and your part of that 99% of men. I do agree with some night game just to adjust your game but in the long run the competition in the day is only you.

@jfkst1 - 14.09.2018 01:25

I just have major issues with day game. My night game is excellent, but it's much more natural for me to chase girls at night as I'm normally out with friends in the first place. During the day, I simply don't have time to do it. I also don't know where I would go to find girls worth hitting on as obesity rates are extremely high in my city. Seems like it would be inefficient use of time for me.

@GulliversFlo - 07.10.2018 16:10


@nasalsayegh2415 - 20.01.2019 18:35

@asktoddV if a girl doesn't bother to talk to text only like once every few days. Do i keep being needy or just ignore. In a way treat her as she treats me? Since it's at the beginning

@61divyansh - 07.05.2019 18:11

What do you exactly mean by voice tonality, I do tend to have a low tone when talking to unknown women

@alvarovargasec - 29.06.2019 07:48

How affects masturbation and porn in game?

@Casarzino - 15.07.2019 13:52

bottom line is, it all depends on whether you are successful enough in whatever type of game suits you. If so, I don't see why you should learn other forms of game. If you aren't, then you might consider trying other forms of game to try something new or see if that suits you better.

@ashrafmohamed4510 - 05.09.2019 17:36

The beauty of daygame is that only like 1% of men can do it. Those who have real game and good conversation skills. At night, everyone is a tough guy when they are all high, drunk or both lol. These same people in the day are a wussies who cant do shit. Those who have mastered Daygame are truly on another level honestly compared to people who just wait for the weekend to get drunk girls. Peace!

@kinostrong6724 - 18.09.2019 12:16

funny. cause Im opposite. I enjoy nightgame and hate daygame.

@beaware9457 - 07.11.2019 03:58

Daygame is one of the favourite type of game of todd.

@hmb8801 - 25.05.2020 22:14

I don't know why daygame is good ,wouldn't girl be thinking that U don't have a job or you're not high value

@K3gel - 03.01.2021 03:45

The more I learn about game the more I learn about life itself. I think that's what I love the most about doing it :)

@mylongdick312 - 25.06.2021 08:14

I do beach game.

@sterlthepearl1000 - 20.01.2022 09:15

In the dating game, as soon as we leave, memories slowly fade, and new flirtations arise.

@peterk3556 - 22.02.2022 01:28

There was this girl following me around the train station and pointing in my direction i talked to her and she reacted very mean and arrogant when i asked her if everything is fine

i know it was not a good opener but i wasnt attracted to her so i diddnt care anyway but i still wannted to know why she is facing me and getting closer to me no mather i was going and it cant be for another one because behind me where the train rails so thats not why

@sebastianharrington5041 - 17.11.2022 00:52


@waldek32 - 13.08.2023 22:46

Day game is way better for me if I'm 40. In a club on my own I'm looking like desperate dog...

@80skid83 - 20.08.2023 08:00

I did night game for years : but got fed up of hangovers and extreme fatigue, so now I have switched to day game and its fun but feel like an amateur
