Overwatch 2 - Mercy's NEW SUPERJUMP REWORK Explained | New Tech + Old Tech

Overwatch 2 - Mercy's NEW SUPERJUMP REWORK Explained | New Tech + Old Tech


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@chibamoon6410 - 14.05.2022 20:10


@kireinaa_4417 - 14.05.2022 20:16

Leave it to Ski to already perfect the system 🙏

@kireinaa_4417 - 14.05.2022 20:22

I do think they should allow us to stop the jump by either pressing crouch again or holding crouch until you reach your height (Like the GA setting)

@tropicata - 14.05.2022 20:38

your dual bind idea is actually HUGE brain. I NEED to try this

@Meri-Muru - 14.05.2022 20:43

Does anyone remember the lil change they did to Pharah in a content creator experiemental patch where she started falling faster when she held crouch. Any thoughts? 👀
Also as a console player, we already are suffering from... "not enough buttons" problem I don't think a lot of us console Mercys can do the dual bound you did. So I'm very worried about that if we come to the same issue as you...

@Shield_Maiden_93 - 14.05.2022 20:47

I agree with you with what you said at the end. We should be able to choose if we want the new super jump or not. Kinda how we could choose which settings we wanted for her guardian angel. Like the new one we just got where we could look at our target and fly etc. I'm a console player and I already know how to do the super jump. Have for over a year. It took me a bit to learn but it has been a life saver and very fun. But anyway, I think if we had the ability to choose if we wanted it or not would be good. For me, whenever console players are able to experience the beta, ill like to see how the new super jump is and determine how I like it. Plus we already have a limit on what controls we can use because there ain't enough buttons .-. But for now, us console peeps have to wait ._.

@alexone7519 - 14.05.2022 20:51

Great video ski!

I agree with ur hot take lmao - this change I think is beneficial to mercy and raises her skill ceiling due to new techs.

The part of the video I disagree with is making the new SJ have height control by how long you hold shift for example. I think it’s very nice to have this new SJ ability go the max height no matter when u press crouch - it makes it faster to reach high ground than doing the old SJ tech and having to be right next to ur ally when u press space to go maximum height. Every millisecond matters in overwatch and having the ability to get away quicker from ground enemies is really nice. If you want to have lower superjumps you can just use the old SJ tech.

I also think this change was a win for the GA toggle on mercy community, because it feels much smoother to do the old tech without having to hold ga but let go of crouch (what you would have to do with GA toggle off).

@-NoNo. - 14.05.2022 20:52

Mega sj is so silly looking I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets patched

@mikey7g - 14.05.2022 20:57

Just bind this new sj off of crouch. It would make things a lot less clunky when trying to crouch ga.

@ctomsky - 14.05.2022 21:17

Its... weird. Its better and worse and idk if I like it. I hold crouch when i superjump so its harder for me to do the old superjump now cuz itll automatically do the new one. So I'll definitely have to relearn it if it does go through. It needs some work though.

But frankly, this is the bottom of my list of requests for Mercy. Mercy's mobility is already really good, its one of the few things that didn't need to be adjusted. I'd much rather they work on any of her other many problems.

@VideoGameDataBank - 14.05.2022 21:27

Thanks TroyBeast12 for following!

@ganymede6295 - 14.05.2022 21:45

Superjump is finally official!!!! Take that everyone that called it "bug abusing"!!!

@bradprice1157 - 14.05.2022 22:07

Hmm I think maybe they fixed the height she goes on the new jump to give it risk/reward versus the old superjump. Like you have to decide in the thick of it "do I want to control how high I go but be forced to wait until reaching my ally, or do I want to superjump early but have a predictable height." If the new jump had all the flexibility of the old, it would just replace it completely. I think that need for decision making and giving the old jump a niche is pretty interesting.

@OWGrandma - 14.05.2022 22:11

OH my god, this is so brilliant... I already had my crouch on my mouse button tho to perform the old superjump, and I haven't been able to perform the old superjump with it since the patch... so I will try dual binding to see if that helps me.. thank you!! :D

@bel3961 - 14.05.2022 22:36

@Ventafps - 14.05.2022 22:36

Double bind is a really good idea I think!
i did a similar thing but with GA instead of crouch. bc i have terrible pinky control ive never had my crouch on ctrl, and ive always used both mouse buttons to sj. So I've always had shift double bound. but now for an old SJ i wouldn't use both mouse buttons, i would use left shift and tap crouch i guess it kinda works but im still getting used to it 🤷‍♀️
i also think now the change is great except for the lack of height control. and i'm afraid of getting too used to it in case they change it a lot 😅

@valkyrie2832 - 14.05.2022 22:40

I totally agree with everything you said! I’m glad to see someone being positive about this and pointing out the potential, because I felt like I was the only one. Like you said, I think there should be a setting that allows you to pick each one, or both. As long as the original superjump is still doable, I don’t really mind though. I think this change looks both fun and useful, and I’m really excited to use it myself whenever us console players can play.

@cabba3047 - 14.05.2022 22:41

How do you perform the Old SJ again? When I hold down my crouch and GA button at the same time I just perform the new SJ and immediately launch into space.

@diddko4 - 14.05.2022 23:16

I have an issue with my crouch on my 4th mouse button, because every time I'm healing someone, I'm not able to crouch with the mouse button for some reason? Anyone else have this problem?

@Albrolke - 14.05.2022 23:23

I can't do the old sj system now, it's so hard to re-write my muscle memory

@TheMicakuh - 14.05.2022 23:27

I was already using a different key setup for the regular superjump and I do not want to have to relearn everything about it. But if they make it a toggle so I can just turn it off and continue to play the way I'm already used to, then it's whatever for me. If not then I'd prefer if they remove this new system.

In general I'd rather they would give her anything else, something new, that's not tied to her mobility bc that was the one aspect that she wasn't even struggling in.

@Andriatic - 14.05.2022 23:42

I use the same crouch dual bindings on PC
However dual binds are not possible on console so that is something that I feel would make this even more inaccessible to Mercy players on console

Like theres not even an option to dual bind on Console and even if there were there is the lack of buttons to consider.

I like the idea of it being toggleable in the settings but tbh I’d rather see this bind to a different button like interact for example because I feel it interfering so much by being bound to crouch is where like 90% of its clunkiness comes from

@DokuDoki - 14.05.2022 23:57

The new superjump definitely needs an adjustable height, ideally with a new setting added that allows you to toggle, and it needs to work during Valkyrie. For it to not work during Valkyrie sounds like a bug territory to me, Valk has different speed and also makes you fly so something about that probably interferes with the tech (if the new SJ, for example, is just something that briefly changes your own gravity to near zero and gives you a small hop which gets amped by the low gravity, it probably wouldn't work during free flight where gravity doesn't matter. It might also explain why the gigajump exists, if the hop is even just slightly higher the low gravity multiplies it even more. Except I actually have literally no idea and I'm probably pulling nonsense outta my butt, so don't quote me on any of this.)

To me, there's a very clear intent to preserve all of the Mercy's old techs while also adding at least one new one that's easier and straightforward. This was experienced Mercys have even more options while beginner Mercys no longer have no options. I think that's definitely a step in the right direction even if the current implementation feels a bit clunky. I don't think binding the new jump to crouch key was the best idea, it overlaps with the old techs so much that right now it's a genuinely good advice to bind the crouch to two different keys when the rework was meant to make things LESS complicated? Personally I wouldn't mind learning all the different key combinations for all the different techs, but the overlap will make things either too inconsistent or too difficult ESPECIALLY for beginner Mercys which feels more like a full circle than the solution it was intended to be.

@MunchyInTechnicolor - 15.05.2022 00:43

Thank you for all the info, I've been seeing a lot of negativity around this, and it's a nice change of pace to hear from an actual mercy main, what they think. I also appreciate that you took the time to actually dig into the new tech and at least tesed it to its fullest extent. I saw A LOT of content creators just making a very quick vids and saying things that weren't true the moment the patch dropped.

As for the old tech, I was surprised to hear people having trouble preforming it after the patch. I was so confused cause I could pull it off no problem. That's when I actually took the time to figure out what my hand was doing and I realized that the moment I pressed shift, my thumb would immediately leave the alt key and hover over the jump button (for me it's space bar) in preparation for the jump. My muscle memory was preparing me for this patch lmao!

Overall, tho, I agree with you. The power of super jump came from height control. If the devs can figure out a way to allow that for the new tech, I think it'll be perfect.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, I think another good thing about the new sj tech and why I'm very happy about it, is that for mercy players who have lag issues (because sometimes people just can't afford good internet), it makes super jump actually consistent. I spent a lot of time trying to master ga tech, I can go thru some mercy parkour maps with a speed and consistency that I think is above average now, but the moment I hit a lag spike (which is often unfortunately) the sj tech becomes incredibly inconsistent. And it SUCKS. At least with this new tech I don't have to worry so much about my ping fucking me over halfway thru a ga.

@coreymcshane9425 - 15.05.2022 01:17

It should be the default for new players but an option should be there in settings to revert to original way

@appleciderwitch - 15.05.2022 03:03

Superjumping is easy, but despite practicing it a lot, I was still not great at it and a lot of it had to do with the settings I have used for years, so I am enjoying getting to add it to my already pretty great movement skills. So count me in as the person who is helped by this. Not everyone has the ability to be good at the timing/key press combos even if it is admittedly easy!

@door2977 - 15.05.2022 03:12

Holy shit just let her do the echo fly permanently at this point.

@urbekmisek498 - 15.05.2022 04:11

When I read the blog i was sceptical but kept an open mind. Than after I saw it for the first time I thought it was stupid and that it should be removed. Now I just think it needs some fixes and fine-tuning because I really don't think they wanted her to have infinite flight outside of the ult and a jump that gets her to the sky limit.

@SuperZombieFanatic - 15.05.2022 04:26

(Thuban here) I think them both existing can also potentially add to her survivability because your movement becomes less predictable with an added movement tech

@thirdeyyye - 15.05.2022 06:18

As someone who was never able to pull off the SJ before (I'm on console), do you think it will be easier to learn as opposed to a person that does know how to SJ who will have to retrain their muscle memory?

@annapaivinen6846 - 15.05.2022 09:06

I'm having a terrible time doing the old super jump. I already dual binded crouch, but my issue is retraining myself to not hold crouch with my pinky. In ow1 I just always had pressure on my pinky and now that's punishing by triggering the new jump. Sigh.

@joshuaarichard - 15.05.2022 09:53

I feel like the new SJ should be its own input that is not crouch that we can choose to bind to whatever key we'd like. Unfortunately even after dual binding crouch, i'm still having difficulty performing the old SJ. I still cannot get the old SJ to work even after spending 30 minutes in the practice range :( Just thinking about all the old SJ tech that a lot of old SJ mercy players might not be able to do anymore.

@МарьяМоревна-л3м - 15.05.2022 10:06

I see this as substitute for actual changes for Mercy.

@mimi努力 - 15.05.2022 12:36

I was very against this change as I was under the impression the old sj would no longer be available. Because the old sj is still doable, and can be stacked with the new one, I'm liking this change so far. I hope this isn't the last adjustment they make but in general I'm excited to see how this goes. I think I mainly just didn't want all the old tecs taken away from me ;-;

@lanadelrey6613 - 15.05.2022 18:37

As someone with a slight twitch in my hand and always struggled to do the tech consistently this is a huge help for me, I’m happy for the change, but a toggle on and off in the settings might be more useful for people who have perfected the original super jump :)

@Lady_Sakura_Hime - 15.05.2022 19:41

its so hard to explain to non-mercy players why this change to Mercy is unwanted by many Mercy players. So far, every non-Mercy player friend I have have said that this makes her busted and too op but talking to my fellow Mercy mains I get a different reaction. Most of them find it to be a downgrade of the original.

My guess is that non-Mercy players assume that superjump is just that -- a straight line up in the air and nothing more, but to many who have studied Mercy movemnts its is painfully clear that the new change is a nerf to mercy overall movement and there is not as much flexibility to the new tech.

@sana_fanboi - 15.05.2022 22:29

I'm so sorry to be negative, but I absolutely hate this change. I don't get the point of making the superjump more reliable, to me the unreliableness is a part of the skill expressiveness. Not to be like "well, f*ck players who can't do it." but most, if not all, of the hard-to-perform mechanics in the game are like you either can do it or you can't, and you don't see any other hero getting a help for players who can't do some mechanic. Besides console players, which absolutely deserve this change, I don't think a help in performing the super jump, which is arguably not that hard to perform, should be implemented. If they ever decide to keep this change, I hope they make it optional like they did with the toggle GA thingy.

@darrenhoffmann5307 - 16.05.2022 01:02

let’s make super jump more easy than it already is while also removing half her kit. great idea making her easier and less useful because that’s what mercy needs rn. thanks blizzard.

@bravediamondcat22 - 17.05.2022 05:26

So Consol players have a easier time using both of the super jumb? Since for Consol we need to cronch before guardian angel, while the new one we need to cronch after using guardian angel.

@Raindeavor - 29.06.2022 01:22

I can't seem to do the infinite super jump, after mega jumping or super jumping when I try to keep jumping it instead either pulls me down or quickly flings me in some sideways direction, how do I fix this? I ultimately have tried your method and others out there x-x.

@spuppy21 - 03.12.2022 00:47

Took me a while to find you from Flats, quick settings question, for GA is it set to Toggle? And does it prefer Beam Target or Target that you are looking at?

@TheSaladTozzer - 15.04.2024 01:15

Is all of the stuff in this video still how it is in game? I can't get the megasuper jump to work at all

@Skiesti - 14.05.2022 23:30

What do you think? Are you at least a little convinced that this could be better/more complex for her after a few adjustments? Also here are ALL of my inputs to do the old tech:

Shift = GA
Mouse Button/MB = Crouch
Space = Jump

Crouch GA: Shift + Mouse Button at the same time > Let go of MB immediately but keep holding Shift.
Old SJ: Crouch GA inputs > MB sometime during GA to SJ OR Space (jump) near target.
Old SJ + Mega SJ: Old SJ inputs > MB 3.5 meters of GA target for Mega SJ
Old V Superjump: Crouch GA inputs > MB once you reach target to V SJ
Old SJ Rez: Crouch GA inputs > Space near target > Start Rez
