I love this game. Normally I don't play this style of game and honestly I stumbled into it and the logistics sucked me in. You can use tactics that literally shaped our modern border in irl and oh man I could go on and on but honestly havnt had but one bug and it's easily avoidable. I suck at tournaments wich is a bit of a pride hurter, but beating a 1000+ army with 200 soldier just because you can make split decision tactics is another level of joy. Sorry yall just needed to tell some one who gets it 😅
ОтветитьI bought this game, and completely undecided on it.
ОтветитьI'm very new I have only played like 3 hours on this game honestly this is still confusing me but that might be cause I'm a massive idiot and this game is just pretty confusing in general
ОтветитьThe hogs and sheep made me lose money lol
ОтветитьThe tutorial is absolute garbage on ps5 for sure. This is my second go at trying to like this game and after the very first bit where you practice combat skills, I have no idea what’s happening. I get to the first village and I’m supposed to get supplies with zero indicators where to get supplies and nobody will talk to me? Idk what the skills or stats do lol idk they could’ve done a much better job on console
ОтветитьSorry you set your guys on how you want them to fight and they do it. Remember as you get money and more castles and town you can make them lords so as a lord you set them up for the way you like them to fight for you. Some guys are better at setting up their own way to fight you will see it on the battlefield. If you make them lords get the leadership up high and there other tact moves
ОтветитьSmithing can be done by everyone, in fact using multiple people helps with early smithing stamina when breaking down items or materials
ОтветитьBetter to not use companions to fill the slots in your party. if you carry all 9 types of food you level way faster filling them yourself.
ОтветитьThanks this helped me
ОтветитьSeeing this is just a stark reminder that your build really isn't that important.
I, personally, would never run with two melee skills, and running a campaign without Charisma is hard mode. You're "still" a monster in battle with a stat spread of 2, 3, 3, 3, 7, 7, with both of those 7s on Cha and Int, but the things you get from the mental stats you cannot get from any other skills. You can safely level up 9 skills as you level up, or a 10th if you don't mind points in the game where a skill or two is frozen.
Seriously, you "can" run a Kingdom without charisma, but those last three perks in the Charisma line are so incredibly busted and reduce your end game grind (the worst part of the game) so incredibly much. AT 7+5 you're at 288 which gives you 7 free influence per day, an extra companion slot, double relationship gains when fighting alongside allies, 30 percent more renown from all sources, full refunds on your influence spent when something you voted for or against fails, and nearly 2.5 times the relationship gained for notables, including commanders, again from all sources, and even with both cunning and endurance at 2 or 3, you can still get the important feats from those trees, including the combo that makes it super hard for nobles to escape when captured (not 100 percent anymore, but it's still stupidly long with the combo, months and months without escapes at times.)
I've ran both kinds of builds though, social stats for my empire run and combat monster for my destroy the empire run. Combat monsters "are" really fun, but I "still" wouldn't be doing multiple weapon types for either melee or ranged.
I only started this today, seems like a lot of fun but the combat seems so hard to get used to! I am on console though does rhat make a difference?
ОтветитьThis knowledge is so good thanks bro
ОтветитьThanks for remiding me about perks, companions always have such mess in there
ОтветитьI prefer use my lords for caravans and another armies so I put my points into social and intelligence . And I am still killing machine with 2 hands sword :)
ОтветитьThis is a good video. I would just add a couple of caveats. With regard to using companions... you have to look closely at the perks of the trees companions can use. Particularly who can use the perks. If it says "Personal" or "Clan Leader" or "party leader" then you have to take these perks yourself. Meaning you don't want to use a companion.
This is especially important in the Scouting and Medicine perk trees. Two of the most powerful perks in the game, namely Minister of Health in the Medicine line and Keen Sight in the Scouting line can only be taken by the party leader (Minister of Health reads as Personal but it essentially means the same thing). They're both exceptionally powerful, game changing perks that a lot of new players don't understand how they work.
Stewardship and Engineering don't have any of these kinds of perks, so it's worth using Companions to fill these roles. Medicine and Scouting, though, unless you are playing a character who doesn't care about getting the most bang for their buck (say on lower difficulties), I would say always take these skills yourself just because of the perks only you can make use of.
With regard to doing the main story. Just don't. The campaign in Bannerlord is one of the most horribly obnoxious things you will ever do. Don't do it unless you hate yourself. Because if you do... you will end up hating the game. I've only ever finished the campaign twice, to see both outcomes. Which are barebones at best and not worth the sheer misery you have to put yourself through to get there. Either play Sandbox, or just ignore the yellow quest markers entirely. They dropped the ball so far down a hole it is now orbiting the core of the earth with the campaign in Bannerlord. Avoid it at all costs. You won't be punished for not doing it. You only get punished for engaging with it.
I have never, ever seen a story mode done so badly in a game... literally ever. You don't get rewarded for anything you do. You only get punished for everything you don't do. And once you get past the "Talk to X people for text wall lore dumps you don't care about"... the campaign punishes you for not engaging with it. The only thing you get at the end is a stat screen. And a weak cut scene that doesn't care if you make your own kingdom or simp for one of the established factions. It's massively lazy. The developers clearly have no idea how to do the RPG part of their game whatsoever. Honestly, all new players to the game... avoid the campaign. You'll be glad you did.
Imperial Legionary or Vlandian Sargent
with Vlandian Voulgier 1 to 3
Battanien Highborn Warrior
Imperial Elite Cataphract or Vlandian Banner Knight
Horse Archer:
Khuzait Khans Guard
Even after 994 hours theres somethings I didnt know about the game in here, though I havent played sinnce 2022. anyways great job on the video, you dont have enough subs :(
ОтветитьWow thanks, I've played for a while now and still learned some things!
ОтветитьThis is probably the most in depth video I've seen yet. I haven't organized any troops and just kind've accepted having a mix of random high tier troops but definitely gonna take tips from this for my army
ОтветитьI play exactly opposite, 9 points in social for max trading, 6 int 6 cng. Then lvl the others as needed.
Make so much money from trade the buy all of calradia.
Brilliant video, explained very well coming from someone that just downloaded but hasn’t started yet
ОтветитьI’m very new to it, but I haven’t had a game that I’ve been excited about since… God knows… Can’t even think. This is great! I got my arse handed to me last night by some bandits, so gonna go back and demolish them after work. 😂
ОтветитьIm playing on console and the command controls (army) are so hard and not so practical
ОтветитьOne time I was down bad after a fight loss and had no troops. I got tracked down by a group of 7 looters and fucked all of them up. They didn’t know who they were fucking with.
ОтветитьCan this be played offline?
ОтветитьHow do you raise companions level in roguery
Ответитьcoming from warband, I remember the meta was to death stack swadian knights, is death stacking one type of troop viable in bannerlord or would you recommend a mix like you described. Im sure a mix is good in warband too but for the sake of cheesing the game a bit
ОтветитьGood guide, but you advised allocating scouting to a companion, meaning you miss an almost essential personal skill from the scouting tree "keen sight" which pairs perfectly with the personal skill from the riding tree called "mounted patrols" these 2 perks together prevent nobals and Kings from escaping when you take them prisoner, as long as they are in your party, meaning you can criple a nation fairly easily in a series of small one on one fights with each noble from an enemy faction, then keep them all prisoner, preventing them from taking up arms against you when you begin to siege their castles.
What's more, once you have taken a nobles property for yourself and have them as a prisoner, if you speak to them, they are MUCH more likely to join you as a vassle
Ira is my wife. It’s weird seeing her in your army lol
Ответить"I've completely abandoned control and intelligence."
I see, you're making me for your lord.
I do like to invest in tactics because some targets just aren’t worth jumping into a full battle for. But it ends up helping in the long run when I have 100+ troops and want to hunt down other parties that have under 40 and maybe lose 1-2 units, which I can just replace anyway
ОтветитьI shouldn't set auto perk point spending for companions then? I'm very new lol just been doing lots of looter fights and tournys..kinda nervous to go full ham.. mainly because i feel i can't control my men/women in battle.. i try move say archers up to a better position yet yet everyone goes 😂 I'm on ps5 playing it but generally i find the controls to be pretty well adjusted considering it's probably set up primarily for MK.. i just don't know why i can't seem to micromanage troop's after the initial tactic set up pre battle . Any suggestions? It must be the banners at the top.. maybe there's something am going wrong there dunno.. it's annoying tho.. end up everyone just goes all in ha 😂
ОтветитьGreat video! What is the best way to level up roguery? I’ve never had luck with doing that without pissing a bunch of people off. Any tips on that would be great!
ОтветитьPs5. Buying Sheep and Hogs. To slaughter and resell. Does not work. I lose 7 gold everytime
ОтветитьYour older brother is trash now that his points are alrdy allocated
Ответить"Steppe" does not require a "ie" at the end. Its just "Step."
ОтветитьAs a Warband veteran, maybe a bit out of practice, but I found trying to do arenas super early with no gear or levels, is extremely difficult, especially in Battania and Sturgia. They swing so much faster and on realistic difficulty, I can only survive 2-3 hits, sometimes one if I'm headshotted. Any tips to help me out with the arena fights? Or is this just a, git gud situation I'm dealing with? Again, I have a lot of practice with the Mount and Blade combat system, but it definitely seems like an uphill battle when facing off against lords and higher-level infantry in a 1v1.
ОтветитьThanks for the tips! It was a bit difficult to understand you in some parts of the video where you sped up your speech and didn't enunciate as much. The parts where you spoke deliberately with enunciation were much better. Just some feedback so I can better make out what you're saying when I listen to your videos in an echoey bathroom while I shower.
Ответитьsea raiders a quick way to deal with them is form your frontline into a shieldwall and order them to advance to enemy this will keep the raiders coming towards your frontline troops have your archers form up in a long line in loose formation on the highest point behind your advancing frontline then have any horsemen including mounted bow follow you around to one of the far left or right of the battle map and get behind the raiders then order a full rear charge the instant your frontline is in combat this will take out over 80% of the in the anvil charge but as soon as the charge is done reorder your cav to follow and fall back and then repeat by the 3rd charge most enemies will be dead the rest will be running away and be easy targets for your horsemen this also works for any other inf based army
Ответитьis there a way to prevent feifs from accepting troop donations? I sometimes want to keep upkeep costs low on feifs away from boarders but nobles keep donating to them when they visit
ОтветитьWhat a lame way to cheese the game early on with the hogs and sheep
ОтветитьHaven’t played since launch absolutely loved the game back then, this has been a great guide for a returning player such as myself! 👍😃
ОтветитьI've played warband for literally like a decade+ at this point.
Was really late into bannerlord but I have about 150 hours at this point in time. It's not too bad, but the subtle differences throw me off a little, so now I'm here.
Learned a thing or two :p
Only recently bought this on the suggestion of a friend following a discussion about Total War.
His description was ‘Total War but you battle too’ which peeked my interest.
First video I saw was exactly that. Player moving to higher grounds for a better overview to formulate a strategy before storming into the battle. Before the battle had gotten underway, the game was in my cart and by the end of the battle it was in my games library
Since then, it feels like every video I’ve watched has a different focus every time from battle sim to politics and diplomacy
Before I jump headlong into the game, I was hoping someone could help me with a couple of Qs I have:
- Do you have a lot of tactical control of battles?
- Do tactics make any difference or is it ‘through in more troops to win’?
- As much as I realise this isn’t a historically accurate
Thank you so much in advance to everyone able to assist and thank you, Knightly, for making this vid. I usually catch the ‘Beginner Tips’ for games
Again, thank you everyone even if you inlybrook the time to just read the question
Thanks, I think there is stuff in here that even an experienced player can benefit from.
Ответитьso the strategy from MB 1 still work on MB 2. gather all companion give them blunt weapon hunt sea rider= profit
ОтветитьCan someone explain why don’t see any ladders when I siege a castle or a town
ОтветитьLittle note , you dont get to use your own gear in tournanents