We’re are thrilled to be participating in the Big Give Christmas Challenge again this year to raise funds to launch a brand-new Rose Vouchers for Fruit and Veg Project in Tower Hamlets, East London.
During the campaign week, which runs between 12pm on November 30th and 12pm on 7th December, every donation made to the charity will be DOUBLED.
With high levels of need in Tower Hamlets, alongside excellent children’s centres and vibrant local markets, Tower Hamlets is the ideal location to launch our eighth Rose Vouchers for Fruit and Veg Project.
Initially, the project will launch at three local children’s centres and Chrisp Street Market, which is in the heart of Poplar. The children’s centres will recruit local families that will benefit most from the Rose Vouchers and encourage them to spend their vouchers at Chrisp Street Market, so they get to choose the fruit and veg they want and need for their families.
It’s continued to be a challenging and uncertain year for everyone, with the demand for our Rose Vouchers for Fruit & Veg increasing by 24%. More families than ever are struggling to afford fresh fruit and veg and provide healthy choices for their children. Our work has never been more needed!
Rose Vouchers for Fruit and Veg will ease the pressure on families forced to make difficult choices in Tower Hamlets by giving them the spending power to access a reliable source of fresh fruit and veg. With your help we will give parents peace of mind and their children the healthiest possible start.
This is your chance to make a real, direct impact on the lives of those living in food poverty, and as donations are being doubled for this week only, you’ll be helping two families instead of one at no extra cost to you. One donation, twice the impact.