46 한강물길2 - 선유도 여의도샛강길 Seonyudo - Yeoeudo River Ecological Forest

46 한강물길2 - 선유도 여의도샛강길 Seonyudo - Yeoeudo River Ecological Forest


55 лет назад

8 Просмотров

Seonyudo was not originally an island. It was one of the superb views of the Han River. The willow forests and golden sandy beaches of the River were famous. Now it was opened to the park.
Maps for the park.
Former Purification Facility.
Storage Tank
View Point
Greenhouse Botanical Garden
Wide green grass in the park
In the course to Yeoeudo
The road to Congress Hall
Yeoeudo River Ecological Forest
Riverside Ecological Circle Route
Maps for Riverside Ecological Circle Route
Pond in the course
Road in Riverside Ecological Circle Route
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