Counting in KOREAN is Soooo… 🫨

Counting in KOREAN is Soooo… 🫨

Marlon Aleister

1 год назад

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@lindalarsson1436 - 26.12.2023 21:43

Just write number down

@Sapnapslefttoenail - 26.12.2023 23:38

How long does it take to learn Korean? I've always wanted to learn but Idk how long it takes and Google keeps giving me different answers 💀💀💀

@missmoon0184 - 27.12.2023 01:37

Why be compliceted is so fun for languages....JUST PICK ONE.
Maybe the one with your name in it eh Korea?

@Lady_3128 - 27.12.2023 02:44

It doesn't make sense but that tally is so fricking cool

@AuniFackrell - 27.12.2023 03:35

they do tallies like that in japanese to

@gami2406 - 28.12.2023 00:56

Try Japanese lmao, Korean will be the easiest counting system you've seen.

@mattrose99 - 28.12.2023 01:25

Its usually easier to do math in your native language, but then Ive seen some Germans say when they started knowing english well enough to do math they switch to that. In german numbers are wierd, Ive never seen someone with english as thier first language to math in German.

@lesterabastillas9291 - 28.12.2023 02:29

There's a biological reason why learning numbers in another language is notoriously difficult. Diction and communication activate separate regions of your brain, and numeracy activates another region. It's basically teaching yourself another language, too! 😂

@lieblingmikazuki488 - 28.12.2023 04:50

In Japanese they have different ways of counting for everything😭😭

@animotedmoshroom1752 - 28.12.2023 09:16

Japense people over here with like, 100 different counting systems

@Bob_Smith - 28.12.2023 18:36

as someone who has been studying Japanese for years!! This is fine

@BeMyArt - 28.12.2023 18:53

I think i saw how Lisa made/ almost made a mistake in counting languages at some show, and they laughed at her even so she's foreigner. Typical korean MCs attitude 🙄

@Idkmanjustgowithit - 29.12.2023 08:21

Interesting. I lived in South Korea for two years and I never once saw someone tally numbers like that...

@princessjoyhernandez6054 - 29.12.2023 08:33

😅Meanwhile, Manila got 3: English, Filipino, And Spanish numbering systems

@MeiMei91 - 29.12.2023 10:45

When I was learning Korean I picked up sino quicker than native just bc I know Chinese. Ngl I Learned Korean and passed my classes using Japanese and Chinese to help me remember.

@somedudeonyoutubefrfr - 29.12.2023 12:31

Using the chinese character instead of IIII is genius!

@Jkm95 - 30.12.2023 06:25

일제 시대부터 정자로 해서 그렇게 된건데 다들 모르넹...
일본이 통치할때 학교에서 그리배운거.

@Rainbow_sparkle2301 - 30.12.2023 12:44

Wow that going to be hard but determination we can all do it

@jasonszeto7790 - 30.12.2023 14:58

Bro that’s confusing

@KenKobayashiRasmussen - 31.12.2023 18:12

Try counting in Japanese, haahaha

@lonk948 - 31.12.2023 20:39

And i thought french counting was confusing to remember

@whattheysayk9558 - 02.01.2024 00:13

1 gay 2 gay 😎

@genegene2417 - 02.01.2024 06:58

Us Chinese use 正 for tallying too!

@Animegami - 03.01.2024 10:01

Its the same in japanese and chinese. Im out here learning or using the languages and im like, why cant we just say the same word for numbers

@UandMeDasame - 03.01.2024 16:22

That's a load of baloney. As a korean living here, what he's saying is not true
Plus, he's got the phrase wrong,
You can just say
"김치찌개 하나주새요"
Kimchi jiggae hana ju se yo
Please give me one kimchi stew

@Scoobydoobysoob - 03.01.2024 18:08

crying why does it have to be so difficult💔🤕

@soup-de2jf - 03.01.2024 19:40

Haha though I’m Japanese and not Korean, I’ve definitely hear your struggles with counting! InJapanese, depending on what you are counting, the noun and number would CHANGE! So for example, if you are counting a orange you would say i (one) ko (replacement noun for small objects) but this would change when going to different things! like counting cars you would say ichi (one) dai (replacement noun for vehicles). Though this is easy for Japanese people to grasp, I feel bad for the people who had to learn all of this. Have fun learning Korean! I think it will definitely be worth it knowing how amazing Korean cuisine is 🤭

@remy4807 - 05.01.2024 08:25

I am Korean and I just realised that we call times mixing korean and chinese letters for the numbers 😂 It just so natural for Koreans but it could seem weird to people learning Korean. I don’t know the rules either😂

@ricprodri - 07.01.2024 01:55

But you have countable and uncountable , and measure things in miles, yard and foot😅

@yogismokes1628 - 09.01.2024 11:57

Sorry Koreans but this is kinda dumb 😅

@angellyprado574 - 09.01.2024 21:13

The numbers and the batching are the most difficult to learn in Korean

@sunnyskies.. - 11.01.2024 06:45

this is the thing im struggling with the most while learning korean, its so difficult!!

@jo16431 - 12.01.2024 06:05

Back in the international school, my Korean friend and I didn’t know how to count like westerners when taking a vote. So we both counted with 正 on the whiteboard. Everyone in the class gave us confused faces.

@desterysmith4200 - 13.01.2024 00:23

So intriguing, I love your videos! Choosing a language to study and South Korea is on my bucketlist in the next few years :) stoked

@pauladaniels273 - 17.01.2024 19:14

I wonder if it's on the same level as the global world using numbers and roman numbers

@rosedawg7895 - 19.01.2024 23:51

Yes the counting and two numbers system does my head in. Time and money in Korean ,area my brain work very hard.

@ThexxxHaloxxxMaster - 21.01.2024 11:36

I just saw this the other day in the Solo Leveling anime and just thought “what sort of wacky ass tally marks are those” lol

@lasvegascity - 22.01.2024 04:19

This dude only lived for three years and already sounds so native

@sortaspicey9278 - 22.01.2024 06:42

after I found out counting in French actually requires doing math at the same time I just gave up honestly

@user-op3ij7yr9n - 23.01.2024 05:29

It's a kind of thing like one two three and first second third thing which can be confusing to non native speaker

@dango4ever719 - 24.01.2024 13:45

It’s not that hard… I learned it with proper use cases within a month of living there.

@RubyChiang - 24.01.2024 17:01

Oh we count like that too! 😄 Its a really cool way to count!

@jasslee1989 - 09.02.2024 05:33

I may be biased, but numbers in Chinese is quite easy, like 1is one horizontal line, 2 is 2 lines & 3 is 3 lines, but after it changes like 4 is written 四 & 5 is written 五

@헤라헤라-y8m - 19.02.2024 07:28

Uh... isn't it same for English and other countries...?

@nubuju631 - 20.02.2024 21:57

No idea what was just said 😂

@liagamer4265 - 02.03.2024 05:38

Omg thank you bro I thought I was tripping because kdramas often have a theme around people turning the legal age/18 or 19 and I would always hear "열여덟" (Yeol yeo-deol(b) or "열아홉" (Yeol ah-hobh) and I was SO LOST as to what numbers they was using and why they aint say "싶팔" (sip-pal) or "싶구" (Sip-gu) or something instead omg 😭

@snowy6156 - 07.03.2024 02:25

Yeah, Chinese tally is the same as Korean with using 正

@Memeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee1218 - 07.03.2024 13:49

tbh i overcame this problem and ive been studying for 3 years😭

@anyalee796 - 07.03.2024 20:12

Also, big numbers aren't separated in 3 digits but in 4 digits. Ex. they don't do 1.000.000 but 1.0000.0000

@smama29 - 14.03.2024 10:44

same as japan. . still cant memorized everything
