Forget the Myth! We Show You the REAL Transylvania (Romania)

Forget the Myth! We Show You the REAL Transylvania (Romania)

Going to World

1 год назад

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@ajaypoudel-jk9pe - 04.09.2024 18:12

Thank you as I enjoyed the documentry till end Romania so beautiful ❤️

@charliemihai5471 - 24.08.2024 00:26

I'm tired of foreigners' old obsessions with ,,Transylvania''. They are proud to not know anything about Romania but ,,Transylvania''. I'm tired of natives' old obsessions with the old lack of respect and ignorance shown by foreigners towards Romania. They become anchored anchored in kitsch routine and the natives in a drunkenness of false pride and ignorance about the specific details of their own country..

@LorándArtúr - 22.08.2024 04:10

Transilvania its always was Hungarian lands!!!! in presence only the on rominian occupation but ll change soon definitly!

@cipriantruscan6718 - 15.08.2024 04:54

Hi . Every country is beatiful and deserve to be discovered .
Like a romanian i'm glad when foreigners come in our country and discover our diverse traditional food , culture , landscape , history , warm people , artisanal product and true romanian lifestyle .
How i see in this video you pass in my hometown Zarnesti on your way from Rasnov to Magura .
Zarnesti is a small stunning city what have amazing landscapes , mountain Piatra Craiului , Liberty Bear Sanctuary , motocross circuit Brebina and many more things to visit .

I hope your experience in Romania was good and you wiling to comeback explore and discover our tradition , traditional food , traditional drinks , history artisanal product .

Alwsys pay atention to taxy drivers !

Good bless you !

@shaileshprasad6231 - 12.08.2024 02:40

Dracula makers. Bys. Foods. 😊😊😊😊😊😊

@dirkwilke4974 - 09.08.2024 19:41

Top Video ❤❤❤

@ARPSMUSIC - 31.07.2024 11:44

Very well done video, better than a BBC documentary!

@Voyager-20NOW - 31.07.2024 10:47

Beautiful country, great video. I just started making videos and my first place is Romania 🇷🇴!!!

@shamkand - 23.07.2024 18:13

The Roma are not discriminated against...
They don't want to integrate, they speak their own language, they have their own traditions, customs and they like doing things their way.
Why I know? Because there are tons of Roma that do integrate, have jobs, and live an amazing life, some are so rich their neighborhoods are famous for opulence and "palaces", foreigners travel to see/visite them.
In my town, the Roma community was gifted by the town council free, new apartment buildings and jobs, but they did not want to integrate...
The government does not want to over step because they are in a complicated situation, if they force them to integrate they are accused of disrespecting their culture and if they are left alone, the government is accused of discrimination...

@alok8176 - 14.07.2024 13:37

I want to go to transilvania..i want to live here..I want to spend my entire life here

@DeliaPop-dq3dt - 13.07.2024 11:57


@dosentmatter517 - 12.07.2024 12:45

As a Transilvanian saxon i am happy to see that poeple still acknowledge the impact of the minority on Siebenbürgen but the Name Siebenbürger has far more to it than you mentioned😇

@ancuancuta9922 - 19.06.2024 14:34

the saxons were and are not colonists in Romania, they are locals, since history is known

@ioanion5721 - 03.06.2024 05:15

117 / 5,000
A true journalist is impartial, he doesn't show only the negative sides. Don't come to Romania anymore, you are not welcome !

@somarm6929 - 25.05.2024 21:28

Romania is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, I'm one of the applicants to the Romanian scholarship specifically in the University of Transylvania Brasov. I truly wish and hope I get it. Thank you for this video it's amazing.

@Vegetarianbull - 13.05.2024 19:18

I want to go back to Romania y miss it 😭

@bencesuto - 07.05.2024 20:27

Transylvania is a famous region of Hungary🇭🇺

@Adriatico90 - 05.05.2024 20:40

Leșin de râs citind comentariile românilor opăriți la poponeț și ofiliți ca niște mimoze leșinate.
Clipul reflectă realitatea nu inventează nimic și nu văd nimic tendențios în a jignii românii sau denigra România.
Nici nu ieși bine din București sau orice “mare” oraș și vezi exact ce arată clipul ăsta.
Ce nu arată însă este mentalitatea înspăimântătoar de obtuzǎ, primitivǎ și arogantǎ care din păcate este evidentă în comentariile multor români

Excelent video and narative 👌

@allyoucouldate9510 - 05.05.2024 08:58

you were in Transilvania and not visited Corvin Castle(where Dracula was imprisoned, actually there is no evidence of Dracula existence at Bran)? you saw nothing...

@janagolasanu9710 - 03.05.2024 16:12

Hello from Galați România.✋✋✋🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴

@oldskool731 - 01.05.2024 18:30

gotta wear a short skirt and tights for views

@nicolaiesorin - 23.04.2024 19:44

Transilvania is not Romania.

@cosmindde5631 - 11.04.2024 15:13


@rossiennio5869 - 05.04.2024 20:21

Viso e corpo cadaverico pallido, pelle squamosa, occhi spiritati , gengive retratte che favorivano canini sporgenti bramosi di addentare il collo della vittima per succhiarne il sangue , ossessione per la luce del giorno, avversione per il crocefisso , una bara come giaciglio da cui uscire nell’approssimarsi delle tenebre per poi rientravi prima del sorgere del sole dopo aver scorrazzato veleggiando sul bianco-nero mantello alla ricerca delle vittime …. etc, ..…etc.
Il "VANPIRISMO" cinematografico come sopra illustrato in realtà trova origine da una vera malattia : la " protoporfiria eritropoietica "; Un soggetto che ne soffre , non tollera l'esposizione alla luce del sole, è spesso anemico (cioè carente di emoglobina), pallido e senza forze; può aver bisogno di trasfusioni e deve tenersi al riparo dalle fonti di luce per non incorrere in dolorose lesioni cutanee alle parti più esposte del viso, come naso e orecchie. In passato questi sintomi, insieme all'ingestione di sangue animale necessario in assenza di trasfusioni, e alla necessità di uscire solo col favore delle tenebre, hanno alimentato storie e superstizioni . Le porfirie sono un gruppo di rare malattie del sangue che compromettono la capacità del corpo umano di produrre l' “eme “ , una componente essenziale dell'emoglobina (la proteina presente nei globuli rossi, responsabile del trasporto di ossigeno nell'organismo). Queste patologie si presentano in varie forme ed una di esse potrebbe aver contribuito alla nascita del mito dei vampiri. La malattia inoltre provoca una graduale erosione delle gengive che si ritraggono a favore di canini piu’ pronunciati ; la malattia rende fotosensibili, causando ustioni all’epidermide esposta ai raggi ultravioletti. Da qui la leggenda per cui i "vampiri" potevano uscire all’aperto solo al tramonto accompagnati da pipistrelli che pure si nutrono di sangue di ovini e bovini . Il mito dei vampiri trova inoltre riscontro nel fatto che in tempi passati non si conoscevano i processi di decomposizione: essudando sangue dalla bocca, i cadaveri davano la sensazione di averlo bevuto. La credenza fu rafforzata dal fatto che un tempo (mancando le procedure per accertare con esattezza la morte,) si verificarono rari casi di persone sepolte vive che, scoperte, fecero pensare a individui tornati in vita dall’oltretomba..
Altro elemento concorrente al rafforzamento della credenza era la avversione per la croce; in realtà molti di questi poveri disgraziati furono vittime della chiesa e di preti ignoranti che li perseguitavano considerandoli dei demoni o indemoniati, motivo per cui non appena si avvicinava uno di questi con la croce in petto , il malato si dava alla fuga terrorizzato, temendo, a ragione di finire sul rogo
Insomma una vera ingiustizia , un esempio di come l’ ignoranza possa ferire un soggetto già di per se molto sfortunato….

@danielmaxter1928 - 05.04.2024 02:34

Why did u focus so much on the Roma people? Did u visit Romania or the Roma in Romania? 🤔🤔🤔

@user-df6ll8ks9g - 02.03.2024 08:44

I was feeling so low this morning. She has the sweetest demeanor! Lovely documentary

@qwertyqwerty-zi6dr - 27.01.2024 17:42

A lot of lies and missunderstanding, dislike

@Vahitoruc218 - 27.01.2024 02:57

I love Transilvania, pace, iubire, dragoste, pace pentru toate lume, avem încredere tine, tu ieşti cel puternic și buni

@giuseppemannino5204 - 22.01.2024 04:59

the land of vampires,and Vladimir

@liluff1709 - 21.01.2024 11:59

it is a superficial presentation of this land.Sorry but is not 100 % real what you say

@georgemoncayo8313 - 18.01.2024 01:27

Dracula approves of this.

@VIRAJMALITHA - 14.01.2024 18:04

very beautiful video.

@eugenzeig9894 - 14.01.2024 17:18

Liebe Nicole, Österreich hat nur aus einem Grund gegen Rumäniens Eintritt in die Schengen Statten gestimmt. Der Grund ist;
Österreich will wie immer nur unsere Bodenschätze gratis haben und weil Rumänien nicht zugestimmt hat, haben sich diese Diebe und Korruptes verlogenes Volk (Österreich) dagegen gestimmt. Österreich war immer so und es wird auch so bleiben. Ich brauche kein EU oder Schengen. Die EU hat alles vernichtet und sie wird es weiterhin tun. Deutschland, Österreich und, Frankreich sind die korrupteten Länder Europas. Diese will ich nicht in meinem Land haben. Und ebenso wie unsere Politiker welche sich von diesen Länder kaufen lassen haben.

@nicolaiesorin - 13.01.2024 16:04


@Silesiasynek - 02.01.2024 01:00

Warum sieht man dich auf fast jedem Ausschnit im Video gehen? Ist das Selbstdarstellung? Selbstverliebtheit? Verpackt in Tourismus Videos?!

@Christian53773 - 27.12.2023 23:47

Kronstadt - Brasov meine Heimatstadt❤ eine schöne Reisedokumentation Danke

@lazariulian4581 - 21.12.2023 13:38

brasov dracula

@lucyculinescu8848 - 20.12.2023 09:10

This video has a very misleading title, as you guys don't show the "REAL Transylvania", you show only 1 county, the County of Brasov, out of the 10 counties that belong to Transylvania. Moreover, as much as I love Brasov, it's not the most representative, nor the largest county from Transylvania, it represents only 5.34% of the total area of Transylvania. How lazy (or cheap!) is that, you only travel a few km away from Brasov, and you pretend to know the truth and you get to make a vlog about the "REAL Transylvania"? Here are the distances they traveled, for the foreigners who don't know the area, so you can understand what I am talking about. They traveled in 3 directions from Brasov: Brasov to Viscri - 78 km, Brasov to Harman - 12 km, then Brasov to Rasnov 22 km, and Rasnov to Magura 20 km. And back in Brasov, where they spend the first 3 min and the last 5 min of the vlog! Yes, they spend about 36% of the video in one city.
Another thing, in most of the places that you visited you looked for the German influences, even though, as you pointed out, the German population is only about 30,000 people, which is 0.15% of the total population. You did include the gypsies, of course, because why not, but you didn't mentioned anything about the largest minority living in Transylvania, more than 1 milion of Hungarians, which represent about 6% of the population. You showed the Kürtőskalács twice, it would have been a good moment to mention that this is a Hungarian desert.
I don't mind that you, as German speaking person, are attracted by the German influences, and find them fascinating, go ahead, visit and present what you want, but then choose the name of the vlog accordingly; I am very seriously suggesting that you should change the title of this vlog to "We Show You the REAL German influences in the County of Brasov". How about that?

Cei mai lenesi vlogers, astia trebuie raportati! Cum sa calatoresti abia vreo 200 km, si doar intr-un judet, si apoi sa-ti permiti sa pretinzi ca stii realitatea si ca prezinti toata Transylvania, care are mai mult de 100 de mii de km patrati? Daca nu vor sa calatoreasca in mai multe locuri, macar ar putea sa se informeze mai bine si sa prezinte lucrurile mai aproape de realitate.

@TheGladiatorofrome - 19.12.2023 15:18

Transylvania is more german than romanian

@rhondaholland4188 - 17.12.2023 00:08

Thank you for sharing the tour of romania a nice show the land. On the higher level you show

@Sofia-0001 - 16.12.2023 04:36

Is not fair what you doing here. There is a decent social security for any mother with children in Romania, regardless of ethnicity. That poor women you claimed has no income is entitled by law, like any other Romanian citizen, to 631 Ron/month (approx 125E) for each child bellow 2 yo or 3yo with handicap and 256 Ron for each child over 2 years of age. That isn't much but is a monthly income and based on Romanian costs of living no one goes hungry. Besides that they also receive food allowance, electricity allowance, medical care, free education and meals for children at kinder garden and school. Hundreds of 1000s of children from poor families also received tablets to be able to attend classes online. All they need to do is go claim their social security benefits and to register their children at schools.
You also claim that gypsies have no work when Romania hires 140,000 Asians for minimum 800 Euro / month in the construction sector, where from the same job in Dubai they would get 250$ max and far from the human rights and work conditions they enjoy in Romania. Skilled labor can easily make 1200 - 2000 Euro in Romania, which is very good, based on Romanian costs of living, much lower than the west.

@ekesandras1481 - 15.12.2023 16:08

The beer culture in Transylvania is of Austrian and Bohemian origin, the Transylvania Saxon never were beer brewers. They were wine growers. The Saxon culture is all about wine, not beer. The oldest brewery in today's Romania is Timisoreana, which was founded by Prince Eugen of Savoy, who was serving as an Austrian general.

@larrywade9041 - 12.12.2023 14:02

Wow, done with my 2nd of your videos & on to the Armenia video. By the way, I did subscribe. Thanks-- Illinois, USA

@klodiantafa6035 - 02.12.2023 13:36

Salve quindi la romania non è nell area shengen ma fa parte dell'ue cosa significa in pratica? Grazie, e complimenti per i video che fate. Fate vedere tutte le sfaccettature dei paesi che visitate con rispetto nei loro confronti.

@realitywinner7582 - 01.12.2023 23:53

Super-video's ..something i've noticed with travel vlogs is the lack of coverage of Medjugorje in Bosnia..and it's supposed to be closest place to Heaven on Earth..maybe ye could do something on it someday 🙂. God Bless -from Ireland !

@SA-he5ej - 22.11.2023 20:11

For everybody that is interested about gypsies in Romania and how they got here you should do some research. Their roots are in India and came to Europe searching a better life. After some time the europeans were't happy with the growing number of gipsies and their ways, so they started to eliminate them. Yeah, your civilised countries and high education got to the conclusion that the best solution is full extermination. In their dispair they found asylum in Romania where they werent persecuted. That's how Romania ended up with this minority. The same thing you are doing with the illegal imigrants now, sending them to Turkey. And another thing...your "green" civilizes countries...Do you know how they stay green? By sending your trash, garbage here, in Romania where they are processed in large dumps.Off course they are't processed how they shoul so lare quantities of toxic gases are released in the atmosphere especialy in the night time. The air near these areas is unbareable. It's like putting your trash under the carpet.

@priestessmikokikyo77 - 11.11.2023 21:07

I would love to go to that beautiful country one day and see all the sites, gosh its a gorgous place! heir are soo many things to do their, great food, good people, amazing history wow! i believe in Vlad Dracula's legend as a vampire but the real man was a great hero!

@aviaxis6261 - 11.11.2023 11:37

hey, our President is also German
