Does anybody know about a company called Cordoba debt relief? I’m trying to figure out if they are legit but hard to know.
ОтветитьWould love see/hear the 1 yr f/up on this PLEASE 🎉
ОтветитьYou could hear how much Dave cared and wanted to help this guy.
ОтветитьHoly s#$# this guy is good
ОтветитьI canceled them b4 i had to pay
ОтветитьI don’t understand. How can your credit heal when you settled with all of them? Won’t that be on your credit history?
ОтветитьLiterally just file bankruptcy
ОтветитьShit he got money
ОтветитьOmg, I’m so glad I found this video. Thanks Dave you just saved my life. I was just about to call one of these jokers. Shit, dodged a bullet.
ОтветитьWith debt relief companies the only way to have debt relief is to put all your bills on the ground and whiz on them.
ОтветитьStupid advice. What a tool. Yeah you're 90k in debt but sure, talk to Ramsey and now you can do it all yourself. Get rid of the help and go back to bad decision making. Don't worry though, he's making money off your call....
ОтветитьThis is out of this world. I stumbled upon something with a similar message, and it was absolutely astonishing. "Mastering Money Mindfulness" by Benjamin Hawk
ОтветитьBeen through bankruptcy twice. Once in my 20's for credit cards. Chapter 13 payback. Then in my late 30's to stop foreclosure on my house after stint of unemployment. Also Chapter 13.
ОтветитьDebt settlement can work but it depends on who the debt is with and how much. The settlement company typically gets their cut first which is a killer. Then you keep saving and they will get you good settlements and stop the phone calls. BUT and this is a big but, after all this, you get a 1099-C at the end of each year to claim the forgiven amount as INCOME to you. So in the end when they tell you you’ll save 50 to 70% it’s false. By the time interest adds up while they wait to settle, and you pay their fees and you pay taxes on the forgiven amount that the settlement company gets to write off, you maybe save 20-30% after it’s all said and done. Once the debt is cleared your credit bounces back pretty fast actually and all of it falls off your report after several years. If I had to do it again, I’d rather cut out the middleman and implement the program and negotiate on my own. The first card you focus on will be very happy followed by the second. A few will be unhappy with you for a while. It’s just a messy thing to do. It can work but don’t expect to save nearly what they promise. It’s one of those situations where they’re technically telling the truth but it’s not the whole picture.
ОтветитьDo not listen to this man! He’s worth hundreds of millions of dollars. He has no business telling people how to handle finances who are broke. He has no idea what he’s saying because he’s rich & will never be in a hardship or know the feeling. This guy is a conman.
ОтветитьThis call is BS. Now way a pizza delivery guy has $90k in debt making $2k a month. This is a fake call. No way this is true!
Ответитьis debt relief program same as bankruptcy?
ОтветитьI used a debt consolidation company to handle two credit card debts I had,total was about 15k and interest was about to start kicking in,I ended up paying around 9k total to settle both debts without it going into collections and pay the fees to the company ,I was happy with the outcome
ОтветитьJust file bankruptcy already
ОтветитьThe island of misfit toys😂
ОтветитьI was on a debt relief program few years ago...So far had been receiving updates & communication from them of what were the updates & transactions done...
Thank God I'm done with it.
ОтветитьDon't do any credit counseling service. Whatever they call themselves debt relief whatever! It'll still take you forever to pay off your debt and you're giving them money to help you. I did this a long time ago and I got nowhere. I cut it off and realized the only person that's going to get you out of debt is you. Take time out. Don't buy anything. Save your money. Get your debt paid off. That's the only way. Don't ask for help. Businesses are in the business for themselves not to help you. And I'll say it again. The only person that's going to get you out of your debt is you!!!
ОтветитьBe single! Save your money! Stay out of debt!
Live your life!
If he has changed his behavior, so he doesn't end up here again, this guy might actually be bankrupt.
ОтветитьHow are debt relief company's scammers? All they really are essentially are people who negotiate your debt settlements for you. That's it. They are for people who are going to go behind on their payments anyway because they were morons with their finances in the first place. Instead of negotiating yourself, you hire a debt relief company. It's a service. If you want to try to negotiate with all of them yourself, go for it. With a debt relief company, you are hiring experienced professionals who will get you the best settlement possible, if you go with a top-rated company in the US.
ОтветитьPay 1500-200 bankruptcy lawyer they'll file 2 of friends have done this n it's easy
ОтветитьWhat is John here for? The emotional support and therapy?
ОтветитьHello Dave Ramsey,
I listened to some of your program, I will be honest, I am not real familiar with your program, I just came a crossed it, because I am trying to get information regarding debt relief programs and bankruptcy. Long store short I am a retiree and I am in a financial struggle, and have been researching Debt Relief Program's and Bankruptcy. I have listened to what you did say briefly about the relief program. However what or where do you recommend for a Retiree to look into for some type of help, I do not qualify for a loan. Other than these two options. Thank you.
Damn! $90K in credit card debt! Made my day better 😂
ОтветитьIT'S A BIG SCAM!!! Don't you know, if you pay $1.00 monthly TO YOUR CREDITORS.....AND NOT THIS DEBT SCAM, NO ONE can come after you. They will look at you making an effort to pay your debt.
One doesn't need, yet ANOTHER 'scam company' ripping you off. STAY AWAY FROM ALL THESE RIP-OFF SCAMS.
We don't get things FOR free......we get them FREE. 99 percent of the public seem to believe FOR FREE is correct grammar. Excuse me while I barf! It is NOT correct grammar. CORRECTION: We get things FREE...
ОтветитьBankruptcy is a no brainer for this guy.
ОтветитьAmazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money. I started investing with $150k and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $274,800. Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and get more interesting. For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family.
ОтветитьI'm not paying my student loans back. Joe Biden lied to the American people, now it's time for us to lie back to the feds!
There are over 10 million borrowers about to go into default for student loans. The government agency that handles this sector is understaffed and buried in paperwork. The chances they even get to my account in the next 10 years is VERY low.
Take that money that was going to go to your student loan payment and give it to small businesses. Support your local shops so they can feed their families. Enjoy life. It disappears when we die anyway and heaven is eternal! Worldly debts mean nothing to the Lord, He is power over it all :)
sounds like Beyond Finance
ОтветитьHe sounds like he have and addiction. Maybe gambling
ОтветитьI don't think these companies are incompetent. I think they know exactly what they're doing. I will beg the differ to say they are competent in doing exactly what they do and thats ripping people off.
ОтветитьWow! ...good conversation.
ОтветитьOr you can walk away and let the credit card companies come to you. I had one company screw with me for 3 years. I finally just walked away. It is unsecured debt. They can't put you in debtors prison. Also, get them to clean up your credit reports. Make them contact each of the three: TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. You don' pay else they send a letter to each stating the account has been settled in full.
Ответить“Morons” 🤣 hey now I used to be a debt collector when I was 20-28 and I was making over 50k. I
In all seriousness tho it’s a slippery slope and taking back your life is totally up to you and a solid plan 💪🏾
I've been crying for days because I went to Secure One Financial who signed me up with GRT Financial to pay 5 creditors, which was the biggest mistake of my life... They have it in their contract but everything they say is misleading especially their "settlement summary"... On my settlement summary it implies 32 months of payments. They also imply it's on the enrollment amount, which they let interest and fees pile up and that's part of the price and so it's actually going to take at least 62 weeks due to that and their fees... What's worse is whatever they save if over $600 can be reported to the IRS as income... What the hell? It's not... It's a fricken racket and once you agree to just one settlement offer you have to pay them. So do yourself a favor and learn from my mistake. If you just stop paying the creditors chances are you can bargain yourself, they'll offer settlements but you'll be asked to pay in 3 months... just wait... then call and
ОтветитьDebt relief worked for me. It's like doing what Ramsey just said but with a company that holds you accountable to send in your monthlies. Doing it on your own is like giving candy back to the one who just ate up the whole jar of candy. That person already has a record of not paying their debt! After 14 months of paying into the debt relief program, I wonder what happens to the money he left on the table that was not yet used to negotiate a debt.
ОтветитьWhy not just file bankruptcy and not pay anything more at all? You could start saving everything for yourself and then move forward in a much stronger position
ОтветитьBankrupt 😢 Don't worry no debit prison. Government's business all walk away and move on 😮.
ОтветитьI just signed up with a debt consolidation program, I'm going to opt out. What they didn't tell me was that they are going to charge me 25 percent after they pay off each of my creditors...that's why they say it could be a 48 month program at a set amount each month. So part of my set amount that I deposit with them goes to paying off the creditors then they take my set mount that I deposit & apply it toward the 25 percent I owe the debt consolidation company for each debt settled. The rep that signed me up said that fee is already built into your monthly deposit....never mentioned the additional 25 percent owed to them after they settle each debt...they drag it out over 48 months to get that 25 percent percent of each original debt that I owe. Definitely opting out today
ОтветитьCredit is not destroyed he can rebuild that score fast
ОтветитьRamsey your damn Rich can I borrowed $45k