九鐵回憶殺!黃頭列車重現紅磡站!#黃頭 #烏蠅頭 #站見鐵路展

九鐵回憶殺!黃頭列車重現紅磡站!#黃頭 #烏蠅頭 #站見鐵路展

Kenneth K

54 года назад

986 Просмотров

大家仲記唔記得呢架列車呢? 唔記得就一齊去回味下啦!
Anyone remember this train? If not, let's visit them again!

喺紅磡站舉辦嘅「站見」鐵路展,展示咗多款經典列車!「黃頭」同「烏蠅頭」 重現返喺紅磡月台上面呀! 無論有冇坐過呢兩款列車, 都可以透過呢個展覽重新感受車廂內個感覺呀!
The Station Rail Voyage exhibition at Hung Hom Station showcased a couple of classic retired trains. Fan favourites such as "Yellow Head" and "Fly Head MLR" are both reappearing on the Hung Hom Station platforms! If you haven't been in one of those train cabins before, this is the chance now!

有興趣嘅朋友, 必須透過網上預約去參加展覽。
For those interested, admission must be registered online.


#黃頭 #烏蠅頭 #KCR #九廣鐵路 #站見 #站見鐵路展 #MTR #香港鐵路 #地鐵迷 #鐵路迷 #時光倒流 #YellowHead #FlyHead #MLR #StationRailVoyage #HongKongTrains #HongKlngSubway #Trains #Railway #RailwayAddicts #TimeTravelling #KennethK
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