Having worked on films such as 'Chak De India!' and 'Rockstar', Ashima Chibber (@ashimachibber) showed a lot of promise as an assistant director back then. Her knack for narrating an engaging story wasn't just seen in her directorial debut 'Mere Dad Ki Maruti' but was applauded in the gut-wrenching 'Mrs. Chatterjee vs. Norway' that released last year. The real-life story of an immigrant Indian mother's battle against the Norwegian foster care system to win back the custody of her child touched hearts aplenty. Bazaar India's Sonal Ved (@sonalved) speaks to the filmmaker about what it takes to create movies centred on sensitive subjects, how women and men approach women-centric roles, and more.
To watch the full video click on the link in bio.
Digital Editor: Sonal Ved (@sonalved)
Editorial Coordinator: Shalini Kanojia (@shalinikanojia)
Video Editor: Sanjana Ahire (@sanjanaaaaaaaaa_)
Studio space by (@isprava)
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